Check-In and Good News


So it's been about a month since I discovered strange lumps in my vagina. Lots of ups and downs since then, caused by other anxiety issues and conversion disorder that had my body convinced I had some nerve issues. Completely recovered from conversion and working on the other issues with therapy and some (hopefully temporary) anti-anxieties.

I have Christine's book and DVD. They make a ton of sense. I was able to self-diagnose a urethracele and a rectocele- the urethracle is the size of a grape at its worst and the rectocele is crazy fluctuating but never larger than a flat-ish lime size. With the posture and firebreathing I believe I have managed to stabilize the conditions and can begin healing. Some mornings they are quite small and asymptomatic.

My continued symptoms are the general pelvic heaviness and some strain on the ligaments, pressure on the perineum, as well as slow urination (but complete emptying in posture). My biggest challenge is BM health since during a depressive spiral I killed all the healthy bacteria in my intestines with a diet of vodka, coffee, and pizza.

I have been eating a natural, healthy, no gluten/dairy/added sugar/caffeine/alcohol diet for two weeks, and have been having at least daily, on the soft side BMs. I take probiotics and slippery elm in the morning, as well as drink licorice tea.

I just read Fiber Menace and am wondering about the sudden shift from no fiber to lots of fiber and the effect on my GI. I'm going to start tracking all my macro nutrients and fiber intake so I can regulate my diet and maybe slowly cut down on fiber, as well as add in white rice for easy digestion.

I also would like to share my observation that prolapse and anxiety/depression/trauma issues seem very connected. I believe a traumatic event that resulted in my developing PTSD was what precipitated the symptoms, but that my poor diet and posture had me at least on the way there, as well as intermittent IBS. Maybe trauma is directly related to why women who have no real GI issues and no children develop prolapse early in life.

I'm already feeling better, more in control, more positive, and healthier after only three weeks of work. I have my moments of doubt and my more symptomatic days, but love the changes overall so far. I'm also in physical therapy for carpal tunnel (yeah, a lot going on right now) and some of the exercises my PT has me doing are helping me hold and strengthen the posture. I even told him (in general terms) about the WW work and he was very supportive about the posture. Thanks to everyone here, and Christine, for making this live-able.

I will continue to check in and share my journey, since I feel like kind of an anomaly case, being so young. Hopefully my path of healing can inform others more about their own issues.

Hi Dear larougefille,
Wonderful news & thank you for sharing.
Whole woman is indeed a great journey of discovery of self and healing of the whole person, body and soul.
Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

Dear larougefille,
So glad to hear things are looking up for you!! I wish you the best and contined success!

Thanks so much for sharing, this is a wonderful post. I firmly believe that the WW work has been the jumping-off point for many women who have wanted or needed to turn their lives in a different direction. You are certainly a shining example of those wonderful possibilities, and I hope everyone who is in depair will read and take this post to heart.

Your dietary adjustments are great. I know that not everyone has sensitivities to gluten and dairy - I'm still eating my share of both, for better or worse (emphasis on the "worse"). But in my own personal experience with family, those who do feel moved to eliminate them, and are able to, can see a huge change for the better. So my hat is off to you there.

I too have read Fiber Menace, and though I could never implement everything in it (or even come close), I have taken to heart the message with respect to the dubious practice of bulking up the stool with extra fiber and water. A healthy diet contains enough fluid and fiber. While a rectocele can sometimes make it seem like a big, firm stool is the easiest to eliminate, I realize that it's not a sign of good digestive health overall, and fails to address the real changes that we sometimes need to make.

Thank you again for a wonderful post, keep up the great work and keep us informed of your progress. - Surviving