

Hi - fellow soujourners. Ive been around here for a while, but still have some questions. Thanks for all the great help so far. I have a rectocele, asthma, retirement age, and Multiple Chemical sensitivities which means no paint, perfumes, or many foods.
Here are my questions right now. On the exercises do you recommend lesson one alone for a week daily, lets say then add #2 or just do 1 and. 2 or all the exercises every day or every othersay?
My caugh is a problem what do you recommend? I was Gould here that its a big concern as far as pop. But what can I do after all that I already do to control asthma? Abdominal splinting would increase abdominal pressure????
I'm almost home bound by this minor stool incontenance and trying to get clean after an aboundance of trips to the Lou daily. The finger splint helps but still the rectocele accumulates excess stool or mucous and leaves bombs ready for surprises and burns my shin. Sorry- coconut oil, pantry kindest, baby wipes not with standing, I'm still almost home bound unless I bring my motor home along . Ive been working the posture for 2months. ge done posture

Sorry for errors, don't know if its too lovlng to edit. Or what's my problem here. Panther liner is one obvious correction Not pantry kindist.told not Gould...my spellings bad because of deslexia, so I cant turn off the checker. I hope you can see past all this gibberish to the concerns I have. Thanks for your consideration.

The exercises: If you are someone used to exercising Bonita, then you could possibly jump in and move rapidly from one exercise to another, however if you are not, it would be best to tread easy, because you don’t want to pull muscles and make it hard to continue. So in either case, you need to go at your own pace. Posture is king or rather Queen and any exercise around that is diligent, but faithful to the Queen. If you go pulling a back muscle and you can’t stay in posture than you set yourself back. So many people go running after an absence and then sprain an ankle, pull a muscle and set themselves back. They get frustrated and impatient, but it was impatience and perhaps a little boredom that set them on that path in the first place.
Your cough: Poor asthmatic you. I have some in my family and it is a distressing thing. When I talk to them, they tell me that breathing is really important. Diaphragm breathing where the belly goes out when you breathe in and comes in when you breathe out is the way to go. Concentrate on the belly not the chest. The chest will mess you up, because it is the one that suffers most when the asthma is on. If, when you cough, you can sit down, or bend over at the hips with the cough or better still, and this is tops, huff, instead of cough. Huffing means to let the breath exhale high in the back of the throat not low behind the tongue as when you cough. Try it when you do not have the cough, just to get use to the process and the feel. This should make you more confident of being able to divert a cough to a huff.
Abdominal splinting: Now you really have me intrigued. Do you have diastasis? Are you talking about a diastasis splint? “The purpose of other girdles or bands is compression or bringing the abdominal muscles back towards the spine. The purpose of the Diastasis Rehab Splint™ is to approximate or pull the two halves of the muscles closer together. The splint is worn between the bottom of the rib cage and the top of the hip bones, so each side of the recti can be brought towards the middle.” Someone may be able to comment on this, but otherwise you would need to try this out for yourself, but the diaphragm breathing itself is an effective remedy for diastasis. In my experience just wearing a belt can increase for me personally abdominal pressure which leads to strong wind pains.
Stool incontinence: Concentrate on what you eat. Keep a diary. Yes. I know positively boring, but you need to check. Are your stools too loose? If no, then next question, are they short and move frequently. From what you describe in your post, this would be a yes. You need to seek the perfect stool. The one complete whole stool which passes smoothly. Ah, for you this now is for the interim the Holy Grail. For a good stool, you need to eat every day potassium, calcium, vitamin C, fat (preferably saturated e.g. a bit of cream in your coffee) and magnesium. You must determine the quantities you need by experimentation, but start by including some found in natural foods. This will take time to work. You must be diligent, but I know you will. Also a probiotic every morning before breakfast will begin to add good flora to your tummy and that too should help.

Wow. Fab thanks for all the time and expertise you shared
With me. I've been thinking about how to implement your suggestions.
How did you know..I did pull a muscle. Lol. On my first try
Exercising about a week a go. It was way inside, side to side,
through my upper abdoman. Higher on right side than the left. So I
Would get strong twinges sometimes. All better now. So I'll
Go at a slower pace. And achieve more.
The splint was only the thought that I could hold a pillow across
my abdoman when I caugh. But I think that increases pressure
not decrease. The "huff" will take practice that's for sure, it increases
pressure in mid abdoman but not on the prolapse it self. Great idea!

I have changed my diet lately. I'm working with a Dr to address MCS
so there's tons of nutrients to take, vegi diet, probiotics too. I will do a
diary to capture the trends. I like the goal you set. One piece one time.
Maybe the time of day I take the nutrients matter, I've taken the probiotics at
noon and physillium before breakfast. I'll switch. I had a mercury problem
during dental work and got lots of symptoms, because of the longstanding MCS.
therefore this is a detox regime with
increase nutricianal support for the liver. But the rectocele is making it complicated.
I'll have a dr appt soon, but felt I needed prolapse specialist help too.
Tooo much information,
but just incase it will help you understand.
Us older ones have looonnnngggeeerrr histories, right?