Period and prolapse


Hello everyone. Im seven weeks pospartum and got my period today. I think I saw on a post that We cant do fire breathing while menstruating. Is that true? Are there any precautions I should use with doing exercise. Please help. I have been improving with WW posture and have been doing the first aid prolapse DVD by christine. My cervix is also inside all time. I just dont want to do anything to jeopardize my progress. Thanks

No firebreathing and no nauli during menstruation - but the rest of the first aid DVD should be fine. Good to hear it's going well for you!

I didn't know that. Why not?

Thanl you. I appreciate it

I would also like to know WHY we should not do these exercises when menstruating. It may help us to understand a few other things as well


Here is a good discussion to check out:

Thank you so much for sending me to that discussion. It's exactly what I wanted. I've done a quick overview of it and will check it out in more detail later.
