

Somehow I lost my posting but I want to thank Louise for discovering jiggling as it really helped me today. I may do if a little different but it works for me. With a clean finger I push my uterus back up and while I am still bent over jiggle/ shake bottom up and down. My cervix will slip back further almost beyond finger reach. Stayed up all day and I have been having a great week with my prolapses. Thank you Christine for teaching us the whole woman posture and giving us helpful exercises for woman to do. Thanks for all the other ladies who answered my questions when I first found out I had prolapses. Feeling confident and not so scared.

No worries, 56! I think we all do jiggling a little differently. I think I do it a little differently each time and wherever I happen to be at the time. As long as we can force that uterus up inside, it is a good day to be had. Glad it is working for you. Following up with some good firebreathing is also a good idea.
I do miss Louise coming here giving us her sage advice; she had such a calm manner and was so knowledgable of everything prolapse.
I will never be able to thank Christine enough for what she has done for all of us. I am in agreement, she is the best!

Aging gracefully, I agree, Christine is the best and I just love your name cause it is so positive and beautiful. I picked mine out in a very depressed mood a few weeks ago. I am still 56 years old and falling apart but much more happier and hopeful since I have a better handle on this situation and a support group of this forum.

I miss Louise' s sage and sound advice too. When I first came on to this forum she constantly provided me with a calming assurance, which is what I really needed at that time. I do hope that she is Ok.

I too miss Louise terribly and do not have any updates on her, perhaps Christine does. I also miss those moms, and their great words of wisdom that can never be duplicated by those of us who did not go through this trauma in our younger years. But life goes on. Though this forum is searchable, I never feel right telling scared newbies to "search the forums" though I have done so on several occasions. There is just simply no substitute for having many voices on this forum, and for those of you who do take the time out of your busy lives to help out, we are all so very grateful. - Surviving

Louise is busy building her WW practice in Western Australia. I am surprised too that she doesn't pop in once in a while...perhaps she will see this thread. Thank you for asking about her.