

Is there anyone who is coping with perineocele ? I have what I thought must be rectocele as the back wall of the vagina descends and protrudes . I've been working on ww posture and exercises for about two years now and am so glad I found the site I didn't go for surgery . ! Reading the posts about rectocele and doing the self exam though I'm confused. I can't feel either the bladder or uterus -the bulge is just soft tissue. Also rectocele sufferers seem to have trouble with evacuating and that's not one of my problems. The last gynaecologist I saw when I asked what kind of prolapse it was said it was " skin" !?

Reading the ww book recently I came across the definition of perineocele and it seemed to describe my symptoms a bit better but I 'm not sure and would be grateful to hear from anyone who has any knowledge or knows which of the ww exercises are most useful.

Thank you and thanks to Christine , her team a everyone who posts. It really helps to know there are so many people out there who can support women with prolapse.

Hi Tia, I've found several posts on here where Christine notes that perineocele is usually the result of surgical rectocele repair - something I presume that you have not had. I think you may be trying too hard to evaluate how the bulges feel. I too have soft tissue bulges which I know to be cystocele and rectocele, but I never would have guessed what was behind those bulges before I learned what prolapse was. Fortunately, prolapse management is the same regardless of what you have. - Surviving

Thanks for your reply , Surviving. You're right I haven't had any surgery, so if that's what leads to perineocele I guess I have diagnosed wrongly. On with the whole woman programme anyway !!