Grading of prolapse and other stuff


If you want a plain language OK description of grading of prolapse and some explanation of side effects of prolapse check out this very long link to Chapter 58, Pelvic Organ Prolapse (by Raymond R Rackley MD), in Urology Secrets, by Martin I. Resnick, Andrew C. Novick, 3rd edition, 2003. He does go on to describe the surgical treatments, but he also describes some other things than can be happening in the pelvic region when prolapse occurs.

I hope this short chapter demystifies some of the things your doctor might tell you, and gets you thinking about what is happening in your pelvic region, and how some of these things might apply to your body, and what your might be able to do about them yourself.

He doesn't go as far as saying "lift your posture taller" but he is onto some other factors in pelvic pain, discomfort and loss of function that explain some symptoms that might mystify your doctor and cause ongoing worry and discomfort for you.


for purchase to the local library.

Thank you Louise, it looks good!