Burning and sore


Has anyone got any ideas as to why I am getting a sore burning sensation around my vaginal opening?

Dr. Has prescribed Oestregen pessarys, these helped a little but haven't got rid of it yet.

I think I have a UP, but could cope with it if it wasn't sooooo sore around the vaginal opening. It actually looks raw too.

Hi Apis

It is not nappy rash, is it? Something in stool can react with little patches of urine on your knickers if you have a little leakage from your urethra, or residual dribbling after urinating. This makes an acid which makes baby's bottom red. It is no different as an adult. If this is so, change your knickers two or three times a day and use a zinc type barrier cream, just like you would with a baby's bottom. Your vulva needs some help right now. Also, if you are not drinking enough water your urine may be very concentrated, which will make it worse.

Temporary use of a urinary alkaliser might also help.

Hope these things help.


Please read my article in the Library on vulvadystrophy. While this is an hormonal disorder, supplemental estrogen is not the answer. The condition is most prevalent in menopausal women and I believe it is strong adrenal function that makes the difference who struggles with it and who doesn't.

Estrogen is one of the very few treatments that gynecology offers, yet it often creates more problems than it solves. I hope my research helps shed some light on the subject if indeed that is what you are dealing with.
