POP, PP vulva, and prostrating on the ground


Hello everyone. I have been reading the blogs on this forum for about 2 weeks now. I have become sort of addicted to the blog. I like how Whole Woman calls for an entire life style change and does not just try to treat the symptoms. I like how the regular posters here are so empathetic, patient, kind, and great at explaining things! You guys are awesome.

I found out about pelvic organ prolapse quite by mistake (it truly is an epidemic and yet is somehow kept secret. This stuff should be taught back in 5th grade when they tell the girls about periods and tampons). After the birth of my second child, I began a daily exercise routine that included jumping, jumping jacks, and other high impact moves. I would sometimes feel as though pee had escaped while performing these moves and that annoyed me like nothing else. Why on earth could I not hold my own pee? And I didn't like the feeling of my insides jiggling around when I would jump, either. That led me to some googling, which led me to POP, which eventually led me to here.

I have some questions which I hope someone can help me with:

1. After the recent birth of my third child, I asked the doctor, at a week's check up, whether I had rectocele (I was having trouble pooping-- the urge was there, but the link between my mind and my rectum seemed somehow disconnected) and my dr said no, but that I did have a mild cystocele. She checked me while I was on my back-- how does that affect her diagnosis? From reading some of the posts here, I understand that a prolapse can "hide" if I'm on my back and it will appear as though I don't have a prolapse or as though it is more mild than it actually is?

I do check my cervix daily (for fertility awareness) and sometimes I can feel a hard bump towards the back wall of my vagina (that "bump" is not always there). If I press on it, I feel the urge to poop even though I did not have any urge before that. Is that what a rectocele is? Im sorry, I know I sound so ignorant that it's probably comical.

2. Underneath my urethra, there is a small mound of skin that looks rugged. If I have a lot of cervical fluid that day, some of it is actually on that skin, as though this mound of skin secretes it. I have had that mound, or bulge, since the birth of my second child and still have no idea what it is! After reading a while on this forum, I have concluded that perhaps it could be a my vaginal wall which has turned out after giving birth? It pushes back easily, and, when I performed the prolapse self exam, I felt a hard-ish bulge behind it which I am assuming is the bladder (even though when I push on that I don't feel anything, not the urge to pee or anything). (I've asked friends about what their post partum vulva looks like to see if what I have is perhaps normal and most of them have never even looked.)

3. I have been trying to maintain the WW posture since giving birth. It is not easy at all but it is gradually becoming more natural to me, in that, if I am slouched or have my bum tucked in, I immediately feel "wrong." However, by the end of the day, my lower back is achy and tired. I wonder if this is because it is getting used to its new position, or could I be doing something wrong? I especially feel it when I am bending over the sink, washing my baby's bottom and trying to maintain the posture all the while. My lower back feels like it's on fire then.

4. The other day I was talking to my mom about POP, telling her about everything I had learned. I asked her if she felt any symptoms, now that she had passed menopause, and she said that that, now that I mentioned it, she had indeed been feeling recently as though something was "falling" and "bulging" inside her vagina, especially when she went into prostration during prayer. I was a bit worried because she goes into this position many many times during the day and remains in it for minutes at a time sometimes (as a Muslim, prostration to God is required 17 times per day if I just did the math correctly). If it's a detriment to her health, she can modify the prostration so that her POP does not increase. I googled for an image of prostration to give you an idea of what it looks like and here is the most accurate photo I found: http://letmepray.blogspot.com/2010/10/mistakes-done-in-sujud.html (the third photo down, black and white) . The only difference is that my mother has more of a curve in her lower back while prostrating and she places her heels together and not apart as the man in the photo does. What does this position do to her pelvis and pelvic organs? Is there anyway she can continue the prostration without increasing the prolapse?

I looking forward to next month to purchase STWW book and maybe, just maybe, the dvd as well. Unfortunately I bought a bunch of physical therapy and pelvic floor dvds before giving birth, in hopes of working on myself directly after birth. All they teach is a few exercises, including the good old kegels (in various versions hehe) when what I really need to know is how my pelvis truly works, it's REAL position in relation to the rest of my body, and how I can stand and breathe in ways that will truly keep my organs from falling out.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks so much!

Welcome CB!

It’s great to have you here. Congratulations on the birth of your baby and I’m sure we can answer your questions.

Yes, prolapse often recedes higher in the vagina when lying down. Stress urinary incontinence is often a first symptom of prolapse. The angle of the urethra changes so that it doesn’t close down against internal pressures as well as when you were younger. The bladder neck is designed to kink like a garden hose when under pressure from above. When its normally sharp angle straightens out a bit as the bladder begins to fall back, that passive sphincter protection is compromised. The good news is, when the bladder falls back even more, it kinks the “hose” off in the opposite direction and your SUI will disappear. You may then have to manage a slightly bigger bulge in the front wall...like most of us. However, the goal of the WW work is to minimize all these symptoms. The hard lump on the back wall is poop. Your rectovaginal fascia is thinned from the births and now you can feel digitally what has always been there. Not to worry.

The bumpy bulge is your vaginal wall - the “rugae” are what make it stretch like an accordion. The vaginal walls do secrete fluid, but frankly I don’t know if it can be seen with the naked eye. It may be your urethra behind that mound or a bit of your bladder. The bladder is soft...since you check your cervix daily, I assume you know its position and what it feels like - hard and muscular. I’m guessing you are feeling the back of your pubic bone, which is right there.

Impossible to tell about the posture without seeing you. But I’m going to take a wild guess that you are pulling into it correctly. Let the posture go when you’re in difficult situations that require you to bend at the waist or whatever. As soon as you’re through, pull back into it. We are very flexible creatures and don’t have to maintain this posture 24/7.

If your mother is prostrating like the man in the photo, she is doing a WW exercise! Her organs have fallen into the hollow of her lower belly and are completely protected. If she can widen her legs and let her belly fall in between them it will be more comfortable and conducive to pelvic organ support. Help her learn how to keep WW posture as she comes onto her feet, but be mindful that an older, deformed (sorry, but I use that word with kindness) skeleton needs slow, careful and gentle work to begin to mould it back into a more natural shape. I think a little WW awareness and a lot of reassurance that her symptoms will probably stabilize will probably help your mom immensely. And I have no doubt you will be just fine.

Wishing you well,


Thank you for your patient explanations, Christine. I do appreciate it. You have answered all my questions.

Some additional comments and ramblings...

Bumpy bulge/rugea:
Yes, "stretch like an accordian" is a perfect description! It does sometimes have patches of fluid on it (especially if I have a dreaded yeast infection), but I suppose I can't know for sure if it is from it or from the vaginal walls and/or cervix inside. But I don't understand how it would be my urethra behind the mound? -- isn't the urthra the "pee hole"? I think you're right, it must be the back of the pubic bone, and the bladder is right above it.

My WW posture:
I thought I had been properly standing in the WW posture ever since I watched the demonstration of it on youtube a while ago. However, it wasn't until I read one of the member's explanation to another postpartum mom on how to properly stand, that everything clicked into place. I do think I have the hang of it now as I did not have my chest lifted properly before. (Louiseds described the posture here: http://www.wholewoman.com/drupal-6.16/node/3891 . I found the description to be gentle, sweet in a way. Indeed what comes from the heart, goes to the heart. :) )

Prostration and POP:
I wonder if my mom is letting her belly fall between her legs during prostration. If she is not, maybe that is why she feels the bulging right then? I mean, if it's a WW exercise that is good for keeping the pelvic organs in place, why is she feeling that bulging? I'll have to watch her closely next time and find out in which position, exactly, she feels the bulging.

If you want to stay in prostration for any extended amount of time (and this is recommended, as it is our belief that we are "closest" to God in that very humble position), you have to let your belly hang, otherwise it becomes too uncomfortable with your belly squished against your upper thighs. It has also been my experience that, during pregnancy, that is the ONLY way you can perform prostration -- with your belly between your legs. My mother has had half a dozen children in the span of 10 years, grand episiotomies with all of them, and has suffered from back trouble, varicose veins, and rhuematism for years. If anything, it's probably this daily prostrating that she is doing that has prevented any worse POP until now. It is interesting to note that menstruating women are exempt from performing the 5 daily prayers. I wonder if it's not so good for a woman and her pelvic organs to go into that position when she is menstruating. It would be interesting to see if there is any relation, or if it is just a coincidence.

Thanks again :)

Well, the urethra is actually the tube that urine moves through. The urethral opening to the outside is the pee hole. The urethra can sag down into that front vaginal wall bulge.

Yes...little does Louise know how much Mother-love she has given me as well. We are so very blessed to have her kind and gentle influence.

I felt unsettled last night after I wrote to you, but needed to go to sleep and could not write more. The way I understand it, your mom is bending over with a hunched spine. This straightens out the lumbar curve and causes her to pull her stomach in rather than letting it fall toward the ground, reversing pelvic organ support.

I made it sound easy to let her belly fall and start to make the correction, but in fact, she probably will not be able to un-hunch her spine and allow her lower (lumbar) spine to curve because it is frozen into that shape. She can either continue moving into this increasing deformity, or begin to work slowly and carefully to reverse it. How much reversal she will see I cannot know, but from my perspective it is always better to try to work with what we have.


Basically, if she is feeling her organs starting to bulge downwards, she is doing the opposite of what she ought to be doing in that position. I am going to do a hands on experiment with her and get back to you. :) Thank you.

Just passing on something to you from my own experience ( am NOT an expert)...I could not have gotten into the prayer position a month ago. I found out through the women here that I needed to seriously get my bowels moving - and that that was what had been preventing my u from going all the way back into place. I felt awful in the position for the exercises, sitting on my feet, etc. Awful. But soon as I started making sure my bowels were voided ( I had no clue I was constipated, as I'd been going what I thought was quite often. Someone, well a few people here, pointed out if both your bladder AND rectum are full (but I had no idea), then your organ might not be ABLE to go back in place. So I started drinking LESS (I had been drinking a lot) and voiding - and poof after swimming and avoiding clothes AT ALL tight - my u went back into place and I feel GREAT). Maybe something in that rings a bell for you or your mom.

My mil has major prolapse and has had it for some time now. She keeps going on her merry way and The Bulging only gets in her way when she's been on her feet all day and she realizes she better sit down, or else. Just found out that my close friend's mil has a cystocele so bad that she can't void properly anymore and she is THIS CLOSE to having surgery. I told my friend about WW and the exercises but she said it's past any natural remedies now, her mil needs results NOW. Oh and while she's up there in the dr's face, he'll pull out her uterus as well; why not, eh?

Christine says in one of the clips on youtube that our female pelvis was perfectly designed to contain these organs /paraphrased/. If that is the case, I don't understand why everyone seems to be suffering from prolapse. Even if it's our lousy lifestyle that causes it, doesn't anyone luck out somehow and escape?

I just remembered how, as kids, we would make fun of "old people's diapers" -- what are those for? Incontinence as a result of prolapse? Is it a given that, once your old, you'll need diapers? (Serious questions here, not rhetoric.) I remember seeing men in the advertisements for these sometimes -- do they, too, suffer incontinence?

I'm so scared now that, no matter what, IT will eventually happen. It's, like, the illness of the era or something.

Thanks, csf, for the suggestion.

I actually found out yesterday that I had it all wrong. Her prostration is fine. According to my inexperienced eye (with regards to the proper WW posture), it *looks* fine, and, more importantly, she does not feel any bulging in that position. She actually feels it when she is in another position of prayer, when she is bowing from her waist, hands on her knees, arms straight, legs straight, back straight. Here is a photo: http://letmepray.blogspot.com/2009/12/ruku.html (black and white photo).

It is then that she *sometimes* feels bulging in her vagina. The kids came and interrupted us at that point so I could not ask her to show me just how she performs that part of the prayer. However, the correct way to do it is to keep your back flat, such that, if water were to be poured on it, the water would not run off. I think you would need something of a lower back curve to keep the water in place.

Incidentally, my mom always has a lumbar curve when she is standing or sitting, but her upper back, her shoulders are a bit hunched in. Does that position come about from, amongst other things, many years of pregnancy? How does that position impact the pelvic position and organs? When trying to help her stand with her chest lifted, I understood what you meant, Christine, by "deformed." I wuv my mommy :-(

Hi Chckaboom

After watching some YouTube vids I can see that there are so many moves prescribed precisely for during prayer. Like many things in this branch of religion much of the tradition of rituals is kept by the men. If a particular ritual does not work smoothly for a woman's body, or if it could worsen a woman's medical condition I doubt that men would really understand that. However, in all the video footage I watched there was always a statement that if you have a medical condition that makes it impossible to do the movement as instructed, that the person should just do their best, as close as they can. I will leave it at that.

I do agree that most of the movements look to be supportive of a woman's body structures, except for keeping the legs and feet close together during prostration, which would compress the belly. It would be more helpful to allow the belly to fall between the thighs. This would also prevent the woman from using her belly as a fulcrum when rising, which would otherwise compress it further. It is important to use the muscles in the hips and pelvis to rise. It might also be possible to use the assistance of the arms.

It is interesting the way an older woman's upper back tends to stoop and her shoulders become more round. An attitude of humility, or stress or sadness also makes these things happen. We close our bodies up, rather than leaving them open and proud. The actress Bette Midler once said, "Old age is for sissies." I think there is a lot of truth in it. The whole world seems to be stacked against older people. No wonder they stoop! No, seriously, muscle bulk does decrease the less we use it. An active woman will stoop less than an invalid. Muscle holds our skeleton up. If there is less muscle, we have to droop like a flower in a vase with little water. Since my mother has become less active, and now only walks short distances, and has carers to look after her she is much more physically comfortable, but I have noticed that she has become more stooped in the last five years. She is now 99 years old.

The moral of the story is to stay as active as possible for as long as possible. Exercise our muscles, and keep our joints happy so we can use our muscles to maintain our insides.


and then I went and tried it. I think it's probably a great position. I can't comment long- I must get some cleaning done while my dh is willing to help out- but when I did this position I followed the instructions. I put my hands on my knees- fingers spread out wide and grasped my knees. I kept my arms straight. I kept my spine in line from the top of my head down to my tailbone.
I did indeed have a strong lumbar curve! My belly (postpartum belly) hung loosely and I could sense my uterus there in that space.
Here's something she might try: right before getting in this position either A. do the Louise 'jiggle' or B. do downward dog. This will encourage her uterus to pull forward and bring the cervix higher- then immediately get into prayer position.
Ok- gotta go- good luck!

Just a reassuring thought Chikaboom,

Form what I have learned, prolapse almost never causes incontinence. This was what I was scared of when I first thought I had it, because everything I found on the net or from my PT was so vague and linked everything 'down there' together. I think I have had mild prolapse for ten years and I have never had a hint of incontinence. Nor has my mother, who had six large babies the natural way and is now in her eighties. She doesn't think she had prolapse either, but what I think is that for many women the symptoms are so mild that they never bother you and you never get a diagnosis. Your mother sounds pretty cool even talking about it as many older women seem to feel that ignorance is bliss about gynae conditions

It's odd the way many women here seem to have pestered their doctors for a diagnosis, after being told that they were fairly normal for women who have had children. I suspect that most women who have had children have a degree of prolpase and that they're not aware of it. From all I've learned since I found this site and Christine's research, it only really gets to be a problem after serious childbirth trauma, years of bad lifestyle or surgical intervention. The medical websites and many doctors all say that it's usually progressive, but I'm convinced that that's because they haven't seen many women who've been doing this work for long. After ten short months my prolapse has progressed: it's improved. Many women who have been here longer or are pretty young have had major reversal. I'm convinced that we can all stabilize it, if we give our bodies a chance to behave as they are designed to.

Try not to be afraid - it's not catching and it's controllable.


I need to have a think on this one.

Bladder prolapse (aka cystocele) is simply that your bladder has moved backwards and probably rolled backwards as well, onto the top of the vagina. There are several other things happening.

If the woman uses zip and tuck posture her pelvic floor will be horizontal, and there will be a backwards slope to her pubic bones which makes it easy for the bladder to slide/roll backwards.

She may have damage to the pelvic floor muscles which means that they are no longer able to stabililse the contents of the pelvic cavity against the lower abdominal wall.

The fascia between the bladder and the anterior vaginal wall has broken down sufficiently that the bladder is no longer stabilised by the anterior vaginal wall, and will make it bulge backwards, which is the soft lump we feel impinging into the front of the vagina.

The pelvic floor muscles can become weaker for several reasons. Sedentary lifestyle means that they don't get a good workout with everyday activity, and particularly walking. The constant downward weight of pelvic organs in the wrong posture keeps them stretched, so they never get the chance to contract, and maintain their tone.

Insufficient recreational use of pelvic floor muscles could be a factor too. Some women don't want to know what goes on below the waist. Perhaps they think it is none of their business, that only a doctor or their husband should be interested in that part of them. Wha?

I believe that selective strengthening of the abdominal muscles can exacerbate this because it pulls the pubis symphysis upwards towards the chest and flattens the abdomen. If the front of the abdomen is really taut, then intraabdominal pressure is going to be reflected downwards and blow out the pelvic floor. You artificially strengthen your abdominal muscles, without artificially working on your pelvic floor, at your own peril!

Undoubtedly childbirth plays a major role in loosening a woman's insides. When you see what happens during stage 2 of labour a bladder that is well tethered to the anterior vaginal wall may become stretched along with the vagina. This will include the fascial supports of the urethra. It is legend that a woman who has given birth, or probably even had a full pregnancy, will have a larger diameter urethra afterwards. My commonsense tells me that a larger diameter urethra will not close as effectively as a small one. Postpartum reversion will take care of a lot of this stretching, but it can take some time to revert, and it may not revert completely.

There is stress incontinence, when the urethra is unable to stay closed during intraabdominal pressure changes. This may be because it is bigger overall, or that the top of it, where it enters the bladder, has become a cone, rather than a hole, so urine is forced down the urethra. When the bladder rolls backwards as a part of POP, the top of the urethra ends up at the front of the bladder, kinked down hard against its side. In addition to this, her bladder will be lying on top of it, flattening it. These two mechanisms are what we think gives a woman with cystocele the mechanism to remain bladder continent.

Urge incontinence is a different beast, which may be caused by nerve damage, or mixed up brain signals, or pressure/extra fullness on the bladder, or inflammation, different foods and drugs, or maybe other medical things. Bladder training and increasing awareness of sensations can often help this type of incontinence, where there are brain signal, sensation detection and logistical causes.

Many women can relate to getting inside the door of the toilet and having to concentrate really hard to get their knickers down in time. Why? Does our brain have another agenda, when it knows we have an armful of shopping, and our phone is ringing, and the key is stuck in the door?

I find that now my prolapsed organs are back in place my urine stream is much thinner, but if I have been sitting for a long period of time it is wise for me to go to the toilet first thing I do when I stand up, if I intuitively know that my bladder should be full. At least, that way, I have two hands free to manage the knickers!

So, I think the answer is yes, and no, depending on what factors are at work at the time.


Louise, I appreciate your watching vids to see the various positions of prayer to better understand them. During prostration, the heels should touch one another, but, the knees should be shoulder width apart and legs should *not* be touching. This makes a kind of V shape with your heels being the angle of the V and your knees being the two upper tips of the V. I observe that this allows my belly to fall forward and I can comfortably stay in this position for a long time.

Alemama: Thank you for experimenting :) When I do the position that you tried out, my belly does hang and my upper back is flat, but there is only a very slight lower curve even though my bum is all the way out there. Was your curve significant in that position? Can you tell me about the "Louise jiggle" and downward dog positions?


Thanks, Doubtful, for your comforting reply. My mom has also had six and she probably would never have mentioned the falling tampon feeling if I hadn't asked her about it. As soon as I had read a few threads here on WW, I went to my mom, sat her down, and told her, ok, so tell me about post baby vaginas. That was when she mentioned the occasional slight bulging when she went into a certain prayer position.

I too believe that many women are happily unaware of their pop. I recall my grandmother talking about her hysterectomy positively, as though doing away with her uterus was relieving. I didn't think much about it then, but I couldn't be more interested now.

I also agree that probably all women who've given birth have some degree of pop. I am one of those women who would never have been "officially" diagnosed if I hadn't actually asked my doctor. BTW I would like to know what a normal, "nonPOP" vagina is like? Would someone with a "normal" vagina (or, a vagina that does not have pelvic organs descending into it) not be able to feel her cervix during a self exam? Would there be nothing but one smooth bulge-less tunnel ending with an unreachable cervix? In the popular book about fertility awareness, Taking Charge of Your Fertility, the author describes how a woman can check her fertility by inserting her finger and checking the position of her cervix. So I am assuming that all women should be able to feel their cervixes? How do we know when a cervix is indicative of a prolapsing uterus? How low must it be? I don't have STWW yet and I'm hoping it will answer questions like these and give me some kind of basic knowledge & foundation about the correct female anatomy (most of Louise's posts that have to do with anatomy go right over my head and I would love to know enough to be able to properly understand them).

Hi Chickaboom

Sorry my anatomy posts go right over your head. Hopefully, one day you will be able to understand them. I am on a continuous learning curve, being formally untrained in anatomy, but I have figured out a lot of stuff from reading, and from my friendly plastic, half-size skeleton, who stands on my desk. Anatomical language is quite challenging to get into your head, and I don’t use all of it, by any means. It does give an unambiguous framework for describing anatomical features. There is a summary of anatomical language in Saving the Whole Woman, to help us all understand the orientation of different body parts. I would encourage you to start your own anatomical learning journey. It is only by understanding that we can interpret our own body and be responsible for its wellbeing.

We need to have these deep and meaningful anatomical discussions on the Forums because we are trying to interpret the female body in ways that nobody else seems to do. We are talking about questions that we are unable to find ready-made answers for. We are all learning together. Please don't feel intimidated by these posts of mine. I would love it if more women would respond that they don't understand a particular thing, even if it is the most basic information. By getting answers you are starting to learn it. I am certainly not going to judge your lack of understanding of the basics. I was there once. I want you to understand it, and if my raving descriptions don't make sense I would very much like to know, and to try and help you understand.

I would also like to know if you think I have something wrong. I am trying to figure it all out too!

Re jiggling, you can use the Search box to search ‘jiggling’. It is a technique I described for kind of shaking the pelvic organs up out of the pelvis with the torso inverted. I think one of the aggravating factors with POP is that too much intestine gets pushed down into the pelvic cavity by intraabdominal forces sent in the wrong direction by faulty posture and constipation. It is sometimes necessary to tip it all out, then allow it to settle back with correct posture. Done enough times, and reinforced with WW posture, the body seems to get the message and get our organs configured properly again. This has certainly happened with me by using all the techniques I can for several years.

Re hysterectomy, I think many women do happily accept hysterectomy because it does erase an organ that can be troublesome in different ways. I have a friend in her late 50’s, who had an hysterectomy after the birth of her fourth baby because of an enormous fibroid. She tells me, quite honestly I believe, that she has never had any problems. Here’s hoping it remains that way. Sadly, there are probably some women for whom hysterectomy means relief that she will not have to bear any more babies. And for some hysterectomy means the end of a lot of unresolved physical suffering. Who am I to judge any woman’s decision?

Re the position of the cervix, I think the Natural Family Planning people have the description of the non POPped cervix about right. I can remember palpating my own cervix for fertility awareness, before and between pregnancies. Sometimes I had to reach pretty high! My own uterus only descended when my bladder came down, and my rectocele appeared, which was well after my third baby, who was a Billings surprise! Even though the organs seemed to be in the right place I couldn’t use tampons after having babies, so the prolapse must have been there. We used condoms after that because we really were not planning any more babies, so I was no longer observing my cervix. Good old condoms, eh? Yes, I did fall pregnant again about four years later. I was forty at the time and miscarried, for better or worse. Perhaps we should have kept up the natural family planning, eh?

I think finding tampon use impossible is probably one of the ways in which modern women suspect they are sagging inside. In our sexualised world a vagina that is anything other than virginally tight and perfect is kinda frowned upon, particularly in macho world. A woman with a loose vagina is regarded in those horrible men’s only conversations as no good for anything. There must be a lot of very sad, frustrated men around! We modern women think a lot about our vagina, maybe because we think they are yet another bit of our bodies that we ‘know’ is not perfect, and ‘will’ make us unlovable. Sad.

My mother’s generation did not have tampons, or natural family planning, so they were blissfully ignorant of anything that was going on down there. No wonder they didn’t think much about POP until one day, out of the blue, it all dropped. Now that would be scarey!

Louise :-)

Hi Louise

Having read your post, I take the point that I'm probably making a sweeping statement saying that POP almost never causes incontinence. I am often guilty of talking down the problems different women experience with POP because I've been lucky and never had significant symptoms and also because I want to dispel the vague fear that is encouraged by the medical system - POP = everything falling to bits+ incontinent little old lady or even worse, incontinent young lady.This was the way I felt when I first suspected I had pop and it's alarmist and not helpful. There is so much we can do to stabilize it and it still seems to me that few women here report incontinence. It can also happen to old people for other reasons: my family is very long lived but the only old member who had incontinence issues also had dementia and was male.

Maybe my urethrocele ( or little cystocele, or whatever it is) has protected my post babies body from incontinence but please will people tell me off when I'm replying too much along the lines of 'POPs a breeze' when this isn't true for all women.



No need to apologise, Doubtful. Your comment just got me thinking.

You are right. Everyone is different. And just because incontinence happens in conjunction with POP, it doesn't necessarily mean that one causes the other. Does constipation cause POP or does POP cause constipation???

By coincidence, today I was at an upholsterer's shop, organising the reupholstery of our lounge suite, which has suffered considerable wear and tear over the last 35 years and three adult kids. A program came on the radio while I was choosing fabric, where the woman being interviewed had just written, and was launching a book of hints for women who were going to have hysterectomy. Lots of stuff about looking after yourself post-op and following doctors' orders. *Nothing* about why the hysterectomy is done in the first place, as if it is assumed that all women will need one. I was fuming! I was also interested to hear her say that hysterectomy in Australia has overtaken heart surgery as the most common major surgical procedure. Now, that did scare me!

There are so many assumptions made when things are *not* said. Things are not said when it might be TMI on daytime, public broadcasting radio. Therefore women draw their own conclusions from a woman who is clearly defending her own decision to have an hysterectomy. At least she made no secret of how major a procedure it is!

I hope I didn't get so flustered that I chose the wrong fabric. It could be a very expensive mistake!


ps, I am interested in the opinions of others about the link between POP and incontinence. Christine has commented, I believe along similar lines as my comments, on the kinking mechanism where there is POP, that protects against stress incontinence.

Here is something Gmom had written years ago, I saved it for myself, useful info. 1-2 posts about the nulliparous vaginal walls.


I am one of those who have POP and incontinence. They came together --- actually started while taking some golf lessons. That put an end to that! I felt a little "squirt" when I would swing the club and since then it's just gotten worse. I could handle the pop but the incontinence is very very difficult. I have been working the posture -- I'm far from perfect yet, and doing exercises --WW as well as physio exercises, but have not seen any improvement yet. Seems to be worsening. The POP doesn't seem to be that noticeable most of the time but the "wet feeling" is always there. I tried a sea sponge for a couple days and that worked pretty well. However, today I am not using the sponge and it seems worse than before. Has anyone used a sponge for incontinence and if so how did it go?
I would love to take a magic pill for this --- and I hate medications--but this one I would take.
Anyone know of the magic pill????

Yes Chelan, golf does some pretty weird things to the human body. There must be enormous intraabdominal forces generated with the twisting backwards and forwards of a swing. Just the duck's nuts for a man's upper body strength, but perhaps not for a woman. Perhaps this is why many older women eschew golf for lawn bowls?

(Now, if you could play lawn bowls on a golf course, as a progressive game, rather than as a 'down to one end and back again' game, with the jack on each green, players could get the exercise benefit of walking in a changing landscape, and communing with the ants, minus then un-POP-friendly swing. Don't know what the golfers would think of this? I think I had better keep out of it. I don't play either game!)


Thank you for the helpful link, Liv. Granolamom's description of the postbaby, cystocele vagina makes sense to me. That's what my bladder prolapse feels like. Man, I was kind of hoping it would have magically disappeared by now 2.5 months pp. But because it meant finding Wholewomen, I am thankful for my bladder shifting (the old bugger just better not shift anymore).

Louise :) great imagination. It actually sounds fun. Certified POP friendly game. ^^

My cervix feels lower than it did pre-pregnancy/delivery. I'm worried that this means my uterus is slowly making its descent. But .. I have noticed something strange. When my bladder is really full, the cervix is higher up -- or deeper in, I'm not sure exactly -- all I know is that it is not as near to the introitis as it usually is. As soon as I empty my bladder, cervix is back to where it was. Does anyone know why this could be?

Wouldn't you say your full bladder is probably holding your uterus up like a buoy?

Our old-time member, Sybille, coined the term Nature's Pessary - primarily referring to cystocele/rectocele keeping the cervix up above. It has since been more widely applied to mean all three organs vying for the exit. Since all three can't fall through (we've never heard of it here), they actually prevent any one from bulging to the extreme. Your full bladder falls into that category.

You have many women - young and mature - assuring you that your cervix is much more likely to move forward than back with this work. Try not to sabbotage your progress with worry about something that's likely not to happen.


Oh wow reading this brought back those early feelings of shock, fear, and struggling to absorb all those new concepts. It has also reminded me how much I have to be grateful in having ww knowledge- it's easy to take it for granted after a while, especially after the fear passes and u learn how to manage your symptoms

SH, if you view the pix and videos of these moves, you will see that the spine does flatten out during the exhale; in firebreathing, it is pretty impossible to get the full benefit and really pull those organs forward during the exhale if you are trying to hold a strong lumbar curve throughout. Let the video footage be your guide. - Surviving

My philosophy is, the less looking the better. And that goes for touching too. My symptoms alone tell me all I need to know. After childbirth, you could not have paid me to take a look down there! Ignorance definitely is bliss for me. But I think I'm the exception; most members on here seem to have a much more intimate relationship with their prolapsed organs.

I honestly don't know the answer to your question, so I won't try to sound like I do. I often can't distinguish between my front and back bulge because, on those RARE occasions when I've actually looked, it seems to be on the side. Go figure. I know it's not my cervix because, though I can feel my cervix, it's not that close to the opening.

Hoping for some other answers to this one. - Surviving

Safely held, I think that would be your front vaginal wall. Bladder is above it, soft and squishy.

Isn't that what the vagina consists of

If u search for half pipe, you'll find a lot of description of the various stages of cystocele. For example:http://www.wholewoman.com/forum/node/2035

"1. My anterior bulge is not soft. It is rather hard-ish. It feels muscular. I have even wondered if it's my cervix (That sounds insane). But really, what could it be? My anterior bulge is bigger than my posterior bulge and it is NOT soft and squishy."

I had wanted to further comment on this the other day but forgot. Im not sure what your bladder/anterior prolapse felt like when u first discovered it but I didnt feel what u described above until a few months into my wholewoman journey (and about 5-ish months pp maybe). Before that it was a soft full blown bulge. When the anterior wall starts firming up, it means you are getting somewhere!