When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
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Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
March 9, 2013 - 6:02am
Hi Pollyanna. Sorry to hear
Hi Pollyanna. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. You are no doubt in perimenopause which can do strange things to your period even without the added complication of the fibroids. They do shrink at menopause but the question is, how to manage until that happens. Is there a doctor available to you who will perform myomectomy? You could be evaluated to see if you are a candidate for that. Personally I'd still have a fear that when the surgeon got in there, he or she might just decide to take the uterus....."oh, she doesn't need this old thing anymore!!" Yikes. Removing the fibroids is more work..........
You've got a lot going on there, more than enough to make you feel like your uterus is under siege. Is it prolapsing? Who knows? The organs are constantly on the move and not even the docs can pinpoint this. If you've been practicing WW posture for awhile (not just workouts but actually living in the posture at all times) then you are doing your best. Long walks in very mindful posture might help you feel better in body and mind.
I'm unclear on what type of surgery you are referring to, when you say that you fear it will be your only option. - Surviving
March 9, 2013 - 6:37am
There are a few options I was told about by the gynaecologist and the rest I have found out myself on the internet. If the mirena coil doesn't work I could ask about hormone injections (GnRHas) used to shrink fibroids. Some of the treatments that have been mentioned to me are termed non-surgical such as endometrial ablation. I don't like the sound of this and I'm not sure if it is an option because of the position of one of the fibroids. It is also fairly new so there is not much information about any long term after effects. Another procedure I have researched is called uterine artery embolization (UAE) used to shrink the fibroid by chemical done under local anaesthetic. There are also two new treatments MRI-guided percutaneous laser ablation and MRI-guided transcutaneous focused ultrasound. Needles are put in the fibroid and laser or ultrasound energy are used to destroy the fibroid. I don't even know if these are options for me.
Surgical treatments I know about are myomectomy - although this is not always possible and of course hysterectomy. I am worried that if I opted for a myomectomy they could just decide to give me a hysterectomy while I am under and they may also decide to do something with my rectocele which I don't want either.
I have probably become a bit complacent about living in the posture all the time. It is easy to let things go when life is so busy and also easy to become a bit complacent when things had been quite stable for a while. I know I don't look after myself as well as I should. I find making time for long walks difficult, especially in the winter when it gets dark so early. Even making time for regular short walks is a challenge
I'm frustrated at the timing of this as I probably have at least 2 years to go, maybe more, until I'm through with the menopause as I haven't really had many menopausal symptoms yet. I was prepared to live with heavier periods until through the menopause but I can't manage with them the way they have become in the last month.
I just hope that some of the non-surgical options are possible/work for me. If the uterus is prolapsing does anyone know if that could make the bleeding worse? I'm worried about an emergency situation arising when I feel sure decisions would be taken out of my hands.
March 9, 2013 - 1:40pm
Hmmmmmm….I’m a little
Hmmmmmm….I’m a little confused, Polly. You do the WW exercises every day, but you don’t do the posture the rest of the time? Are you in posture while exercising? The posture is the whole point, and if you are only dabbling, then you are missing an opportunity here. Prolapse-wise, this newest development should be treated by you as a wakeup call. Once the posture is second nature, believe me, it’s just how you go about your day. You don’t have to think about it and you’re getting your WW workout all the time.
I have read a little about endometrial ablation and UAE in Nora Coffey’s “The H Word”. What she has to say would scare anyone off. You might want to consult with the HERS Foundation, or how about setting up a phone consult with Christine? She can give you some perspective as she went through some rather intense menopausal experiences.
I totally see that you are in a bad way, and hoping to avoid a medical emergency that might lead to someone doing who-knows-what to your female parts. And you are so correct. You can write out your wishes and sign them in blood, but the surgeon still has all the power.
Best of luck to you. Talk to someone. - Surviving
March 11, 2013 - 2:06pm
advice and posture
The bleeding has slowed right down at the moment, and although that is because I'm taking a hormone tablet which I'd rather not do, at least I don't feel so rushed into making a decision. Also when I had a feel inside me everything feels the same as it did before - I think I was just panicked by the bleeding. Thanks for the advice about the HERS website. I've found out some useful information to follow up from the site and links to other sites. Last year I had a borderline Thyroid result and want to get that checked out again as apparently hypothyroidism can causes heavy bleeding, so it may not be the fibroids at all or may not be only them causing the bleeding. What I read has convinced me even more strongly against endometrial ablation and also UEA. I am going to book a telephone consultation with someone from HERS when I have seen my G.P. later this week and meanwhile I'm going to postpone my mirena fitting until I have more information. From what I have read I'm concerned that the progesterone in the mirena could cause the fibroids to grow, so even if they are not the cause of the problem now they could get bigger and become a problem. If the thyroid is not the problem then I will have to consider the options again.
My posture when walking, sitting and standing is good - I have a nice spine curve and rounded belly and I seem to have grown a couple of centimetres which I'm sure is just standing tall rather than slouching. I always use a wedge and lumbar roll in the car and have wedges on my work and dining chair. What I have got sloppy about is bending and reaching when I'm in a hurry - especially at work when doing a lot of typing on the computer. I used to carefully get up and crouch down to pick up files off the floor and now I sometimes reach down without getting up. I also don't get up often enough to have a break from sitting when I am at the computer for long periods of time. I just need to put myself first and slow down.
Apart from dealing with another haemorrhoid, I'm feeling a bit more in control at the moment and able to inform myself is empowering and will help me make a better decision I hope.
March 11, 2013 - 6:23pm
Hi polly - I'm glad you are
Hi polly - I'm glad you are feeling better and that things have calmed down a bit. I think you're right about the hormone pill. In the short term if it's helping to control the bleeding, then it buys you more time to think and plan without being in crisis mode. You're doing well with posture too. Hoping for the best for you - keep us up to date. - Surviving
March 25, 2013 - 12:47am
Hi Polly
All sorts of things go crazy during the menopause continuum. I would rather not think of one thing causing another, eg hypothyroid and heavy bleeding. I prefer to think of them all as things that go together when your system doesn't know whether it is reproductive still, or not. Many of these things will settle down. They are all inflammatory in origin. I suggest that you just try and reduce inflammatory triggers in your life and in your diet, and get some more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet.
Having said that, if there are symptoms or conditions that are going to seriously derail your health, attend to them, by all means, but remember there are no silver bullets. It is all about doing what you can in all areas.
March 27, 2013 - 5:30pm
Wise words as ever!
Thanks Louise, I'm sure you're right - I guess I was trying to make sure the Dr wasn't assuming it was down to the fibroids when perhaps something else was going on. My thyroid function came back ok anyway. I can feel my whole system is all over the place in the last few months. I've had the mirena coil fitted now and am hoping it will help while my body works its way through the menopause. I don't like mucking around with my hormones artificially but after researching all the possibilities I didn't feel I had much option. I am at least starting to have some other symptoms of menopause in the last couple of weeks such as hot flushes. I can't wait till it's all over but I was told by the gynaecologist that because my periods started young I'd go through the menopause later - that seems unfair!
I do have a lot of inflammatory problems that I have been tackling over the last three years that affect my bowel. I'm on an elimination diet at the moment under a dietician which has helped. I am intolerant to a lot of food and drinks and cutting things out has definitely made a difference. I need to try to reduce my stress levels but I find that hardest of all as it is a big part of my nature and on top of that I have a rewarding but stressful job and a son with a disability and his future is a big worry.
At least at the moment I'm not bleeding too heavily and my iron levels are back in the normal range : )
April 10, 2013 - 4:08pm
Help, heavy bleeding back - any advice please?
I had a Mirena coil put in 3 weeks ago to try to stop the heavy bleeding I have been having for the last year and a half. The bleeding was just about manageable until Feb/March this year. It has probably got worse due to several fibroids I have. I was prescribed Norethesterone (progesterone) tablets which helped but I can't stay on them for more than a few weeks. I have been slowly reducing them over the last 3 weeks since the coil was fitted as advised and took the last one yesterday. Today the heavy bleeding and losing big clots has started again. I don't know what to do next. I don't want to have Endometrial Ablation although it has been offered. I'm going to ask about a myomectomy as mentioned by Surviving but don't really want to have surgery at all. Has anyone else had this problem and tried any other treatments? Has anyone had a myomectomy?
Pollyanna : (
April 12, 2013 - 5:04am
heavy bleeding
Polly, I can't recall anyone here on the forums who has described any personal experience with a myomectomy. Not a lot of doctors do them, as it is SO much easier just to take out that uterus and be done with it.
You have some serious stuff going on, and you need more help than what we can offer here. I still say you might want to contact the HERS Foundation first, for some real discussion of your options and some help in dealing with the doctors. They might even be able to help you find the right one. Good luck to you. - Surviving
April 12, 2013 - 3:34pm
Thanks Surviving,
Thanks Surviving,
I know this forum isn't about the problems I'm having but I guess because so many women use the site people have sometimes experienced other issues too. Thank goodness the rectocele is behaving itself at the moment and dietary problems are under control. Since going back on the hormone tablet 2 days ago the bleeding has slowed again so I have a bit more time to inform myself. I've got an appointment with the Dr who put the coil in and the gynaecologist I saw in Jan. I will contact HERS again and also the fibroid trust. I have some good info sheets from their site describing all the options. One reason I don't think myomectomy was suggested as an option to me in Jan is that I have found out that they can't do the operation in my local hospital - I'd have to go to one in the next county. That does make me cross because you should still be told about all the options not just the ones they can offer.