When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
If you are already a registered user you may now log in and post. If you have lost your password, just click the request new password tab and follow the directions.
Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
Aging gracefully
April 15, 2014 - 11:53am
Hi maleissues,
Hi maleissues,
From my experience in working with people with bowel issues has me wondering about your pancreas and/or blockage in the bowels. Problems with the pancreas can cause the stool to be lighter in color or even white depending on how affected the pancreas is. Blockage or tumors in the abdomen can cause a pencil thin stool. It could be other things, of course, but getting those checked out might be a good idea. Have the doctors tested you for the possibility?
As to the possibility of rectocele, I think I have heard of men having them, but I don't know anything about that, but men are suppose to also benefit from the same posture we do on this site.
Wish you the best, and that some valuable answers come along.
April 15, 2014 - 12:01pm
Hi Aging Gracefully,
Hi Aging Gracefully,
Thanks for responding. My pancreas has not been checked for a while, but that is on my list for Mayo. Tumors - Pretty sure I don't have as I get scoped and CT scanned annually. As you all know, and are aware of your bodies, I can best describe my problem as feeling mechanical. Like something is obstructing my bowel movements. Now what that is I am not fully sure. Or perhaps I have been told but just don't want to believe it yet. I can envision where years of undiagnosed IBD and formerly watery stool had my system in overdrive. Perhaps this is what had caused movement of my organs, prolapse, PFD, etc.
I need to understand more about this posture and how a man can assume the best posture befitting our frames and anatomy. I am 5'-10" and 150lbs. Have always been slender, except when I get bloated and feel and look pregnant.
Aging gracefully
April 15, 2014 - 12:14pm
It does sound like your
It does sound like your bowels have been through the ringer. Have you had a nutritionist work on a diet with you that would suit your current issues? Sometimes putting in or eliminating certain foods can really help. Have you had your natural bacteria count tested? You may not have enough natural bacteria left in your gut so it can do its job correctly. I have heard of fecal transplants that are used on some occasions. As to probiotics, some people believe in those, but I took them for years with no positive results. I really prefer fermented foods, but I don't know how any of this would affect you.
If you start reading information from the tool bar, you can start to get a good idea of what the posture is all about, otherwise you could get a consult from Christine to sort all this out.
April 15, 2014 - 12:49pm
I have not seen a
I have not seen a nutritionist but I have considered it. Another agenda item for Mayo Clinic. Some people control Lymphocytic Colitis by going gluten, casein, and soy free. I have done that for extended periods of time and my GI symptoms have improved somewhat, but my obstructive symptoms have only worsened. I have also studied fecal transplants. Nothing grosses me out anymore but that one is just a little weird. If it works though, I am for it. I think I agree with you about probiotics. As an analytical type person (engineer), I have difficulty understanding how ingested probiotics can even survive the acidity of the stomach. Again, thanks for your helpful input! I still think the root of my current problems are mechanical in nature, similar to the problems on this forum. My LC, I feel is controlled, and I would bet my next colonoscopy will show this. I am thinking that a dynamic MRI will show the mechanical problems. Who knows. But anything to lesson my symptoms is welcome advice from this forum. Posture-wise, I have always been a sloucher. Sigh.
Aging gracefully
April 15, 2014 - 1:11pm
Yes, slouching is bad for all
Yes, slouching is bad for all of us! I can tell you the basics of the posture we use, but more study or advice from a male perspective would be best. We stand with feet straight, knees straight but not locked or bowed back, relax belly but do not push it out, shoulders down but not back, chest lifted up but not out. Neck is lifted up with chin slightly tucked. We try to hold this posture not matter what we are doing and it helps us with our prolapse issues, hips and spines.
Are you thinking you have a rectocele, pouching of the rectum? The women can tell they have this, because the rectum pouches into the vaginal space. Not sure where this would be in male anatomy, or how you would temporarily relieve the symptoms during a bowel movement the way we do.
Like I said, this is way beyond my physiological understanding.
April 15, 2014 - 1:27pm
bowel problems
Hello MI,
Thank you for writing in and yes, I think we will be able to give you a few ideas.
We have had several women come to the forums over the years with symptoms like yours. When I was a hospital nurse I also worked with men and women who had long-standing serious bowel disease. I too used to have terrible bowel issues as a child, worsening into my teenage years. Luckily, I came to a high quality diet early on in my twenties, which I’m sure saved me in many ways.
We have had women describe the same pasty, thin stools. In some cases it was found to be caused by food allergies - particularly to wheat and dairy. My guess is that you have gone round and round with such diet experiments. When I read that someone is taking probiotics and other supplements trying to cure a very ill gut, I shake my head because from my perspective the bowel needs to be healed at a much deeper level.
Everything about how we digest and absorb our food has to do with the bacterial colonies in the gut. There is a tremendous amount of information about lactic acid producing microorganisms normalizing the surface area of the bowel. So of course, probiotics are all the rage. But I don’t think swallowing a capsule of dried laboratory-manufactured bacteria is remotely the same as doing the delicate work of growing your own local, live species and consuming them on a daily basis.
I just tried to find my copies of Ann Wigmore’s books, but they’re buried somewhere on the shelf. Try to get ahold of her Hippocrate’s Diet or a little book called Why Suffer? Here she describes how she makes “Rejuvelac”, the easiest and probably best way to heal a diseased gut. She simply ferments wheat seeds for two or three days and then drinks the water, which has been cultured by friendly lactobacilli. We all live in a sea of life-giving microorganisms just ready to make us well. This is like being on an IV drip of the highest and most pure medicine you can imagine. Anything problematic in the wheat is completely broken down by the lactobacilli. I hope you will do this, because it sounds to me like you are a candidate for future bowel surgery - which is anything but curative.
The imaging tests you are going through are based on a faulty perception of human anatomy. As you have probably read already here, it is a fact that you do not have a pelvic floor, but rather a muscular wall behind you. In women, the path of least resistance for intraabdominal pressure is the vagina. Since the front half of the pelvic diaphragm is closed off in men, you are more susceptible to rectal prolapse, or a condition called intussusception, where the bowel lining telescopes or slides down on itself. Pencil thin stools are a symptom of this. The “pelvic floor descent” they describe is really a bulging at the back wall. All their treatments are based on anatomical misconception. This is where the Whole Man work comes in.
Humans are not designed to chronically hold in their abdominal wall, yet this is extraordinarily common in our culture. You don’t even have to try to hold it in, but it automatically pulls in when lumbar curvature is flattened. The lumbar spine flattens through all the ways we sit, stand, and exercise in modern culture. And, we very easily reverse natural breathing when our natural posture is distorted. Normally, when you breathe in, your entire abdominal wall should move forward. When you breathe out, your belly should passively fall back. Almost everyone has reversed this by adulthood. It is this breathing under the forces of gravity that moves the abdominal and pelvic organs forward into their anatomic positions. The stomach, liver, and intestines have ample room so all the organs that move fluid through the body sit at right angles to their channels. This protects us from prolapse and urinary incontinence, but it also protects against such things as acid reflux and hiatal hernia, which is literally when part of the stomach gets sucked up the pipe. The pipe (esophagus) should be at a right angle to a forward-placed stomach. Your sigmoid colon should be at a right angle to your rectum.
When you’re either pulled in or slouched over, your guts are jammed to the back of your abdomen and pelvis. The rectum not only loses its support, but is impinged on by the intestines. Thus the pencil-thin stools.
To illustrate my point, have a look at Joseph Pilates as an old man click here. From a cultural perspective, we think he looks pretty great and buff. But from a Whole Woman perspective, he is quite deformed. All the decades of severe abdominal work have reversed what the natural forces of intraabdominal pressure have been trying to do with every breath. His tightly held belly has rotated his hips outward, has chronically bent his knees, and has rotated his shoulders inward. In reality, he has the structure of a non-human primate and I would be very surprised if he weren’t suffering from knee and hip pain.
Now look at this classic view of our founding fathers click here. Every single one of those men are pulled up into Whole Man posture. Their abdominal walls are held out by a strongly lifted chest. Their chins are held in and down in natural human posture. Were they trying to do this? Of course not…it just happens while living and breathing naturally under the forces of gravity. They chopped their own wood and did not have soft couches and chairs to spend hours reclining in. What was once utterly natural, we now must bring into conscious awareness.
No matter what the extent of your bowel problem, you need to naturalize your gut from within and without. There is a good demonstration of Whole Woman posture (which is also Whole Man posture) on YouTube.
Another pillar of this work is never straining against the toilet seat again. All you have to do is plant your feet firmly on the floor and lift your bottom slightly off the seat whenever you need to raise pressure. This will align your rectum into its anatomic position for emptying. When you sit and strain against the seat, you cause back pressure that literally blows the organs toward the pelvic outlet.
Please understand that conventional medicine does not consider gut health within a wider framework of reference than surgery, drugs, and kegel exercises with a PT.
Wishing you well,
Aging gracefully
April 15, 2014 - 1:34pm
Thanks so much, Christine for
Thanks so much, Christine for stepping in!!! As always, such a great wealth of information!!!
April 15, 2014 - 3:21pm
I've been in the midst of an internet outage all day, and I'm just now seeing this awesome thread. Maleissues, do adopt this posture. Relaxing the belly is the hardest thing to re-learn if you have been sucking things in tight for decades like so many of us have. I started this work almost 4 years ago and I was probably into my second year when I could stay in posture without constant reminders to myself. Once it becomes automatic, it changes so many things about how you feel. Glad you found us; I think you will agree, Christine can point you in the right direction. - Surviving
Aging gracefully
April 15, 2014 - 5:28pm
Just looked up the recipe for
Just looked up the recipe for rejuvelca. I am definitely trying this one!! It might even be better than my fermented beet kvass. We will see!! Thanks again, Christine!!
April 15, 2014 - 6:21pm
Hi Christine and All:
Hi Christine and All:
I want to first thank you for all your advice and empathy. Christine, I really appreciate your thoughtful response. I have ordered the book by Ann Wigmore and willing to give it a go.
I really think you nailed my problem, describing it as some sort of prolapse. What is difficult for me to conceptualize is why surgical intervention won't help to resolve this problem. I guess I think in terms of mechanics, and that if I have a mechanical problem, then repositioning this problem geographically within my body cavity via surgery seems to be well indicated. Life a face lift. Maybe my colon or rectum is stretched out and won't return to its normal position. Perhaps removing a section is all that is needed? I have been told I have a redundant colon. However, I do understand there are no guarantees and surgery carries high risk. But I feel like I am going into an acute phase and need to take immediate action. Maybe I am wrong about this, but I long for the dysfunction I had last year (and at that time, I hated it). The bloating I get is new and alarming to me. I do feel like I am not clearing my bowels enough and this cannot go on forever. Moreover, I feel toxic.
Now with respect to using the toilet. I have tried the squat position. Does not help. I try not to strain, but feel like I need to just ever so slightly to get the motion going. I will try your recommendation though to lift myself slightly off the seat instead. I just feel so blocked that I am not very hopeful this will work, or help. But I will assure you I will try.
Some more information about me test wise. About 5 years ago, I had a defocography where they stated my anorectal angle does not straighten as much as it should. No big deal they said but not typical. 3 years ago, at my annual colonoscopy, they could not progress the colonoscope. This was a first for me. My doctor at the time took an image of where the scope got hung up and it was several inches up my lower left side. I remember seeing the photo and it looked like the colon was folded over. I was distressed but also very relieved when I saw this because I knew we had found the problem. So another doctor put me under full sedation and was able to progress the scope without issues. He said the colon can kink during the procedure and there was no blockage, polyps, or the like. So they released me and said good luck. And like I stated previously, Cleveland Clinic tells me that my perineum descends quite a bit and they feel that is part, if not all, of my problem. So, my brain tells me I continue to worsen on a linear scale to where I will soon end up fully obstructed.
I have hope that the high resolution of an MRI at Mayo vs a simple fluoroscope will pinpoint my problem so I can at least have the option to discuss my problem with surgeons, PT's, and others. Up until this point, I am just sent away as having IBS type symptoms which I know is a waste can diagnosis.
So as to help me to not strain, is there any problem with using Miralax to help me out as well? What else can I do, in addition to postural changes, that can help me to get more complete elimination? I don't suck in my stomach (not the type of person who cares about six pack abs). In fact, if anything, my posture has always been biased to being lordosis.
Thanks so much. Looking forward to your next response.
April 15, 2014 - 10:03pm
posture and the gut
Well, you seem to be deeply steeped in the medical paradigm and so of course it is difficult for you to see how destructive so many of the treatments are. Don’t any alarms go off when you hear the term “redundant colon”? They certainly do for us, because we’ve so often heard a similar term, “redundant vagina”, and understand it to be an old, outdated perspective. This is not to say the colon can’t become hugely stretched and lax, a catastrophic condition. Please understand that Miralax is likely contributing greatly to your bloating and feelings of anxiety. It is a terrible drug. The mind/body is one perceptual being and your gut is screaming to your subconscious mind for help.
I have witnessed women who have consented to rectal suspension (rectopexy) only to develop permanent, intractable high constipation (paralysis) and now must manually remove feces - for the rest of their lives! One wonders at what point a colostomy bag would be preferable. Then there is the pain and dysfunction from inevitable scar tissue and adhesions. Surgery is usually anything but curative.
I agree about the futility of squatting all the way down, as is often recommended. Unless you can hold a full lumbar curvature, this closes your pelvic wall and makes less room for evacuation. When you lean forward into the half-squat I described, you are dropping your intestines into your lower belly and relieving pressure on your rectum. Don’t worry about reasonable pushing in this position. All animals have to push BMs out.
I would hope you could begin to think about your condition as dynamic, rather than some set-in-stone anatomical problem that could be diagnosed and treated through imaging studies and surgery. What is folded and crimped today may be open and fluid tomorrow.
Ann Wigmore’s brilliant work was developed for people like you who have been harmed by industrial food (I’m guessing here) and medicine. She herself (she is long-since deceased) must have been quite ill, as she taught and treated herself in such radical ways in response to her own symptoms. She grew wheat grass, ground it, and placed the pulp in her rectum for hours at a time. She swore at its healing properties and developed a huge following of her deeply healing ways. I believe this level of emergency response is what is needed in a case like yours. There is nothing the medical system can offer you, as they truly do not know how to bring you back to health. Until you can internalize this you are risking everything. Yearly CT scans and colonoscopies?
I cannot give you specific instructions, because we all respond differently to food. But if it were me I would start with something like short grain brown rice and raw butter. George Ohsawa, who brought macrobiotics to the planet, saw many cures initiated with brown rice alone. Perhaps you could later add a very few stewed prunes. I’m just guessing here (maybe your gut won’t tolerate rice or prunes) but trying to help you see the drastic diet changes necessary for an ill gut such as yours. I would not take any supplements, not even magnesium. We grow and juice barley grass - an extremely nourishing food filled with magnesium and omega 3 fatty acid. The gut needs natural foods and that’s why I think Ann’s ideas will be helpful.
The fact that your puborectalis muscle isn’t relaxing completely suggests chronic tightness in your pelvic floor. This is extremely common and related to a habitually tucked tailbone. You don’t have to have six pack abs to have this very common postural problem. Before WW there has never been a distinction made between a low, sharp lumbosacral angle and the wide-radius curvature of WW posture. It is all called “sway back”. Posture may sound insignificant, but it is what gives our organs the room to function properly.
Hope this has given you something to work with.
April 16, 2014 - 7:53am
Hi Christine,
Hi Christine,
Respectfully, I am not entrenched in traditional western medicine as my fix for all of this. I don't want you to get the impression that I am so one-sided. I have pretty much given up on traditional medicine, except for national centers of excellense (and I may give up on those too soon). I have tried, as you mentioned, elimination diets. I am also on the Microscopic Colitis board and have been for a long time, getting guidance for the MC component. And way back when I started with that site, I could release my bowels fully. My evacuation symptoms are not consistent with MC per my friends on that board. They encouraged me to have stool tests done at Enterolabs by Dr. Fine which shows me as borderline gluten intolerant. Admittedly, I have not been 100% compliant to a gluten free diet (I know I should be... I think). I do know there is an internal component to this, but I am always trying to keep my mind open on all avenues - including traditional medicine. My annual check ups are a result of my grandfather having UC when he was young and ended up with an ileostomy post WW2. And with my lymphocytic colitis diagnosis, they watch me closely in that respect.
I do agree that my puborectalis does not relax. And this is where I have trouble helping myself. I do a variety of yoga type stretches that PT's have told me can help this. I am hoping to get more knowledge from Mayo's PT's in this area. Figuring this out on my end, in the small, resourceless town that I live in, just seems impossible.
But I must tell you that your comments are the most enlightening and sobering I have ever experienced. And perhaps the comprehensive wake-up call I need. I woke up this morning, talked to my wife, and told her today is the beginning of the change for me. So we both googled how to make non-wheat (quinoa... respecting a possible gluten intolerance in me) rejuvelac (my wife is going to make that for me), and I am going on a strict elimination diet. I am still going to Mayo clinic because I don't see their testing as overly invasive (I will control that) and if they can also confirm, like you say, non-relaxing puborectalis, then at least in my mind, I will feel like I have a direction to travel with respect to me life long healing.
So you can see I am focused, but also a little scattered. I have tried many things, but probably haven't stuck with one path long enough to allow a positive change to occur. Embarrassed and ashamed about that.
Keep in touch. I will with all of you. And thanks so much!!!!!
April 16, 2014 - 8:15am
I'd like to put in my plug
I'd like to put in my plug for you to really work hard on some dietary measures. Some months ago, my husband went completely off gluten, and not long after, eliminated dairy. Virtually every digestive issue that he had, went away, as did several other seemingly unrelated things. He does not preach, but as he points out, anyone can give these things up for a week or two, and that's all it takes to see a difference, which each person can then judge for him or herself.
I mean completely. Cutting back on these things doesn't do much, if you have a true sensitivity.
Also please be aware that conventional PT follows the anatomically flawed medical model of the pelvic floor. I'm not sure if the impact of this is any different, when it's a man receiving the PT. - Surviving
April 16, 2014 - 10:00am
I hear ya, Surviving60. My
I hear ya, Surviving60. My wake up call begins today.
April 16, 2014 - 1:01pm
biology of belief
Great to hear, MI. To add to your healing path, take a look at Bruce Lipton's amazing work, outlined in his revolutionary book, The Biology of Belief. You can also find him on YouTube. Be well! C.
April 19, 2014 - 3:19pm
2 Days - Gluten/Dairy Free
I know 2 days is too soon for any type of positive results, but just mentioning that I have started the eating portion of my healing process. I have discontinued most of my meds/supplements except last night I felt so icky in my bottom (and was distended and bloated), I drank a glass of Calm with magnesium before going to bed. 3 bathroom trips this morning upon waking. Start firmish, then looser, then looser. Then a couple this afternoon. This afternoon were really hard to pass and very flat and light tan in color. Have felt incomplete most of the afternoon. Since I got home from the east coast, I have been eating brown rice, apples, etc. Haven's started rejevelac as my wife bought the wrong ingredients (had gluten).
Still confused about lifting off toiler seat when not trying to strain. Almost feels like that makes things a little tighter and constricted. Glad to hear from all of you and happy Easter.
April 20, 2014 - 2:01am
To Surviving60 and Everyone
Yes try going off dairy and you will find you will feel a lot better. It's hard but non dairy foods taste good when you get used to them. It's better to feel well than ill.
April 20, 2014 - 2:14am
To Maleissues
I have seen men on TV shows with rectal problems and of course men have problems too. I had problems when I took Lomotil. I didn't have any problems before that. Well I think it was the lomotil. I had a pain in my back and terrible bowel problems when I took these tabs. I am 67 years now and I have lived with my prolapse since I took lomoti when I was in my fifties. I am always wondering what caused my prolapse. I blame Lomotil a lot.
April 20, 2014 - 7:25am
Cleo, I used to take quite a
Cleo, I used to take quite a bit of Lomotil when I was first diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis. It was my "rescue" drug for when I was in an an environment where I did not have immediate access to a restroom. And it did work great for that. I have not evacuation problems back then... just unpredictable loose stools. Lomotil shut my system down cold for over 12 hours at time so no worries about losing control of my bowels. Though knowing that it is a nerve agent, one can understand that it can't be very good for one's health. If I took Lomotil or even Imodium now, my bloating and cramping would only increase, I would have much harder but still flat stool, that would be even more difficult to pass. I know this because I have experimented with it over time. So for me, having my bowel movements on the looser side is preferred. My theory for me is that years of undiagnosed lymphocytic colitis caused frequent water bowel movements. And it was that frequency, urgency, activity down low, and having to hold it at times that likely caused an anatomical change - i.e. prolapse of some sort. I believe diarrhea can cause this. I believe this because my condition came on slowly and just worsened, almost linearly, over time. And prior to all of this, I had a severe pelvic pain condition that just would not abate. I have thought about a pudendal neuropathy, and even the Cleveland Clinic considered that, but way back when I saw them, I wasn't nearly as bad and I think they blew me off as having IBS - which means they don't know what the problem is.
Surviving 60, I am OK with dropping dairy too (and have already). Though I do miss yogurt and cheese. My LC friends also tell me to drop Soy. I have found great alternatives for all of these. I just need to stick with the restricted diet and keep my head in the game. And for me, since I travel about 300 days a year, ensuring I don't get "contaminated" food is my largest challenge. When I travel, I try to eat like I am on the Atkins diet - even though I am thin and have never had a weight problem. I do it because it seems to agree with me more than anything else I have tried, and, because it is easy find restaurants where I can eat breakfast type foods all day long. Plus, it makes me feel full longer. I can even request that they don't cook in butter (I find most don't anyways). But the incomplete evacuation problem is what is literally driving me batty, as you can all sympathize I know. And if dietary changes can improve this symptom somewhat, I am onboard with this. Feels good to talk about all of this. Thanks again for listening. I know there are people out there that are far worse than me, but this still doesn't diminish the reduction in my own quality of life.
Aging gracefully
April 20, 2014 - 8:26am
Was just getting ready to
Was just getting ready to make my rejuvelca, and found that I had the wrong wheat berries!!! I bought the hard red wheat berries. The recipe calls for soft white wheat berries. I also read that this is important, that the hard red just doesn't work, so for those who who are interested in making this drink and don't want to make the same mistake "soft spring white wheat berries"
You have been such an inspiration with your honesty and frankness. I have recently also cut out the dairy, for over a week now, and have noticed quite a difference in my bowels and overall feeling in my body. I have always known that I was becoming more and more lacto intolerant, but just loved cheese so much, I didn't care. Your journey is helping me to revisit my own, and I thank you for that!!
April 21, 2014 - 11:15am
lifting off
Hi MI,
Just lean forward, lifting your weight slightly off the seat. Think of your tailbone lifting up. Your leg muscles will strengthen over time, but understand that you don't need to stay there and hover. Just lift your weight off when you are pushing.
I do believe gluten will not be a problem with rejuvelac, as the lactobacilli break down the protein into amino acids that are easily absorbed by the gut.
Eck woman
April 21, 2014 - 12:15pm
sharing information
Having always had problems with constipation since I was a young child I have done some research on ways to help with it. Sometimes constipation and diarrhea can be caused by parasitic infections. We can get parasites from our pets, unwashed vegetables and uncooked meats. There is a book by Hulda Clark called A Cure for All Cancers. It was her belief that parasites caused cancer and that eliminating the parasites cured the cancer. I was surprised to learn that I had them and according to her book most people have some parasite.
I just thought you might look at that angle to eliminate (no pun intended) that as a cause for bowel problems.
Blessed Herbs has a detoxification kit that works well to regulate the bowels. It contains bentonite clay which helps to remove old fecal matter off the walls of the colon.
Just wanted to share my information about products that have helped me.
April 21, 2014 - 4:44pm
colon cleansing
Some years ago when I was a newbie here, I purchased a colon cleansing herbal supplement at the suggestion of one of our then members. The idea appealed to me, but I never got up the nerve to take any. My bowels at the time were very unpredictable (they have calmed down somewhat since then, most of the time at least!) and I feared I would need to take several days off work just in case something strange happened. i'll never know..... - Surviving
Eck woman
April 22, 2014 - 12:27pm
Thanks Surviving 60
I should have added that you will have to take a few days off of work to do a program like colon cleansing but once you have done one the energy you feel is amazing. Having a prolapse sometimes make it harder for women to have a bowel movement and they have to manually push it out. My gynecologist says some of her prolapse patients have to do this. The objective is not to strain.
I sometimes wonder if we are supposed to push so hard when we have a baby. Also in a gynecological exam we are told to push when being examined with that awful, cold instrument they use to examine with.
Being in my 60's I have come to Christine's program later in life, but am grateful to have found it. She has devoted her life to this and she truly cares about her work, that really comes through. Good choice to have Surviving 60 as a moderator for this forum.
April 22, 2014 - 6:37pm
Aging Gracefully, I am glad
Aging Gracefully, I am glad you have been inspired by me. Nice to know others are being helped by my writings. I just hope I can stay on plan. So far, so good. Gluten has been completely cut. Have had some dairy foods sneak in and I need to eliminate them completely too. But still, I feel some progress with my toxicity levels lowering a bit. GI/Bloating/Evacuation problems still existing.
Christine, thanks for the extra tip on lifting off the seat. Will try this approach.
Eck Woman (I love these login names), I have heard of Hulda Clark and read her information. Then I read a site that showed the results of the cleanse, little green globules, are simply a blending of the olive oil with other eliminations and not gall stones or anything significant. So the engineer in my keeps me skeptical. However, eating healthfully and not treating my mouth as a sewer (someone told me this analogy) makes perfect sense for any ailment. It at least helps my mental state of mind and that is important.
Aging gracefully
April 22, 2014 - 7:13pm
I used to work with a gal
I used to work with a gal that co-owned a clinic where they actually did deep colon cleanses. She swore by it, but I was always doubtful of the long term affect. To me, going for regular colon cleanses seems to mask underlying problems. I like to think the body can heal itself if given the right environment. As far as bowels go, I really believe putting the right food in and getting rid of foods that irritate the system can be very helpful. I have been reading more and more about fermented foods the last couple of years, and am finding that it really makes sense. Fermenting has gone on for so long before modern manufacturing took over. These are lost arts that were used to keep foods for longer with the obvious by product of good gut health in the form of the healthy bacteria that we have been losing by our modern diets. I remember seeing those old crocks in some of my relatives homes when I was a kid. I always wondered what they were for...
Aging gracefully
April 22, 2014 - 7:28pm
A lot of times I will start my hover over the toilet with my elbows or mid forearm, I should say, just above my knees for balance. I usually do this as I feel a bowel movement coming on. As it gets closer, I then lower closer to the seat in whole woman posture. I have developed pretty strong leg muscles for hovering with the whole woman exercises and walking. But, it did take time and practice to do it. I was hovering too well a few times and made a mess on the seat! TMI! But necessary, I think as a description. I really like the position my rectum is in now. It feels like it is in right position finally, but then I had a uterus resting on it too! Besides that though, the posture work and hovering helped a lot.
April 23, 2014 - 5:00am
Maleissues said that he has
Maleissues said that he has been getting a colonscopy every year, and based on my experience getting it once, I can easily see where that whole prepping process would really do a number on your system especially if done over and over. How could the good bacteria ever get re-established, even with the best diet in the world? - Surviving
Aging gracefully
April 23, 2014 - 6:23am
I have heard of fecal
I have heard of fecal transplants for people with severely depleted healthy bacteria, but I don't know if maleissues falls in this category or not. It could be a slow process to building the healthy bacteria back into the gut, but I think in the right environment, they can.
Our modern day diets are continually depleting the good bacteria out of our bowels, and I think we need to get back to the basics of good whole foods and proper preparation of them. Our health really does begin there. I saw enough people in the nursing homes and hospice with impacted bowels and cancers to believe that this is true.