Pressure Pressure Pressure!!


Oh ladies I am suffering. Been housebound for the last 2 days with really intense pressure down there. I have lost track of my cycle and am sincerely hoping this is just a case of a bad period on its way but my goodness it feels like my uterus must weigh 20 lbs and its laying right ontop of my bladder. I can barely walk around the house its so uncomfortable and I have to keep my bladder empty or the pressure just gets worse.

I just want to go to bed and stay there. I really cannot think of or do anything to get relief. This is the first time in ages that I have had to continually take 10 minutes periodically throughout the day to lye down just to give me a break from it. I really did not want to give in to a pessary yet but days like this make me feel like its impossible not to.



P.S. Just posted this in the wrong forum and have posted it again here. Can one of the moderators delete the other?

Hang in there. Remember those good days you had so recently. For now, use this opportunity to rest. Take a soothing bath. Stay in bed as much as you can. Can someone help out with the kids? Take good gentle care of yourself.

I am gonna have to do something. The prolapses are BAAAD the 'roids are BAAAD and the 'roids can't heal because the prolapse is BAAAD. I'm not constipated but just can't get it out so have to do a warm water enema EVERY DAY just to be able to go. My tailbone hurts and my back hurts. I am a mess and feel like something has happened. Perhaps a new prolapse like entrocele has fallen ontop of everything, I don't know but you cannot learn to live well with these symptoms, its impossible!

This is just misery ontop of misery.

Hi Anita

See your topic Good Days/Bad Days. Your initial post on that topic was 10 February, and you said you were on the end of your period (and obviously at the end of your tether then too). Looks like you are just in that part of the month again if you have 30 day cycles. ((Anita)).

Hopefully it will be gone again in a few days. Please please write your dates of the start of periods on a calendar or something. It may just save you a lot of worry. I know it is hard to remember to write them down when you are stressed. I just got one too, after having a belly full of unfinished business for the last three days. What a relief it was to find a bleed this morning! I feel so much better tonight.

It will pass.



Anita have you tried the v2 supporter yet? It helps a lot for the pressure. The only time it didn't help me was when I had my period. The pressure was way too much down there.

It didn't cross my mind to go through MY old posts but yes you are right 10 Feb I was at the end of my period, not sure where I was but I am definately due if not overdue a period. My cycles have been short recently, 23-24 days and I worked out that if I was on say day 5-7 when I posted that then I am now on day 26-28. I really hope its just a doozy of a period on its way and relief is also on its way! I am usually a 27-28 day cycle.

Yes I know I should keep a diary of these things so I can work out a pattern but I am so lazy in that respect. Will try to remember to start doing that from now on.

Just having a really lazy day today and have spent most of it either sitting or lying down on the sofa (and freaking out a little).


I don't know much about POP, only new here so don't have any suggestions.

But big ((hugs)) cos' i can imagine how you feel.
I hope today brings a more comfortable day for you.
Take care of yourself


I have a bladder prolapse , if feels like the pressure of it is worse then it has ever been.
can anyone tell me if it gets worse as you go along.

Hi Tess - Prolapse does need attention or it will get worse. How are you managing your prolapse now? Have you looked into the Whole Woman work? - Surviving

Yes I have looked into the whole workout, I bought the book ,have been reading it. I do a lot of walking.

Hi Tess - workouts and walking are great, but the posture is the key to all of this. Are you understanding the concepts of relaxed belly, lifted chest, re-creating lost lumbar curvature so your pelvice organs have a place to move forward, and out of the vaginal space? Aim to teach yourself to live in this posture all your waking hours. It isn't easy, but with time and patience and work, you can achieve it. - Surviving

I am so happy that I have someone to talk to, m0st people don,t even want to talk to you about this.
what tool do you think I should get besides the book.

welcome to this brilliant support group here,even tho it is not the club u might choose !! I have the book which is an excellent bible for reference and education and the dvd which has helped me most is The First Aid for Prolapse.I too have bladder prolapse. The dvd shows you how to sit,stand,walk and exercise in a way which actually helps your prolapse . It features Christine and some other people in keep fit kit which makes it easy to see the posture and positions u r aiming for. Sometimes I do the exercises,which are set to relaxing music, and other times I revisit the posture section to remind myself. I think this dvd may also be available on line as live streamin. The posture shown by Christine is also on utube. Good luck :)

I just got the DVD and book too and the book has a lot of info in it I find I have to read and re read and re read again, to digest it all, but the part where I get to ' see it ' in action is the most helpful, atleast for me anyway, always have been that way. If you don't have any DVDs from here, get them, you are making an investment in the only body you will ever have. Someone once told me years ago take care of the one I have as I will not be able to trade it for a newer model when it starts to do things I don't like, and being young and stupid then I really didn't pay her much mind, but those words of wisdom have come back to me and especially now of all times in my life, it means the most. I am looking into diet and while I am aiming high with a lot I expect to achieve in regards to WW, healthier living, healthier eating, I also realize it is a day to day journey, one change at at a time. For me atleast, slow change is the best change, I am more likely to keep it up.



Tessyellow, we are right there with you in this.