Periods and prolapse.


Has anyone else noticed their period symptoms (cramps,aches etc) have become worse since discovering their prolapse? I only discovered my prolapse a few months ago but looking back the prolapse would of been there for years. About a year ago I started getting a lot of cramps, lower back ache, bloods clots, aches with my period. Until then I had hardly any pain etc with periods. I've had many tests over the years because of my prolapse (but didnt know it was a prolapse at the time) so I doubt it's anything serious, and I'm only 35 so I doubt it's a premenopausal thing but I'm wondering if I should go back to the dr or if it could simply have something to do with the prolapse? I have all the prolapses for the record. ( uterine hasn't been confirmed yet but I'm sure mine is falling)

I can't answer this question, maybe someone else has had this experience. I know from reading posts here, that the menstrual cycle can cause some fluctuations in prolapse symptoms, but I don't know if it works the other way around. - Surviving

Thanks surviving, I appreciate the help :-)

I have both heavy periods and prolapse. I've never really thought about the prolapse causing them. Perhaps it does. My periods have been heavy ever since they returned post childbirth, and I discovered the prolapse a couple of years after that. I know I have a couple of fibroids, and they seem to have fired up post pregnancy and childbirth. So I get extremely heavy bleeding for at least a day with all of the symptoms you mention, except the back ache. Sometimes the clots are truly huge. As a result of this I tend to get anaemic, and have been on several courses of iron tablets, which don't help in the constipation department, which in turn doesn't help prolapse. Ah, what a cycle!

interesting, my periods have gone nuts in the last year, with the prolapse being there, but not sure its related or just getting older and getting close to menopause

Thanks everyone for sharing, I'm only 35 but I've wondered if its some sort of premenopausal thing,but then I wonder if the prolapses could cause things to move around and cause things to change. I haven't been able to find much on the net and in my experience doctors seem to know nothing about prolapse. I'm starting to think its the most under studied condition ever!

I feel my periods getting worse may be related to my prolapse. After having my son 4 years ago my prolapse developed and my periods got so much more painful. I get a lot of backache and bad cramping and just a general ache in all those areas. My prolapse symptoms have eased alot since discovering whole woman a year ago. I'm 22 now. The last few months my periods have been bearable (which doesn't sound fantastic but they were almost unbearable before!)
But I wonder if that's more because my mindset about having a monthly bleed has changed. I used to feel like it was a curse, now I'm thinking it of as sacred time, as a monthly reminder to get slow down, be still, get in touch with my inner self, and do some soul-work :) I think that if I didn't have the physical symptoms I might just go on with life as normal and not have that inner-nudge.

Hey earthworm, I noticed a change in my periods after having my son at 18, as far as I know I didn't have a prolapse then, I'm sure having my daughter at 26 started that, so maybe it's just hormonal or something to do with with the pregnancy. However my periods were lighter and better not worse. I noticed no change in the years after having my daughter but the last year things have changed and at the same time my prolapse is getting worse. I feel the two are related but I can't quite work why that would happen. I wish more women would talk about these things, as I've said before I have no faith in doctors and real learning from real women seems to be the way to go! So thank you for sharing :-)

Hi I found your post very interesting,I got my prolapse after my first child 17 years ago and noticed straight away my periods were much more painful,with bad cramps.I read an article saying a displaced uterus can make periods more painful,not sure why this is.but there was a marked difference in my periods before prolapse and after,just glad they stopped 3 years ago when I started menapause, hope this helps

Is a displaced uterus a prolapsed uterus? Sorry but I'm new to this, I suspect my uterus has dropped but my drs/gyno keep telling me it hasn't even though they haven't checked it. I'm basically diagnosing myself now since they are so hopeless.

Thanks Earthworm, great post. You are wise beyond your years. - Surviving

hategettingold... you have really summed up my experience with Doctors over the last few years, useless... you really need to google and diagnose yourself these days then go and present your knowledge and get them to check on that, its not how its meant to be, is it? Frustrating

Mumtofour you are spot on. I've had to figure out EVERYTHING myself, google is helpful but I've found talking to real women the most help thing of all. When it comes to prolapse doctors and specialists are total idiots!! It's like they are going off 100 year old text books!!

well I kind of feel a bit better knowing its not just my Drs that appear to be useless... what did women do before the internet? I shudder to think how many people got misdiagnosed

Yep I've often wondered where I'd be without the Internet. I still wouldn't know I had a prolapse, I'd just be worried why I have all these symptoms since the doctors never mentioned a prolapse after about 7 years if seeing them!!

Hi. I haven't noticed a change in my cycle but do notice that the prolapses get a bit worse right before my period. I figure it's probably my uterus weighs a bit more at that time.

That's a good point, I guess things would be a bit heavier.