Complications... life is hard!


Hello again! Hope everyone is doing well!

Good news first- urethracele is basically asymptomatic and haven't felt much ligament pain or heaviness all week. Rectocele is making itself known still but BMs are pretty regular and I never have to splint (or strain! just wait, lol).

Bad news- I'm about to embark on a full-out war on the parasites destroying my health. I recently discovered tape worm eggs in my stool and have been experiencing "die-off" symptoms despite an impeccable diet, supplement, and probiotic routine. I drink a cup of kerif every day, for cryin out loud! And I'm only 22! I can't believe it. I started noticing these symptoms after starting neem supplements to cleanse my blood of any toxins. No longer taking it but still feels like I got a cold- and Mexican jumping beans in my stomach and intestines.

I eat a ton of garlic and eat no sugar, gluten, or dairy outside the kefir. I started taking a tea of lemon, coconut oil, and turmeric to promote healing and for their anti-microbial and anti-parasitic properties. It is so gross and makes me smell like Thai curry but I'd rather have my health.

What is everyone's opinions on colon cleansing and enema cleansing when you have rectocele? Everyone over on the parasite forums recommends them but I don't want to get reliant or further injure myself.

I don't know anything about tapeworm, though we've had plenty of experience with pinworms. Isn't there a medication that kills off tapeworm fairly quickly? Is the medication something that parasite forums tell you to avoid? And did you actually get your stool tested or is this a self-diagnosis? All else being equal I would think the quick drug route might be easier on your system overall (and kinder to the rectocele) than going at it with enemas and colon cleanses. Both routes probably do a number on the good bacteria anyway. - Surviving

Agree with surviving. You really need to get tested if you think you have actual tape worms. Tapeworms are actually pretty rare in developed countries. They have hooks that grasp onto your upper intestines that won't let go. Any amount of cleansing is not going to get them to release themselves from you very easily.
It also sounds like you are throwing a lot at your digestive system all at once. Slow it down a little and let it catch up.
p.s. I don't believe in supplements to cleanse the body. It can do that on its own given the right environment.

You know, if you start reading a whole bunch of negative information, you are going to start thinking you have all these different conditions. I remember doing that when anxiety was high. I would read about a condition, and then would start to obsess that I or a loved one would have that condition. It feels so real when you are at the height of that anxiety. You know what I did? I forced myself to stop reading so much. The thought would come in my head, and I would do anything else busy enough until the thoughts passed. It is not easy, but it is doable.

I also read that what you would see in your stool are tapeworm sections, not eggs. I agree with AG, get tested if you think it's parasites and in the meantime, let your digestive system rest awhile. - Surviving