Nothing like a diagnosis to get my attention!


My last two (male) MDs told me my recent issues were "nothing". Ever the humbled one, I needed to try again, but this time I saw a woman my age. What a difference! I feel like I had a normal conversation -- a totally new experience for me in a doctor's office.

Anyway, after the usual physical, I asked her to check me for prolapse and sure enough, she felt it. Rather than depress me, it made me feel that I am not making it up and am on the right track.

My tissues are very fragile, in spite of a great diet. (This is why I needed an MD to diagnose me as I am too delicate for much personal probing, now 12 years post-menopause.) She prescribed estradiol suppositories for a couple of weeks, followed by biweekly maintenance. Until my recent pain issues, I would not have thought about doing it, but I really feel that if the postures are going to work, the tissues need to be a little less friable and more mobile. I am inclined to combine the suppository with the postures at the moment.

I have searched the forum and found some warnings, but mostly physiological discussions of estradiol and glycogen.

Have others done both? Or is there a reason why I shouldn't? I will add red clover, but do not know if I should jumpstart the process right now. I don't have it yet, so am not rushing. I would love to know of the experience of others if there is anything to share.

Thanks. And there is nothing like an official diagnosis to get my attention on my postures.


Hi HumbledLady

You are right. A formal diagnosis has cleared the air for you, and validated what you thought. See how you go with the oestrogen suppositories for now, and do your research as you go along. I wouldn't use an oestrogen cream if there was a workable alternative.

Replens is another cream you can use. It has no oestrogen in it, but seems to help build up the surface of the vagina. A two to three week trial of both will tell you.

A simple lubricant might work almost as well. Try that for a couple of weeks too. Try a water based lubricant, and a simple oil, like olive oil or coconut oil, or make yourself a balm with the video in Christine's cottage. You don't have to add herbs if you don't want to.

Do each trial separately.

I wouldn't use an oestrogen cream if there was a workable alternative. For now I find that Bliss Balm works fine if I get really dry in the vulva, and for sex. I take red clover tea every day.



Hi HumbledLady , I am post meno a few years and make my own bliss balm at home. Enough to fill a few small jars.I wouldn't be without it.I have 3 or 4 other lubricants but I can feel them all inside(chemicals or whatever).I never imagined prior to finding this site that I would be making my own!I use it minimum x2 daily, usually before bed and after my morning shower. Just need a small amount on middle finger and insert up as far as you can go.Bit strange to start with but works a treat. Use more often if you feel the need.Put bliss balm in the search box and you should find a recipe for it.Let me know if you can't and Ill talk you through it if your are interested.Its easy as , once you have the beeswax and Ill confess I used pure beeswax candles that I pulled the wick out of and used when I was desperate.Now I have found nuggets of it at the same place I got my candles.A honey shop selling all sorts of products for tourists.
Cheers and hope this helps.Ask if you need some clarification or anything else....

Thanks so much for the clear explanation, Kiwi!! It didn't really compute for me what "using" balm meant! I'm going to try the balm too. Thank you so much!

Lol Csf, glad to be of help. I thought I'd add further notes to the bliss balm case you thought it was just beeswax, look at the smaller recipe another poster has put-it sounds easier for a first timer ;-) . Anyway I have only made 2 batches so far and my last batch I made exactly 5 months ago, it's nearly run out.
Now about when I put it inside ...its not a rush job you understand, as none of the WW work is , we have to learn to be more mindful of everything we do since we have POP.So when I insert the finger with the balm on, at the same time that finger is gently pushing my u up and I swivel my finger once up so that the area gets a coating of the balm. I think of it as an internal moisturiser. So like externally you put on you face cream , you gently rub/dab it on.And then a little around the external v area.because dryenss and sensitivity are what I have to be careful about.I'm sort of bending forward sticking my bottom out as I work into this, ie putting the balm inside and up!
Another point related.....
At the same time, Im aware that some underwear is more rubbing and some pantyhose, tights, leggings, that while they dont seem tight , do by the end of the day seem so, and then I feel very uncomfortable.Having comfortable clothes is so important.It's taken me awhile to find some balance with clothes and I am still experimenting . Find I am wearing more leggings with shorter soft dresses and layering and then a long pendant pulls the look together I find :-) I can then wear some summer dresses in the colder weather , here , at least.Good luck!

Thanks so much! I will try tonight after work or tomorrow morning. This morning, now that Nicki's back in place (yay!! halleluiah!), I did all fours and felt some relief, though I do have to say I a sensation I can't quite figure out, of something, um, I guess i's on either side of my innne thighs, going slightly into the area just on eithe side of my V, when I go on all fouis. It's not pain, it's not discomfort, it's like um, something straining, or maybe best said as a ssnsation of something hanging when I go on all fours, but in that area is whee I feel it. Suspension of something. No clue what.

If i put my and on my chin, leaning down on one arm while on all fours but lowered, the hanging feeling goes away on the side I'm leaning on. Who knows. hee hee Another mystery.

Well, thanks for the undies advice, too. I have to leave for work now, so more later. Thanks sooo much for the post. Helps with the confidence level that is so hard to keep up during these things. Thank u!