Tailbone pain


Last question. Does anyone else here with pelvic floor issues have severe tailbone pain? My PT suggests it is related to my pelvic floor problems. Looking for others who have this and what helped. Thanks

Hi, I don't have any pain ...at least not yet. All I feel is pressure..like a full bladder! Uncomfortable! Ugh! I don't like it because I always feel like I gotta pee. Sorry to hear about your pain.

Hello not sure what your background is, I got my tailbone pain really badly quiet a bit after finding my prolapse,trying to remember how long and it was very painful. Not sure how or why but it lasted awhile doesn't seem to bother me now. I do alternative treatments and also whole woman posture DVD when not pregnant so could be these things have helped it on its way. I wasn't sure if it was prolapse or birth related but it was awhile after both. Only time I suffer with it now is long journeys in a car.. Sorry I can't offer much help just wanted to say yes I have experienced it and it's not nice, assumed it must be prolapse related

Not me personally, but Christine herself has noted that tailbone pain is one of the issues that resolved over time as she developed the WW work. - Surviving

Thanks all. It is fairly constant when I sit and really bad when I am riding my bike. This is new in the past couple of years (I have been riding bikes, formerly competitively, all my life - so it wasn't doing something new) It *seems* to coincide with my rectocele and pelvic floor issues so that's why I asked. The PT seems to think scar tissue adhesions could pull on the tailbone and cause pain. I don't know. I have begun the WW posture exercises but they are not so far helping me except when I use them to help me vacate my bowels. Have had to splint less doing it. Maybe the coccyx pain will subside in time.