Newly discovered Urethrocele


Hey there,

Can someone point me to some posts that speaks about urethrocele. I have searched over several pages but haven't seen exactly what I am looking for.

I am basically looking for women that have had it and had it get better. Also, but they have had to deal with and what I should expect with symptoms ect. The urethra opening is quite large and of course lowered into the vagina. I didn't even realized what it was at first. I actually had to look at it with a mirror while peeing to make sure it indeed was the urethra.


I can't give you a lot of info about this, only what I have noticed about my own. I had a problem with feeling like I had to pee all the time and part of it was because my pants seam was rubbing against the opening and keeping it irritated. As well, I only take showers now as the opening is wide and I worry about irritation from soap and the possibility of bladder infections, etc. Since I am postmenopause my vaginal tissue is less moist so I use a waterbased lubricant but am careful to not get any around the opening so as not to give bacteria a place to harbor. Also, at the end of my shower I rinse the outer area really well with warm water and then cup my hand so the water runs down over the area to cleanse it. This also seems to sooth my cystocele. Then while everything is clean, I pat dry the area and then apply my KY Gel. I have a pretty significant cystocele and mildish rectocele (depending on the day), and have found that my urethral opening and clitoris have migrated. Am new to this as well (Whole Woman) but hopefully someone who has more knowledge than I have will chime in...Christine? Louise?

I am concerned also with infection sine I enjoy taking baths.

I also want to add that I am meaning to get the book soon but finances are severely tight right now. I am doing all the research I can on here in the mean time. I am sorry if I ask too many questions.

You can never ask to many questions here. We learn from each other. I am just sorry I had no real answers for you. I started checking around the site again after my post to you but I haven't found an answer yet as to whether the urethra will always stay dilated, but then there is a lot of info to wade through. Am hoping someone will pop on that has dealt with this for awhile or has some insight on this, for both of us. Will keep searching the site. If I hit on something will let you know...let me know if you find something as well :-)

Hi mamaof6,
I've just typed in 'urthrocele and positive experiences' into the blank query box (top left hand corner) and quite a few questions and answers appeared. You may find some of the threads helpful. You're certainly not alone.
Good luck and best wishes,