News Letter and Destination: Prolapse-Free Program


I just love getting the whole woman newsletters!! Always such great info! If you haven't had a chance to read the latest, it would be a great time, because Christine has introduced her new program, destination: Prolapse-Free! I can't stop watching these videos! They are set up in modules with each having its own subject. A lot of information many of us have all ready learned in Christine's fabulous works and some new information that just boggles the mind.
Each module is a treasure to watch, easy to follow and understand. And, in one she has a new exercise program where she shows the jumping she was talking about. I was leary when she talked about it on the forum, but seeing it in action makes it less scary for me. I am one of those that has to see something for it to make sense to me, and it does!! The rest of the exercise program just looks so relaxing and meditative. Can't wait to try it out!!

You have outdone yourself with this one, Christine and family! Such easy access too, especially for those that live outside the states. This is definitely a great investment for anyone!

Thank you so much!!!

I just order mine this morning and I watched the first two modules. When I called I was feeling rather depressed thinking about maybe having surgery ....and Alan was very understanding and helped me get through the day. All he told me was " put a smile on your face" ...everything will get better over time. I can't thank him enough for those words....I keep thinking about going forward... Without surgery....Thanks Alan!

Don't worry, dizzydee,
I think we have all had those thoughts of caving and giving into surgery. I know I did plenty of times, but it just made me study more of Christine's teachings about adverse affects and eventual prolapse of other organs from surgery, and that turned me right around again.
I also dedicated myself to the posture even more, and have found a place that I can live with this with no regrets anymore. Give yourself time to find that place for you.
Wishing you the best!!

Thank you for your kind words. You always help me see the better side of my situation. I'm trying hard to stay focused and hopefully I can learn to live with this....just last year I had a bulging disc and now I have this..I was very active and was looking forward to the summer as I'm a teacher...but now it seems to be bittersweet in that I won't be able to do the things that I used to do. We have some vacations lined up...mostly hiking and camping...and I keep thinking how am I going to get through this??? I feel bad because I have a 13 year old grandson that lives with me and I feel like a fuddy old lady cause I can't or don't want to do anything fun anymore...I am looking forward to watching the other modules and getting past all of this....and learning to live with this using WWP.

Yes yes yes, absolutely awesome collection of new videos with such easy access. Definitely the way to go for anyone in the far corners of the world where mailing and shipping issues can leave you in a funk waiting weeks and weeks for help! The wait can be the worst.

For anyone who is getting these now, i have noticed some issues accessing the last 2 modules when using Internet Explorer or Firefox. I have let Lanny know about this.....but I know they are away at the moment. - Surviving

I was told by my Gyn I needed to have mesh surgery as mine was a stage 4. I was so close to having it but my instinct was telling me to find out more about prolapse as he didn't talk about any alternatives.My doctor was the same.I feel now so lucky to find Christine's site, about a month ago,I have her DVD'S now and find them very helpful.Before I received her DVD'S it was twice a night to get up and go to the bathroom to urinate. It has been now a week or so I haven't been getting up at all to go in the night or feel I need to go. I was very determined not to have the surgery and having all the info on the site and doing the posture exercises has given me a lot of confidence to be very positive in myself to be able to help myself.I must add too I watch what I do but have noticed I am doing a few more things I stopped doing, gardening a lot more walking,and understanding what's happening. Keep smiling and positive

Thank you for your kind words. I'm so very times I feel "normal" and then I feel the bulge. I really want to do some of the things I used to do...I'm glad to hear that you didn't have surgery...I really don't want surgery. My doctor said something about a sling for my bladder, whatever that is? I really noticed that the posture is really helpful. I am starting to smile a little.

Diz, it seems to me that you can't let go of the idea of having surgery, but until you do, you are not truly doing the WW work. If you haven't read or seen enough to convince you that there is no surgical solution here, then you need to immerse yourself a bit more. Your doc can't help you, that should be obvious by now.

If you have a cystocele that is sometimes not even symptomatic at all, believe me, you are in good shape and you have a very manageable situation there. The bulge is not your enemy. Pull yourself up out of this funk and get to work. You have all the resources here, smile and get on with it, my friend! Surgery is off the table. - Surviving

Thank you for those words. I needed it! I know I have been in such a funk!!!! I'm trying desperately to pull my self out but as yet haven't been able to completely. Although I seem to be getting a little better..... I had a good day today in that I went to a college baseball game and didn't feel any symptoms until the end of the day when I was already home. I just need to immerse myself in WWP! Working and trying to take care of my mom and grandson seems to put me on the back burner. That needs to change in that I need to just come home and get on it! Thanks again my friend for telling me like it is!!!

Thanks diz for the response, I was afraid maybe I came on a little strong there. Your post just got to me because it was a bladder suspension procedure that caused Christine's uterus to prolapse severely in the first place. This fact is well-known to anyone who has done more than scratch the surface of her teachings. Those who keep returning to the forum with questions about this procedure, or that procedure, do tend to make us sound like broken records here. We'll keep preaching! - Surviving

No worries..I consider you all my friends and I want you to tell me the matter how harsh it may be.
I am really trying to pull myself out of this funk! I think it's just that this hit me right when I was getting ready to go on summer vacation...hiking and the like and now I feel like I won't be able to do anything without it becoming worse. I'm also concerned about my 91 year old mom.....but I'm feeling a little better..especially by having friends that understand what I'm going through and giving me advice...
keep it up!!!

But diz, that is exactly why you need to really focus on getting this posture. I once hiked for hours in really excellent WW posture and when it was over, I felt great, virtually symptom free! That's the whole idea behind this work, the more you can use posture/breathing/gravity on the positioning of your organs, the better it all feels. - Surviving

Hi Everyone!

Lanny and I put our new Destination: Prolapse-Free course up online and then left town for a conference! It was not a great move from a customer service standpoint, but we had to follow through with our plans, which we are so glad we did. We are getting back with folks by phone and email today. I am cleaning my house, which is a total disaster, as we had some construction work done right before we left too and all we could do was leave the mess. It is beautiful sunny weather though and I'm so happy to be alive and the leader of this blessed work!

For those of you who have invested in the course, I would love to hear how you like the new exercise program. I love it and think I created it because I finally needed something very short and very focused on moving the organs forward. Aging, I am so looking forward to hearing how it works for your primary UP.

And here's the Really big news (lol) I'm getting chickens this week! The first chickens I've ever owned. I bought my favorites - Plymouth Rocks, the big black and white ones and the house/run they're going into is adorable. I am right in the middle of a mid-size city and so far have built an orchard (nine fruit and nut trees!), an herb garden and soon to be chicken coop. The day-old chicks are supposed to arrive around the 21st by US mail. Does anyone know if I can make my own chick feed out of finely ground corn/flax etc?

I sat up in WW posture for almost the entire conference, which is always so good for my symptoms. Remember that the organs have not fallen down, they have fallen back from the lower abdominal wall! Our one and only job is to move them forward, which we can help do simply by sitting and breathing correctly. Sometimes we have to get the guts out of the way tho, in order for the uterus to take its rightful place, which takes more forceful effort.

Lots of love and wish me well with spring cleaning!


Welcome back, Christine!!
Sounds like you have been on some wonderful adventures lately! My daughter is getting chickens also, so will have to ask her what she plans on feeding them. She does most of her own food processing as you do, so she may have some ideas. I do know that chickens that are allowed to run in the yard a bit to eat bugs, worms, along with the proper chicken feed tend to have the best tasting eggs.
I will certainly be reporting back my progress with the new exercise program as soon as I have done it a few times. Just had my period which has always been hard on my prolapse, and I like to take it a little easy during that time, but will definetely be trying it out soon!!
So glad to have you back!!

Sorry, if this is obvious or posted somewhere! I could not seem to find it.:(
Thanks for the direction!

You should have gotten an email. Have you checked your mail? I think everyone who registers on the site gets the newsletters in an email.

hi lilygrace,

i just sent you an email with instructions on how to subscribe to the newsletter and how to view the free introductory video. i'll have a link up for the video on the website tomorrow.

listen to what everyone is telling you dizzydee, they have been at this for years and know what they are about. hiking is great exercise for prolapse if you are in the posture!

thank you aging and surviving for your kind words. it has been my experience that information has many layers that reveal themselves in different ways when information is presented in print, video or in person. even long-time whole woman fans will get a fresh perspective from this program.

keep up the good work ladies!

lanny (the DH)

I did receive the email and am all signed up now!! Thanks SOOO much!

Lanny and Christine,
Thanks so much for all the things that you have done and are doing for us...The encouraging words, the peaceful videos and just everything! It helps me with what I'm going through. Thanks!!

Me too, diz! I'm in a bit of a trough right now. Lots of stuff going on with the family, not all of it good. Shoulder pain that has let up a bit, but now I have something going on with one knee, putting a damper on my evening WW walks. Some non-prolapse-friendly physical exertions that could not be avoided.

Sometimes, after a long long day of work and caregiving, nothing feels better than going off to sleep with the calm voice of reason in my ears (Christine of course). Couldn't live without those videos! - Surviving

I sometimes feel stressed or overwhelmed and then I picture Christine with her calm voice and how she has everything under control and I try to think....Hey I want to be like that! If she can do it then so can I!! Just to have a command of my condition and take control over it...instead of it taking control over me! It is great to have them videos!!

Thank you, Diz! And Surviving, I am sending prayers to you for healing, energy and strength. XO

Please know I was a screaming memie for much of my life and that major drama runs in my family. My “calm voice” is the result of having spent almost 30 years with the most stable and gentle of men, and also many years on my own personal development. Believe me, prolapse has been the least of my life traumas.

The truth of the matter is, I need you as much as you need me. Although I’ve always had high hopes for WW, I’ve made the decision (and financial commitment) to take the work to a whole new level. In two years I want to be in Nepal teaching women there about their true pelvic organ support system and the dangers of the “humanitarian” hysterectomy. And from there, India, Africa, and beyond. It is a huge leap for me, because in reality I’m a very simple homebody who just wants to tend her garden (my chickens have shipped and will be here in the morning! Aging, I bought #50 of organic chick feed and yes, I plan to let them out of their coop on a regular basis and we’ll also give them our fresh barley grass pads after we juice the tops).

*I edited the drama (still working on it!) from this post. Officials are working hard on the situation and I must trust that we will all be safe in the end.*


So Christine, besides the thousands of Whole Women you have already saved, and the millions more who could/would/will be helped when the world stops resisting the truth and begins to embrace it.....there is more. Such an unimaginable journey so far, full of frustration and head-banging. Just when I fear that you must be coming close to the end of your rope after all these years, I find that you are ready to embark upon something so unbelievable, I can barely wrap my brain around it. There is this bottomless pit of energy and compassion within you that simply won't allow you to let up or give up. You and Lan have been my role models for how to live lives that count and that make a difference to the world. because you continue to press on. I think about all the petty things that stand in the way of most of us ever really leaving our mark upon humanity. For you two I have always wished that no matter how exhausted you may be, you go to bed happy every night, because of who you are and what you do. - Surviving

Thank you, dearest Surviving! I just commented to Lan at breakfast that I *am* WW. By that I mean I no longer think of my life in terms of ‘me’, but rather all of female humanity (and a few good men too!) I want to take my little intensive program around the world, and also continue to grow my own world in the ways I have always striven for - deeply into the fiber arts, food preservation, etc. So when women come here they will be inspired as well.

Some women get this work without much effort, while others need a lot more personal instruction. Still others are resistant to the work for reasons of their own. I met a very nice PT at the conference I went to last week who recognized me immediately, as she is a follower of WW. Some of the first words out of her mouth were “Well, the WW posture kinda works for some of my postpartum patients.” Meanwhile, her own posture was terrible and it was clear she didn’t/didn’t want to really understand it. There was no arguing the point when I responded, “The organs have not fallen down, they have fallen back from the abdominal wall and the *only* thing there is to do is to move them forward with posture, exercise, and focused breathing.” She really didn’t have much to say to me after that.

So you see how important it is to teach this to every woman we can reach. No one truly understands or is teaching this anatomically-sound work but us! Once a woman really understands, she knows what to do. Once she knows what to do, her life is vastly improved.

Lots of love,


What is so wonderful is that you found that calm voice, and have used it to help so many of us in our most frantic moments! I can really see you progressing and continuing this work on a larger scale. Seeing what you have done so far, how could you not? Opening minds and hearts to what women are really all about, teaching us that we can be feminine and strong without all the baggage of societal expectation. I learned that from you, and hope that the future women you teach can find this themselves, also.
Thanks so much!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the work that you and Lanny are doing! How exciting to get chickens! I have always wanted to do that. I would also like to have a goat, for milk. That's my dream. I think I'm living in the wrong I'm trying to stay focused on my WWP. Sometimes I find myself sucking in my gut and then I have to refocus, but I keep picturing you in my mind and I remember how composed you are and I try to emulate that. Thank you for being my role model. I couldn't have asked for someone as wonderful and calm as you......even if you think you are not :)
Love and hugs,

Thanks for the wonderful encouragement, Aging, and Diz...I hear you about being born in the wrong century! I wanted goats too until I found a source for raw milk from Jersey cows. I was making the most delicious butter and yoghurt before the state shut them down. I think one cow and a few goats would be heaven on earth. And lots of chickens! My chickens are two days old now and happy and as adorable as can be. The hysterical thing is that my husband, who was *not* in favor of my acquiring chickens, woke up in the middle of last night stressing about whether they were warm enough, too warm, etc. He checks on them as often as I do! :-)

Thank you with all my heart for making our community so wonderful. It is really as close to a village as many of us can get in this day and age.



Dear Christine,
Thankyou for the privilege of being a part of your wonderful life's work, for which I am eternally grateful.
The other lovely ladies on this thread have said all I would like to say to you, only they have expressed it much more eloquently than I could.
Cheers for you and Lanny,
Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

It is my great privilege to know you! This is such a wonderful revolution, but we all must work carefully and with great intent. I got a google alert about a big physical therapy outfit in Canada that is teaching extreme Pilates-type posture and exercise for prolapse, saying the pelvic floor must be kept in line with the respiratory diaphragm by sucking and tucking! It is so misconceived, yet such a pervasive belief system!

Onward! (with love)

Christine hear that kind of thing and to realize just how much harmful information is still out there masquerading as treatment. In this internet age, I hope that women will eventually do their homework and stop flocking to the slaughter like so many sheep. - Surviving