burning from coconut oil?


On a brighter note I have been walking and sitting in posture this week and went to church on Sunday and sat in WW posture for nearly an hour without any bother, I felt more balanced and looked around and everyone else was slouching back in the seats. My back was a little sore but it went away. So I hope that I can nip this in the bud with the posture and exersizes,
thank you in advance,

I love coconut oil, though I do not use it vaginally, and I can recall hearing that it irritates some people. Do you have a need to apply some kind of lubrication all the time, or can you just go without for awhile? Then you can either try it again to see if the redness reappears (I don't know of any other way to figure out if the coconut oil is the cause) or you can experiment with something else. I don't have any other suggestions from first-hand experience, but do a search on lubrication and you will find some. - Surviving

. I think I read on one of your posts that you do bellydancing, that is great, so was wondering if it would be ok to do hula hooping, I used to do that years ago. I haven't got my dvd and stuff yet. When I do I will work hard with it and hopefully get back to normal. Can't believe I never ever knew what a prolapse was till I got some symptoms, Thank you for your reply.

Use it a lot internally and externally. Have a pusher I made from a tampon covered with finger from disposable glove. I rub the coconut oil on that and also apply it digitally, vaginally almost daily. But everyone reacts differently to substances. A daily drink of warm water, Tblsp coconut oil and lemon slice works great for regularity.

Hi yoga nan, I use coconut oil for cooking and use it on my face and it never bothered me, this was first time I used it on my insides, that is a brilliant idea with the tampon and glove. I will try that. Thank you for sharing that.

Hi willhealmyself. I wanted to respond to your interest in the hh. I am 57 and have a prolapse. I love to hh and just learned about 3 years ago. It is fun and makes me smile. I have not noticed my prolapse coming down more with this activity as I have with other activities like doing my Nordic track ski machine makes my prolapse worse unfortunately. You just have to try different things and notice how it affects you then see if you can modify it or not.

Hi LTwesp, thank you for reply, I will have a go at hh and hope I can still do it. Last thing I want is to worsen this, I'm hoping to reverse this.. great advice on the posts here.

Hi willhealmyself, I think the belly dancer you are recollecting is Louise. I think it would be jolly fun to do hula hoop. They were huge in my youth, but I had occasion to try one again a few years ago, and it's certainly harder than I remember! Let us know how it goes! - Surviving

Sorry surviving you are right, it was one of Louises post where i read about the belly dancing. I thought maybe the movements of hula hoop would be similar to that. I was reading that belly dancing increased pelvic health and fertility. Haven't a clue about the belly dancing but gonna try the hula hoop. From what I remember I think I would be able to do it in WW posture.

IF one is permitted to provide an url, I thought this might raise a smile or two (it did with me):

Love this! They all look so happy. Inspirational - makes me wanna have another go at it. Only about half a century since I did it last...... Thanks for posting- Surviving

that is brilliant Westlothian. so hula hooping makes you happy. this is to be my new year promise to do hula hooping and learn tin whistle. I know from last time I hula hooped that you need a large hoop. the normal size ones in the shops are too small and make it harder to keep it up. there are loads of you tube videos showing how to do it. i'm not letting anything get in my way this year. just turnrd 65 and live in Northern Ireland, when we reach this age in we receive a free bus pass where we an travel all around Ireland. so I will be def be using this a lot. and theres no way i'm letting a little pop get keep me back?

was just wondering if anyone can tell me if this is ok to do. there is a picture in the hula hooping link showing a young girl with her leg held straight up to her head. I can get my leg really high but not like this. I've always done yoga so I'm very flexible, would a high kick to the side be bad for my cystecele. haven't tried it in years or maybe thats what give me pop. anyone know? in my last post the c in my laptop wasn't working. thank you.