Supporting the pelvic organs when sneezing & coughing


Hi everyone,
I'm a very loud & violent sneezer & no matter how I've tried to be "delicate" & sneeze like an elegant lady!!(there are times also when one has a cough for a few days)
Is there a trick to protecting one's pelvic floor & organs from this onslaught - I do remember reading somewhere on here that the pelvic floor is like a trampoline to take shocks, however I would love to read anyone's take on this the Whole Woman Way.
Looking forward to your input on this
Soul (Sneezer) Sister

I try to sneeze or cough in a sitting position or find some other pretext for getting my body into a 90-degree angle or less, which tends to pin things in place pretty well. Not always possible to do this, especially with a sneeze that can come on pretty suddenly. I've been known to bend over and pretend to be picking something up off the floor! If I have to stand, I just exaggerate my WW posture as much as possible, including turning my feet out or even doing the crossover thing with my feet.

I would agree with Surviving60. Sneezing, coughing or any other daily activity should be done whenever possible in a WW posture. Sitting posture works when using free weights as well. Obviously, it is not always possible to sit while coughing or sneezing. However, when you feel a spell coming on, try to sit in WW posture. If not, afterwards try to find a spot where you can do some fire breathing. Good luck!

I will only sneeze in a bent over position now!! I don't care where I am or who is looking:). I think it helps as the ladies above mentioned above! Try it see if it helps.

Join the club i am a powerful sneezer handed down by my Dad - my mum used to tell him to sneeze more quietly as he could be heard from down the street.
If i can't sit, i hold my posture and tighten my pelvic floor muscles as if doing a kegel and this works well for me.

Hi All,
thankyou so much - I will try all your suggestions.
Mishek, my old neighbours told me that they used to know I when I was hanging out the washing...
Soul sister

Blowing your nose often stops the sneeze before it happens.

Sneezing is so nice and satisfying though, I never like to give up a sneeze :)
I also bend over at the hips, 45 degree angle, and let it choooooooooo.

Maybe I'm not strong enough in the WW posture yet, but I can't sneeze when sitting. Only way I can sneeze is to look up to the ceiling, push out my tummy & bottom & super exaggerate the lumbar curve. I find the pressure of the sneeze goes straight down & out my belly, rather than straight down my spine & bladder. Maybe I'll need to practice this.

That's exactly what is meant to happen! Now tilt your head down, but keep your neck from coming forward again, and you are probably in WW sitting posture (well, maybe a little exaggerated). When your head is facing straight forward, or up it is very hard to lose your lumbar curve. Good discovery!

interesting subject - now I just need a sneeze to try it out.... I had been putting one foot in front of the other to secure my bits and pieces - like you see models standing - heaven forbid - do you think maybe they are having our problem !!! Elcie

Probably. You don't have to be old to suffer stress incontinence. ;-) Bending from the hips and relaxing your belly can help. Don't bend from your waist. Bending from the hips your organs away from your vagina.


Yes, Louise is so right about the bending, and some people have trouble distinguishing (I did at first). Think of keeping the lumbar curve in place. You can do that when you bend from the hips. If you bend from the waist, you lose that lumbar curve and the support that it provides.

Thank you all for your help.
I tend to sneeze loud and often for sure!!
Thank you for you very helpful words!!
I have been doing the exaggerated posture ,that seems to work.
Love you all!!