Desperate - Help and advice needed please


Hi there,
I am a 46 year old Mother of 4 children aged between 11 and 25. I have fibroids and an enlarged uterus (which my Doctor has been trying to get me to have a Hysterectomy for because I suffer terrible periods), after a fall onto my tummy a couple of months back I discovered that I had some kind of prolapse; I was very uncomfortable. I am uncomfortable all day, in the mornings I can feel my bowel in my vagina before I use the toilet, I find it hard to pass wind and feel like a am in need to have a bowel movement.
My Doctor says that my uterus has also got stuck (from the fall) as it has rocked backwards and has lifted my cervix right up. I am afraid that if it comes back down everything will fall out and I don't know which of those two things is the lesser of two evils!
My passion is horse riding, I have 4 horses, two of which I ride and I am so scared that I won't be able /shouldn't ride as I do this with my Daughter and we have the best time, it brings me so much joy and I look forward to it so much.
I feel so desperate, I feel like this is the end! I am such a lucky person as I have a wonderful family but I am finding it hard to get out of bed as I am not sure what the day will bring. I don't know what will make it worse or better. I am scared to look toward my future as I have such terrible visions of the quality of my life. I don't want to have sex as I am afraid of doing myself more damage and then I feel terrible guilt because I love my Husband so much.
I am used to carrying bales of hay and sacks of feed and don't know how I am going to get around that?
I would like to buy a bundle from the shop but at the present moment in time can't afford it as I will have to pay added shipping, import tax etc.

I am not normally a negative person but this has hit me like a brick.

Thank-you x x

I am new too . I had the same problem with passing wind too and 'pooing'. I have religiously used WW posture and the 'new ' kegels , walked sat and eaten in posture and am seeing results already. Try squating on all fours hands and knees to practice belly out breathing, like cat pose in yoga this helps me pass wind and also trying to remain calm aids digestion , my mantra when i stess ' let life flow' xx

Hi staying positive, thank-you for your help and kind words, it is great to hear something positive as I have such terrible images going through my head right now and am so scared of losing all the things I love doing and my "me ness". I seem to cry so much at the moment, which isn't me at all and I just feel so lonely even though I have a wonderful family. Do you have a link I could follow to belly out breathing?
Many thanks again x x

Watch the trailer for the first aid dvd on the whole woman shop , the sitting on knees posture, rocking forward and relaxing belly, rocking back breathe out keeping shoulders in WW posture as in trailer. I try and breathe each minute of the day remembering to allow my lower stomach muscles to relax, so my breath reaches all the way to my stomach and allow the stomach to pull in slightly on the out breath.

Hi lovelovinghorses
Take heart, you will be OK. Prolapse is scary stuff when you first encounter it. After a while we learn how to manage it. Some have more successes than others. You may go through many stages like grief, disbelief, anger until gradually the pieces fall into place (and your body!).

You are very fortunate to have found this site. As you research some of the forum and the information, you will get many answers and much encouragement. You are not alone. Be aware that GP's do not always know what is best when it comes to prolapse. There is a lot of misinformation and bad information but WW has truely turned around the lives of many many ladies all across the world.

You will learn many techniques that will help you on your journey - and what you learn will help you in many other health areas. You will grow as a person and be armed with knowledge that you will want to pass on to your daughters and granddaughters.

Yes there will be good days and bad days. There will be changes you will have to make- lifting heavy loads will need some thinking about to make it easier. But you can do it, Keep reading. I will not expand on what you need to do as it is covered in the forum and on the website. I just want to encourage you.

Best Wishes
Di (from Australia)

Thank-you Di, I really appreciate your words and I know it's not the end of the world but as you say there are so many emotions involved it is hard to get a handle on it at the moment, I am sure I will in time :)
I am sticking to this WW site as I know that you are right about Doctors and they are so off hand about it too :(
Hugs travelling from me in the UK to you in Oz x x

I love horses too! I am 6 months now here at this site and have much help from this forum and this posture. Until you are able to afford the book and prolapse dvd, study this site and look carefully at the FAQs to study the posture. You want your mission now to be the posture. Once you are comfortable in this posture, you can gradually add many things into your life. My feeling is that horseback riding might even be a good thing for you, but first you must own the posture. Then is adapting it to riding, you will have to keep the chest up and the tummy relaxed and I would think that would be good riding posture. You will have to make some changes with lugging the hay bales and all of that. Let's think and come up with some solutions.....a wheelbarrow perhaps or better yet, a cart with a high enough handle so that you can push or pull those bales and bags of grain and still maintain your WW posture. The panic you feel is shared by all of us, but as you read here, you will see that the panic disappears and we are off in our lives making some minor adjustments that ultimately will be second nature. Keep posting all of your questions and I send you best wishes!

Thank-you so much for the positive reply, you have made me smile and cry! To lose my riding would be heartbreaking for me as it really is one of my greatest pleasures, I have the happiest times when I am out riding with my beautiful Daughter, we don't stop laughing and smiling the whole time (I know I am so lucky and appreciate it so much). Thanks again so much x x

My "me-ness" is better than it was before. I look and feel better than before I started this work. Once you own this posture, you learn to make necessary adjustments and you can keep on doing whatever you love (only without the fear and stress!) - Surviving

Dear lovelovinghorses... do you know about something called "centered riding" ? I have not studied it, but rode as a child and would love to go back to it (i am in my 60s now). But this centered riding using many principles that we use in WW posture....balance, diaphramic breathing, and more. I will read more about it. Maybe in time, we will learn to be better riders from all of this body awareness! Have a nice day and post away...I know that I did a lot in my first weeks.

Thank-you Surviving60 that is such a wonderful thing to be told, I love the idea of being without fear and stress. Hugs to you and thanks again x x x x

I have this book in my loft, I will get it down and have a look through it; I remember that I loved it when I was younger. Thank-you for reminding me x x

I started to "get my life back" the minute I found this site, because my stress level responded instantly to this knowledge. But my progress really picked up in the second year, partly because it just takes time, and partly because I consciously boosted my level of effort. It does work. I continue to this day to notice improvements, and I no longer fear the future. Sounds corny I know!! - S60

Dear LovelovingHorses, I am also new, just realizing I have this issue under a week ago. It been really consuming, and scary, and sad, and I am full of worries.
I also have a huge belief in the healing power of the human body, when we take charge of our health all the way.
I am using this as an opportunity to become healthier and stronger than ever, and to know and understand my ladybits like never before ;-)
Sorry we are both beginning this journey, but lets keep track of each other's progress a bit through this site.
I'm glad we have the company of the ach other and the other women here. We can do it!

I am 42, so we count among the younger women here, I think. I have a 3.5 year old who, until last week, was always in my arms. SOB!

If I'm in posture and I'm carrying something heavy, as long as I'm holding it close to my body, it actually makes my prolapse feel better. Christine talks often about how weight-loading accentuates the dynamics of pelvic organ support by rendering the vagina a closed space. But only if you're in posture! This pins the organs over the pubic bones. And you have to lift with care of course. - Surviving

Hi ladies. I am new here as well. I am a bit older than you both as I am 52. I am feeling all the things that you are Artemis. I am sad and scared and feeling like I should have appreciated my healthy time more. I just got hit with this diagnosis last Monday, although my doctor told me last year at my exam that my bladder was "down a bit". She said it was normal for someone my age and not to worry about it. Now the uterus is also down and pressing on my bladder. Nothing "out" thank goodness. My mom has had her bladder out for many years but was only given surgery as a treatment and she did not do it. I am glad for her as well that I have found this site. The posture seems tiring so far, especially when I am sitting. Not sure I'm doing it properly. My book is on backorder and I'm waiting for my video. Good luck to you ladies. I look forward to talking with all of you and learning many things here.

Dear all lovely Sisters above,
I'm new - ish too like Ms Nightingale. After searching for about 17yrs have seen so many improvements in 6mths that I'm never looking back. I was scared too, however received wonderful support here, while reading all the information, sitting in WWP. My torso is stronger, legs are stronger so tipping on the loo is easier, I love walking in WWP which I have done lately more regularly, hips have improved so much that I hardly get the dislocating hobble any more. The freedom of not pulling that tummy in ever again is soo liberating, just to name a few... There is so much more hope, & I am eternally grateful to Christine - her family and ladies here for caring enough to share and support women.
(((hugs))) & Best Wishes in our journey together...
Aussie Soul Sis

Great post Soul Sis, and thanks for the reminder that this is not just about prolapse. WW posture changes everything! I'm much less afraid of heading into my later years. I see so many bad things going on with women's hips and spines, and I will not be one of those women. And yes, "freedom" is a great word for all of this. Thanks - Surviving

You are all wonderful Ladies, your posts have made a huge difference to me. I am not as scared as I was which is a big deal as I was so tearful, I have only had a few tears today and that is a huge improvement. I look forward to being friends with you all and accompanying each other on our journeys. Big hugs to you all.
ps if anyone sees a post about riding with POP then can you let me know :) x x

Like many ladies, I went through shock, denial, anger, grief etc when I discovered a cystocele. I was a fit active 57 year old when I first started this journey - now I am 59.

One thing I came to notice was my posture. I thought I was doing OK at age 57 - then I looked closely at photos of me and saw a woman developing a hunchback tho I was sure I was standing up straight. Obviously not.

So when you start reading and understanding what Christine has written, you will come to realise how vital a correct posture is and prolapse in not the only problem that can be alleviated by correct posture. So what happens ever so gradually, is that we slump a little here and there and gradually more slumping and more often. Then the ligaments and muscles adapt to this. And this is the hard part, no matter how hard we try to correct our posture, our ligaments and muscles have shortened where they should be lengthened and vice versa. So it really requires some work to retrain our body and brain. It can be done.

My sister set her alarm on her phone to remind her every 30 minutes or so to straighten up. Boobs up, shoulders down, head held as if suspended by a string. Proud women. You can feel the stretch in your torso and with it your pelvic organs are being supported as they should be. When you slouch, the pelvic organs slouch with you and will fall forward and outwards.

Then there are the other essentials - especially eating well and avoiding constipation. Keeping fit and watching how we lift. All essential for so many areas of our health and well being.

As you learn more about your body, you will feel more in control and confident. You will want every woman you meet to learn what you have learnt.

Best wishes ladies

Hi Artemis

If you can make more of your activities happen on low tables and floor level you can still have your 3 year old in your arms, but just not on your hip! A 3 1/2 year old is quite capable of climbing up to you, as well.

A kitchen stool with bannisters, perhaps?

Hi Lovelovinghorses

No doubt, you are in the middle of a real grief process, and keep giving yourself surprises as to the different emotions and thoughts you are experiencing. This is all a part of coming to grips with what you think you may have lost. Go with it. Learn all you can. Once you understand more about what has happened you will see how you have the power to change how you use your body and lessen your symptoms. If a fall could flip your uterus to retroverted, 24/7 WW posture and other techniques will probably be able eventually tip it back again, just the same way as a tree root can crack a large boulder from getting its roots down into a tiny fissure. It may be that your uterus has been retroverted previously and simply not been noticed. However I suspect that your whole body may have become disorganised from your fall, and that some body work may be necessary to get it balanced once again.

WW work has so many factors. Posture, breathing, clothing design, diet, how we exercise and use our bodies in everyday work and play. The number of factors makes it very hard to coordinate everything at first, a bit like learning to play a guitar, a harmonica and two different foot pedals, all at the same time, from scratch. Often it is best to learn complex skills by breaking them down. Master one, eg breathing diaphragmatically. Then add lifting your chest. Then add lengthening your neck, etc, until you can do them all at once. This might take two weeks. Try it for half five minutes at a time, several times a day, then extend the time gradually. The more times you do it, the faster you will learn. Don't underestimate the effort you will expend. It is hard work, but rewarding.

Another exercise that will be helpful is spending time on knees and elbows with a large lumbar curve, doing fire breathing, which is described by Christine in the second edition of Saving the Whole Woman and some of the yoga DVD's. Learn to nauli. These two exercises will suck your organs temporarily back into your body and gradually reconfigure them correctly in relation to each other.

You can use the search box to look for posts about horses and riding. Just plug some suitable keywords in and see what you come up with. I think you will find a mixture of positives and negatives.

Intuitively, I cannot see why it should not be possible to ride successfully. There are only two problems that I can see.

The first is that is that riding usually involves keeping your feet parallel, when in WW posture we tend to turn our hips, knees and feet outwards to get our hips deep into their sockets for stability. If this is only anaesthetic problem it is no big deal, if being able to ride is your main priority, rather than looking like an Olympic dressage champion.

The second is that you can wriggle around in a chair, or perch on the edge, but a saddle kind of dictates by its shape how you sit in it. It is often not possible to sit far enough forward on your pubic bones because the saddle tips your pelvis back again. Having said that, I was sitting on my daughter's horse a few weeks ago, being led around, and then learning how to control him with my knees, feet and rein movements. I hadn't been on a horse for maybe 30 years!

I found that I could do WW seated posture OK, but I felt like my feet were supinating because I was trying to keep my toes pointing forwards. I think I would have been more comfortable if my daughter had let me point my feet outwards, but that would probably have confused the horse! I don't know how I would go in the saddle all day. In the longer term I think you could also reeducate the horse to obey slightly different signals from your feet and legs.

I think saddle design and style are factors. The shape of the horse's withers and back will also determine how a saddle will sit on the horse. Having the saddle not slope backwards like a western saddle would be important so your pelvis doesn't collapse backwards as you rock or sit back. However, riding seems to be not so much sitting, but moving around and shifting your weight in different directions from a half-squat (which should be fine!), with most of the weight on your feet and thighs, and using your thigh muscles and the muscles around your hip joints a lot. With the reins held a long way in front it would tend to pull the upper body into a slouch, especially when giving the horse a bit of rein. Keeping your elbows closer to your waist would make it easier to keep your back flat and broad but you might not have the control you need in that position.

I would be giving the riding a miss for a little while until you can get your standing, walking and sitting posture right. Also use WW posture to lift and carry. Once that is more intuitive and you have trained your brain and muscles to work differently, then get back on the horse.

Wouldn't it be great if Whole Woman had an accredited practitioner who could teach women to ride again, using WW principle? I am sure that it is possible. There are very few human pursuits which cannot be adapted to WW posture.


Hi all,
I am sorry for the moan but I don't want to keep worrying my family.
I had a bad day yesterday, it was day one of my period and I was constipated; I had that horrible feeling on my vagina, was really uncomfortable. I had real difficulty passing the poo and it scared me again about how I am going to live with this for the rest of my life; I don't feel strong enough right now. I am having a problem getting out of bed as I just feel safe there, like I can't really do anything to make it worse if I stay there and I just don't want to deal with it. It seems to be all I can think of even though I am trying to keep busy. I am lucky as I have always been a chirpy person and always leapt out of bed before.
All my passions are physically based, riding (with my Beautiful Daughter), gardening, dancing, walking and I just feel totally lost like a really thick fog has descended upon me. I also feel ugly and unattractive, as if everyone knows and thinks I am no longer a whole woman. I am fearful of sex which I have always loved sharing with my wonderful Husband of 27 years and I feel that I have let him down because I look so weird down there now.
I think you must all be much stronger than me as I feel like I am falling apart x x

Hi lovelovinghorses
hope you are feeling a little stronger. Period time can be a real challenge at times. Focus on your positives, Write a list of things you feel grateful about. Keep reading and researching. The poo problem is one that has been commented on by many on this site.
Prolapse is challenging but it is worth the effort in finding what works for you. Life may never be the same but it can still be great with benefits to come in so many other ways. We all have times when we fall apart and it is OK.
Just at present, I am feeling very grateful and also sad. I met a friend I had not seen for years. She has 5 children Her 20 year old daughter had an accident a year ago and is now a quadriplegic. She has just brought her home from hospital and is trying to establish a care routine for her. To me, that is something that is a tough challenge. I also watched a documentary on Cambodia tonight. The living conditions for many people is horrendous. The squalor and filth was shocking. The people were crying out for help. I sit here in my warm comfy home with a full belly, So the fact that I have a prolapse seems pretty trivial to me just at present. Most days I pay no attention to it - now. Sometimes, I have days when it is more annoying. but I do know that I have some control over it and that I must stay in WW posture as well as diet, etc.
Best wishes

Hi Lovelovinghorses

Yes, just before and the start of a period are the pits, particularly at perimenopause, when bleeding can be heavy and the whole pelvic region feels inflamed. This too will pass.

I suggest that you look at amending your diet to take out inflammatory foods, and include more inflammation fighting foods.

I know life sucks right now. This is grief at work. Really, men don't notice prolapse at all, or only a little. However he will notice your blues. He still loves you, and will keep loving you.

You really do need to be proactive with this work. You need to take actions that will improve your lot. When you see some reason in it and you start to see little improvements it will help you to see that there is some hope. You just have to go with it, baby steps. Give yourself some pleasurable activities too. Your soul needs them. Be as gentle with yourself as you would be with your daughter.


I second what the other lovely ladies have said. You will be okay. It is a difficult time now. When you feel your bed is your comfort, sleep well. But when fear comes (and you are not alone, all of us here can relate to that) you have 2 choices now....fear keeps you in bed OR make a choice to let the fear propel you (slowly) into WW Posture. Spend your day in this posture....own it...yes, there will be doubts. Greet those doubts and know that they are causing you to be more mindful of the posture. For many weeks I could not sit to play my cello (cello is my love and also my work)....six weeks into posture, with the guidance of Christine, Louise and Surviving, I found a healthier way to sit and now....I am back....more mindful, a better cellist, a better teacher. You can do that, only with your riding. Try not to let the fear keep you it. You can do it. Trust that it will help you in it's own time. Love and Best Wishes to you!

lovelovinghorses, I am so sorry to hear about your bad day and feelings of anxiety. I am new here and have been experiencing many of the same things that you mentioned in your post. I have been married 28 years in October. I feel safe in bed as well and am afraid to do many things I had always done in the past for fear of worsening my condition. My husband works out of town and I have long days alone at my house now with my three cats to keep me company. I love reading, but just sitting in posture makes my back hurt and I easily forget and catch myself slumping. The constipation is the worst fear for me and I am having some trouble with that. I too feel unattractive but I try to dress nice but comfortable and fix my hair to make myself feel normal. I wake up in the morning and remember that this is not a dream and I feel sad as I was looking forward to my menopausal years without heavy periods, etc. I am 52 years old. My pride and joy has always been my home as I was a mostly "stay at home" mother and tried to make a great place for my husband and son. I feel like my days of painting rooms, gardening, and keeping my house pristine are now over. I'm sure that we are both just entering the adjustment phase. Change is difficult, especially the older we are. I am sure that with time and patience, we will both be able to return to many of the activities that we are accustomed to doing. We may be a little slower or have to do 3 things today rather than 5 but we will press on, I'm sure of it. And having been married as long as we both have, I'm sure there is nothing that we cannot share with our spouses. They too will have challenges and experiences to share with us as time goes on, no doubt. And later, if you are willing to share it, I am sure that you will find friends and others who are experiencing this condition as well, and you can all support one another. My mom has had this for 15 years and I never had an appreciation for what she was dealing with until I am now experiencing it myself. And just yesterday, I disclosed my condition to a friend of many years only to find that she, too, is also dealing with prolapse and I gave her this website as her doctor has been trying to talk her into a hysterectomy for several years now. You are stronger than you know and that inner strength will come out as your fears slowly subside and you will start slowly doing things again and with each success you will have renewed confidence. Blessings and best wishes to you.....

Hi, I am experiencing many of the problems with my bowels and passing gas, it does feel as if things are plugged up and as you and others have mentioned I feel afraid to have sex with my loving husband of 24 years because of the pain and discomfort I am afraid I will feel. But where you mention prolapse I feel mine is more fibroids outside my uterus. I am not bleeding but the pressure in my lower back feels like I have had a major fall or something and I can't spend my time and feel safe in bed, I am uncomfortable laying for long and do not get a good nights sleep?
I don't want to get a hysterectomy but I looked up fibroids on the internet and saw pictures and they can get huge and really block and put pressure on your organs??
One woman said she and her sisters take 'Hemp seed oil 2 Tablespoons every day followed by green tea to shrink the fibroids, and another woman said she took 'Red Clover capsules 1-3x day for 3 months and it dissolved her fibroids! So I am going to try both of these and drink 'Red Clover' tea.
Maybe many women have fibroids and are not aware of it, as they do put major pressure on your internal organs as well as the rectum, vagina, and bladder.