Induced labor and prolapse?


HI, I was just wondering if getting induced labor can cause prolapse? I was induced all 3 times. My last labor a year ago seemed to be about 5-6 hrs but even with epidural it was the most painful. I know there is a point when the baby comes out and they tell u not to push b/c it may cause the perineum to blow out....i was just wondering if all that can contribute to prolapse. I just remember it felt like the baby was ripping me up by staying in the birth canal for that extra time. But I just hope i can gain more information to help my daughter in the future. Thanks!

There is no question that epidurals and oxytocin-type drugs often lead to a slowed and interrupted second stage of labor.

If you feel a natural interest in this area, how about exploring midwifery or becoming a childbirth educator?

Hi Christine,

I guess experiencing POP first hand definitely opened my eyes to the needs of women of all ages. I am in the process of understanding how my body is working and do hope to help other women in the future. I was hoping to maybe make pelvic floor health a part of sex education class for girls one day or have pelvic floor classes alongside that of childbirth classes. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge.

I think POP has made me appreciate some of the "old wise tales" from my mom and other women. So I am asking all my girlfriends and talking to my mom. I find it helps us all to learn from each other. When we are young we feel invincible. The message sometimes doesn't get through. Hopefully we can educate girls before they have children. With that said, I am still trying to perfect ur standing position! ;)