Uterus prolapse and bleeding


Hi, i am new, i will buy Christine's book in the next few days, and first let me thank Christine and everyone else here. A couple of days ago i discovered i have a uterus prolapse, and i went into a plain panic. I am 35 years old and although i have diabetes, which came as a pack lot with my obesity, i had never required hospital treatment. But when i googled uterus prolapse i could not believe how all they could talk about was operations. I got soooo scared, hence the name by the way. Then i came across this site and i saw hope again.
I got my prolapse in the most unusual way as i am a practitioner and have been practising fascia unwinding on myself, but ever so much that i think i relaxed my lower abdomen area too much, and with my very large belly pushing down, it eventually fell through, my uterus i mean. I am very lucky that so far it has only gone down about one third to a half of my vagina but i have been pushing it back forward. So now it is holding up a bit higher still and that is just with one day.
I am also practising the proper posture all day, when walking, and sitting. I have read a few posts and researched on the topic of the questions i want to ask but did not see anything that could answer me so i thought i would ask the questions here while i wait to get the book:
Is it normal, and is it safe that i have been bleeding for the last two months? I believe that my prolapse has been activated quite a long time ago. Probably at least two years ago. But i did not see the signs. But the proper drop happened i think in the last week. Because i had no idea and still did fascia unwinding. So i expect things must have gotten quite upset as my uterus decided to take a trip to the south, which could have triggered bleeding two months ago and up to now. I will go to my gp soon to have a check, because bleeding could be so many things including cancer, but i am first going to carry on wit acupuncture and posture, pushing forward and exercise for a short while to see if it will heal. I just wanted to know if many women actually bled during their prolapse.
Also i would like to ask, could being on hands and knees then dropping upper body down be the optimal position to push the uterus back to its place?
I am keeping an eye on risks of infection as well with the bladder...
I was so devastated to think i may never dance or swim again, or run in water. I gathered that i should be able to swim, looking at other posts, but what about dancing and running in water?
I forgot to mention, i have never given birth. And although my weight didn't cause the prolapse, i don't think, i am now working at loosing the weight because for sure it is not helping and probably getting in the way of my uterus going back home.
I guess i wanted to say hi and also to ask about the bleeding mainly, but i will soon bore you all with so many more questions.
In the mean time thank you all for showing me that there can be a life after prolapse. And you cannot imagine, by the way, how mad i am at myself for giving myself this. But hopefully this is the wake up call i needed to realise that my body will get sick if i don't look after it. And if you can believe that i am about to approach a number of people to explain that i can help them to look after their body at my clinic and then i don't even do that myself... That is not good. Well, i am today, right now, stating that i will look after my body from now on, in all aspects and i will fight this, and use everything i have in restoring myself to brand new. I know it doesn't work for everyone and that it doesn't work fully for everyone, but i will give it all what i have got.
And diet wise, i had been trying to do a raw food diet for years, and so with the high fibre content that is my best opportunity yet.
I wish you all, all the best of luck as well. I am looking forward to updating everyone on my progress and on reading threads from others. Lots of love and sunshine.

As we have to put our fingers in our vagina everyday, i normally follow a good hygiene routine if i have to do that but since the prolapse, does that mean i am going to be more prone to infections in terms of germs going up the vagina and into the uterus? I know there are risks of for example urinary infections because of the bladder being disturbed by the prolapse, but in terms of the uterus opening... Thank you for putting up with my terrible lack of knowledge and common sense...

Hi scaredy cat,
I have the more profound uterine prolapse and never had any unusual or prolonged bleeding with it, maybe a little more cramping and heavier than it probably should have been, but never lasting more than the usual days. A couple of months of bleeding may need to be checked out at your age.
The biggest aspect of this work is getting the whole woman posture down so you can move your organs more into your lower belly and away from your vagina. Christine's extended knowledge base on this subject has been a great help for me managing my uterine prolapse.
I push my uterus up when it has slouched down too much, with clean fingers of course, and have never had a problem with infections. Getting down on knees and forearms can be a great relief for prolapse, so keep doing that. There are also other techniques like bending over and jiggling everything back up followed by firebreathing(which you will learn if you buy the book and DVDs) that are great for getting the uterus up. But, don't do the firebreathing if you are bleeding.
Welcome and keep reading all you can.

Just a question: I have never heard of fascia unwinding. What is that?

Hi. Thanks for replying so fast. Will definitely try the jiggling. Even sounds like fun. Fascia unwinding is amazing. The body is made of bones, organs, muscle and fascia. It is like a fibrous net that covers the whole body as well as wrapping the organs. And so when someone has a trauma, physical or emotional, and because our life habbits, e.g. How we work, move and sleep and ear, the fascia gets stuck in knots in places. So what i do then if someone explain their aches and pains, i then try and find the areas of trsuma by placing my hands on the body, and i wait to feel what they call a pulse but what feels to me more like a pull. Then with my hands i follow the pull, and so they are on top of the person's skin or clothes depending on the kind of unwinding i use, and then i go into the pull and then it generally resches the heart of the knot and stops. I wait there, and then it normally pulls out of the trauma and i guide it out by following the pull out with a strong intent. Then, i would repeat the same on other areas or even the same area if it needs to unwind more. It is a fantastic feeling. And it can fix so many problems, i have gotten rid of an eating disorder like that, i dont ever put on weight anymore after years of getting bigger everyday. And i have almost completely gotten rid of a hump bellow the neck area on myself, and many more things, headaches... And very possibly my pelvis is now how it should be but i have been thinking about it since i posted my message and i think it has gotten wider now. And most likely because i did too much too fast, the uterus must not have had the time to adapt and went down. I guess kind of how a woman's pelvis can open wider when giving birth. So i am hoping that it wont go any lower than it is now. And then that i can manage to put it back up. Eventually.
I forgot to mention also that i hadnt had any periods for the last three years at least, because for two of those years i had taken the injection contraception. Then i found out how bad they are and stopped exactly a year ago and i had not had any period for another year or so after i stopped, til two months ago when i started bleeding. Maybe the bleeding could be due to that.
So, based on your personal experience, i would like to ask you another question: is it normal that when i have pushed it back forward that it is coming right back down and not staying up? My uterus? Is it that it needs more time? Or is it that i am doing it wrong?
I would really appreciate your words of jiggling wisdom.

In my experience so far, in the beginning and right after periods it just comes right back down, but after I really got serious about doing the whole woman work, I can actually keep it up there more for days even. But, this all takes time and diligent whole woman posture work. I do the exercises on Christine's DVDs just about every day. I try to walk in whole woman posture as much as possible. Kind of cold out right now here in Wisconsin! Jiggling and firebreathing are a must for uterine prolapse, in my opinion, several times a day. And, getting my diet under control to prevent constipation was a big one for me. Constipation is hell on prolapse! Honestly, it has taken me longer to see improvement than a younger person would. You being 35 might really be in your favor to see better results sooner.

That fascia unwinding sounds a lot like reiki. I had a nurse friend who did that.

Hi. Thank you for answering to me and so soon. I was hoping you would say all that to me. I am waiting on the book now, purchased it yesterday. I am working on the posture at the moment, and my bleeding is reducing everyday.
I also do reiki actually, but reiki is about energy healing, my hands, more often than not will be on the other person's body, although you can also do it from a distance, but then it is about transfer of energy. Where with fascia unwinding I am actually moving the body. Some techniques of unwinding are about pushing the body in the direction of the knot, where i would move the surface of the skin and tissue bellow together with the fascia to move the fascia, but also actually i did not mention that above, i can rotate an arm, or head or upper body to unwind a whole limb. So it is much more physical than reiki.
That is amazing that you can keep it in for several days. Well done. You must feel like you got your life back when that happens. That is what saddened me the most, to think there may be things i will never be able to do again, like dancing...
Yesterday i walked to the shops down the road and back, and was amazed to see that things didn't fall out as I walked. Today, i am going to town to have a last cooked meal before my raw food diet starts. I am just scared that right now i may have it rather mild but to make it worse if i start moving about too much. I have to paint the walls of my clinic as well. I will do that monday. I am using the women posture as much as i am understanding it and being able to replicate it as a beginner, but do you think that having the arms up while painting my walls could be too much downright pressure? I am planning to use the whole woman posture while i do it.
I wish you all the best in the mean time to keep it up and happy jiggles all around :)

I find that doing any activity for too long can be a little hard on my prolapse, so taking breaks is a good idea. Get down like you have been on knees and forearms and breathe deeply into your lower belly. That feels really good! And while you are up try, try, try to stay in whole woman posture! Always the posture! It seems like such a simplistic thing, but it really does work for pelvic organ support.

Wanted to talk about the raw food diet. I have tried and read about just about every diet and eating style out there including: vegan, vegetarian, paleo, south beach, raw, etc., etc. and find that they may help in the short run, but none can really be a lifestyle. I have recently been reading about eating real food by Michael Pollan, and he says that the problem with the western diet is that we have become too much into nutritionism. We just need to go back to cooking real food. I saw something on tumbler that was funny to me. It was a big open refrigerator and the caption over it said: keep real food in your refrigerator and you will be eating real food.
We have become so confused with all these diets, we don't even know how to eat anymore, as a society. If you look at other cultures, they don't have the same health problems we do because they just keep eating the same way they always have, even the French. I should say the traditional French. Even they have been infiltrated with bad eating habits. Sorry, will get off my soap box now.
As to the raw diet, I do worry you will get some digestive issues with that, namely diarrhea. And, nutritionally, the body cannot absorb all the nutrients from uncooked veg. Some veg needs to be slightly cooked to get the full nutrients from it.
Ok, done with the food preaching. Again, apologies. I wish you the best on your venture!

p.s. There is dancing on the First Aid for Prolpase DVD. And, it is quite lovely!

Hi Scaredy Cat,
Welcome to this site and the WW community. I hope you're feeling a little less scared following all of Aging Gracefully's sound advice!
Just to say I sympathise. A couple of years ago I experienced a significant uterine prolapse - and was a bit freaked out by it - until I found relief and support from the wonderful WW community and followed the WW approach. My story is that now I'm mostly symptom free, but definitely feel I have a vulnerability and that I am managing my pop. If I'm not diligent, then it returns. If I am diligent I'm pretty much symptom free.
It's wonderful to have the knowledge and resources to know what makes things better - and what makes things worse. So now I feel I have control over my prolapse, rather than the other way round.

What works for me is:
Regular WW exercise: I aim for daily practice from the WW dvd's but sometimes miss 1-3 days, never more.
Healthy diet: Organic, fresh, local mostly, if poss. I find soups, kachouri and stews great. I love warm food in winter and find it healthy, comforting and wholesome. I tend to have more raw food in the summer, which lends itself to salads etc. (I don't think only raw foods suits everyone and certainly not in winter).
Elimination: Avoid constipation. Stewed fruit is healthy and keeps things flowing beautifully for me!
Never strain whilst sitting on the loo suit. Lean forwards if you have to, but try not to.

I push my cervix up with clean hands when/if necessary. Should be fine with clean fingers.

Bleeding may be due to contraceptive changes. But a chat with the GP may be advisable.

Good luck! The WW way is very healthy and mindful - and many women find it not only reduces their pop's but enhances their levels of health and happiness..

Hi to you both. Thank you for your concerns and guidance. I am at the moment two thirds raw. This mean i eat a cooked meal and everything else raw in my day. I had been like that for a year a while back and did lots of good to me. So i will continue like this and see where it takes me. But i am being very careful with it though. I am fully aware of all the dangers about it when looking at general nutrition.
Anyway, i am going to post an update on my progress on another post so as to ask few more questions and also as to share how it has been for me in the last days.
But again thank you both i would not have been able to make it so easily through the last week without you.