Pelvic Floor


Ok, well, I'm back - it's been about 3 mos. since I became very aware of an organ prolaps/with discomfort. Initially, I thought I was seeing my bladder. I finally allowed myself to see an acupuncturist/obgyn NP. She confirmed it was my cervix. Very strange. I was in disbelief for awhile. Sure went through lots of fear and other psychological stuff. Lots of anger too. Little pieces of hope have come to me all along the way - especially, this website. Also, I've learned of a specific herbal tincture called False Unicorn which clearly states it's for prolapse right on the bottle. Yea! The holistic side has been addressing this kind of problem for probably a lot longer than the medical world has been doing their surgeries. I've seen myself in so many items I've read. So, I've definitely come a long way - doing herbs,maca root,continued healthy eating, homeopathy, some of the dvd exercises, reminding myself to do the ww posture. Changing positions when I go to the bthrm. I've had glimpses of improvement, which make me feel so much better - hopeful. I did get a 2nd opinion, because my therapist saw me on a bad day and encouraged it. An NP, more medically oriented than the acup. I was quite nervous - I just don't do medical. She was good - really listened - I told her about this website (hope she really cks it out). She told me my pelvic floor was dropped, not my organs. And, that if I hadn't mentioned it, she wouldn't have spoken about it. ??? I'm a bit puzzled to hear her info. If anybody can comment on this , I do appreciate. I will continue all the good work I've been doing for myself and hope it gets super better. I'm still surprised as I share about pop with select few - some much older women, and they've never heard of it. Thanks all for being here. I have made some big steps. It does happen.

Well, I guess it is a matter of how you see it, and what you call it. The pelvic floor drops because the pelvic organs lose their fascial support, slip backwards and off the pubic bone and down the plughole, deforming the perineum and the vulva. The vulva may also extend further towards the anus if there has been some damage to the muscles and ligaments of the perineum, allowing the plughole to become bigger.

WW posture tips the organs forwards again and over the pubic bone, which holds them up like a shelf. At the same time the pelvic 'floor' tips from horizontal and convex to diagonal and pretty straight, cos there is no longer any weight on it. The weight is now directed downwards onto the pubic bones and the front abdominal wall. The pelvic floor is not actually a floor when you are in WW posture. It is really the back pelvic wall, and carries little weight.

They are both right in their own ways. For one practitioner to say that the other practitioner is wrong is pretty arrogant.

I think you would get a better explanation from Saving the Whole Woman.



Do you think the maca root and false unicorn have improved your prolapse, moved it higher, made it smaller or less irritation? What are those two products? I had read another post awhile back about tissue salts helping and I ran right out and bought a bottle. All it did was give me horrible heart palpitations. I am ready and willing to try anything that might help, but I hate to spend alot more money if I don't know what it is or if it will help. Thanks for any insight you can give me. Connie


Maca root was the very first supplement I tried - I really didn't notice much with that. I still take it on and off. Consistency is important False Unicorn, I definitely noticed a difference. It's clearly a uterus tonic - says its specifically for prolapse. The first time I took it, I felt a lot of energy/activity in my uterus. Intuitively it feels like it's very good for me. In fact, I'm taking a few other herbal tinctures and am out of the unicorn one , and am noticing a difference. I probably need to order another bottle asap. It's all experimental at this point. Which cell salts did you use? I've used sepia and calc fluor. Not sure if they helped. Doesn't hurt me tho. I suggest starting with the false unicorn. In healthstores, it's about $8 or $9. Let me know. Wish you the best. Dreamer(:

Thank you dreamer for the info. I have been doing some research on the false unicorn and it sounds good. I tried the calc fluor for several weeks and didn't notice any change in the prolapse. I have a very touchy heart since going into peri-menopause and about anything different sets off heart palps. I am going to give the false unicorn a try, I can always stop it if I have the skipped beats again. Thanks again, Connie