Getting things right with the posture/ fire breathing


Have been doing posture for a few days and feel a bit lightheaded/faint - I reckon this could be a good thing, as blood may be releasing from previously tense muscles, my shoulders feel fantastic. I believe feeling this way is a common response to the Alexander Technique, which also works on posture. I'm guessing this means I am doing something right.

Does anyone have any tips on directing the outbreath with the posture? I breathe in and then up to extend lower abdomen then lengthen up to my chest but what about the out breath?

When attempting firebreathing my in-breaths are quite short, is this just a case of needing more practice?

Also, Does anyone know if the Masai Barefoot Technology (MBT) shoes would help you assume the posture? They seem to hold you in a more upright position anyway, but not sure about enhancing lumbar curve?

Thank you

Hi Moo Maa

Sometimes you have to take a step back from all of this and just do what comes naturally. I try to breathe in to my belly, which makes me relax my belly. I don't consciously breathe into my chest at all, but if my chest gets involved I don't stop it. Breathing into my chest just tenses my chest and shouders. I just breathe out when my body wants to, until my diaphragm is relaxed. It is as simple as that. I figure that we were designed to breathe into both belly and chest, with chest breathing being for heavy exertion, extra capacity if you like.

I have not got heavily into firebreathing yet. Have you looked at the firebreathing footage on the DVD? When I saw it, I was struck by how shallow the breathing is.

I am a seasoned shallow breather. I learned it while I was learning the Buteyko technique for asthma control (which worked well). The trick is to maintain some air in your lungs. Then you can shallow breathe for hours, if you have to. In my experience (and in my humble opinion) the only problem with shallow breathing is when you don't maintain enough air in your lungs. Then you literally run out of oxygen and get altitude sickness type symptoms. It is probably not very good for you either. It also can make you feel light headed, very tired, and nauseous.

When I think about it, I have come to the conclusion that a relaxed belly will suck the diaphragm downwards, which gives you more lung capacity naturally, so you tend to maintain some air in your lungs anyway. Try leaving your airways open, then suck your tummy in. I'll bet your lungs respond by exhaling.

I think it takes a while to undo old habits and relax into it. In the longer term you shouldn't have anything tense in your posture or breathing. It is kind of Zen.



Thanks for tips. Have seen the firebreathing on DVD yes breathing does look shallow, I usually need a breath inbetween to do it! I get the first part, which is very difficult to do with your shoulders down, but its also v difficult to do the out breath without moving your hips forward. Not quite sure which direction we are supposed to be moving the fascia and indeed which fascia is targetted. This info would help! Nauli is good though, although quite difficult to isolate movement - I find my mouth moving!!!


hey there.....i too have experienced the lightheaded and faint feeling that you described while in posture. I use to get it a lot in the beginning and i would even have a hard time breathing in fully. I have been doing the posture for about 5 months now and rarely get lightheaded unless its right when i wake up. Sometimes i catch myself not standing in posture and as soon as i get back into it i feel so much relief on my neck shoulders and of course pelvic organs. For as long as i can remember i have always had upper back and neck pain and i was always really tense...i am only 22. Since working on my posture the tenseness i felt has almost completely gone away and when i do the ballet work out from the WW book my arches feel so much better too. I have flat feet and have always suffered from shin splints and pain in the arches of my feet. All this has truely helped my body. Good Luck!