When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
If you are already a registered user you may now log in and post. If you have lost your password, just click the request new password tab and follow the directions.
Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
June 2, 2014 - 2:24pm
Just want to say hello
It's so hard to know what to say because I felt the same, shattered emotionally and didn't want to touch or feel my body, to obsessing what was wrong and thinking everything I would have to give up. First thing is try to breathe and I call it grieve a little bit for the change in your body but it becomes better and better after time and I feel normal again, I know I have bulges but I not as scared anymore. Starting looking at the material, first aid for prolapse is brilliant and get into changing your posture ASAP. Try to avoid the gym, walking in posture is brilliant and great for weight loss I find as well. I have left all medical help for my prolapse as they just say vaginal wall relax to you need surgery once you've stopped having children, to me they have very little knowledge and will just say do Kegals, my advice is don't!!!! Get reading the whole woman forum and ideas and start doing it ASAP. Just wanted to say hello and it will get less scary, just take some time to come to terms with it, it won't hurt you and you go into emergency mode so try not to
Aussie Soul Sister
June 2, 2014 - 11:57pm
Dear Betterness,
Big hugs and welcome to this wonderful forum!
I too felt like you two years ago, & received wonderful support here.
I haven't looked back!! There are far reaching benefits that you can read about on this forum.
I started with living in WWPosture, and walking, sitting, standing etc, and have learned from the forum and Christine's Books, I now use the exercise DVDs - which all include informative discussion, and now the new format of Christine's Prolapse Free online program.
You will find that you can eventually adapt activities to Whole Woman posture, and like many women on here not even notice their prolapse.
Best Wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister
June 3, 2014 - 1:45am
Hi betterness
Big big hug to you
You remind me of myself when I first found my prolapse,I was panick,upset,confiuse,angry,snd talk about being used up and feeling so not SEXY.
I went round round from one doctor to another from one specialist to another and all.come back as "only mild prilapse" just do your kegel 100 times a day or more bla bla bla...or we can do.surgery that will make your vagina as good as if you never gave birth before..yeahhh right!...
I joint few forum and read online a lot of thing mostly is horrible stuff which i regret so much.
I fell lucky i found WW..i go online nearly everyday on this site,I read and gain knowledge that I never know before, I gave up on doctor and specialist..from this site I learn to love my new body.
I walk in posture, stand in posture,and aware of my postureand i can say that its help...a lot...since i joint the WW firum im no longer affraid , im no longer put finger inside and grab mirror to check and see my vagina...yes my bulge is there my symthomp is there but its all manageable.
Talk about posture my husband always said I look sexy on it..and itis you feel sexy with ww posture, when you try to stand and walk and apply the ww posture.yourself you will.know what i am talking about..the feeling if real woman that is.
I can tell you that thing will get better, search around the forum and come back with question, im sure the lovely ladies hin this forum will be happy to help and guide you to manage your prolapse.
Try not to worry, thing will get better emotionaly..
ohh Welcome to forum.
June 3, 2014 - 5:16am
Hi betterness - I just wanted
Hi betterness - I just wanted to repeat what lifegoeson said about avoiding the gym. If you've been working hard to lose weight, it's quite probable that you've done a lot of the typical "core" strengthening wotk that involves tightening the belly. This is very much a contributor to prolapse. Once you learn and adopt the posture, you will be able to do virtually anything in a way that does not strain the pelvic organs. Our work is all about using gravity and proper breathing to restore your natural lumbar curvature which helps hold the organs against the lower abdominal wall. A rectocele is very manageable with this work, even though it seems like the end of the world right now. It's not. We can hep you lose the fear and get on with things! - Surviving
June 3, 2014 - 10:32am
Doctor Confirmation
Well, I saw the doctor this morning and he confirmed a second degree rectocele, and 2nd degree uterine prolapse. His suggestion? Kegels, naturally. He said that surgery would be an option if it starts to become difficult for me to have a bowel movement. As for the gym, he said that I could resume my normal activity, though the weight lifting will likely make the situation worse. He was of the opinion that the benefits of losing weight for my prolapse would be worth it in the end. Please know that I will not take everything he says as gospel.
I am, right now, in a stage of grief that things will never be the same for me. I hope that the discomfort will at least cease, and I will grow accustomed to my new normal. You ladies are very helpful, but I have zero budget for any kind of product (book, dvd, or other) that may or may not improve things. It is a helpless feeling.
I'm having trouble finding hope right now, as it seems like I have to obsess myself with my pelvis and posture if I want to *maybe* see even minor improvement. I just want my life back.
Furthermore, despite being as vague as I could with my husband, I'm pretty sure he has seen my search history and knows at least that I have a rectocele. Not very appealing sounding, and I am sincerely concerned that my sex life is over, just as I was reaching my peak. My sex life was sluggish anyway, so to have it dry up completely or not be as satisfying would be devastating for me.
I thought I would be reassured from getting my condition confirmed, but it doesn't take the symptoms away, it doesn't take away the grief, and it doesn't turn back the clock and undo the damage that caused this. I will not be scheduling a surgery, as tempting as it is. At the absolute least, it would put an end to my summer as I wouldn't be able to swim with my kids for months afterward. So, in the interim, I will do as much research as I can and see if I can find any relief whatsoever.
Aging gracefully
June 3, 2014 - 11:44am
Hi betterness,
Hi betterness,
I know you are in a bad place right now, but it can get better. Many of us have come here feeling that hopelessness. And, don't think that because you can't afford the whole woman materials right now that you can't start whole woman practices. This site and forum have a wealth of information to get you started. This isn't an exercise program that you do temporarily until you feel better, but a life change to a better you!
Please read around here and watch the videos available on the site. Come back and ask us any questions you want. I came here with a profound uterine prolapse and have never looked back or anywhere else after weeks of searching for answers. Christine has the answer to prolapse management that helps us feel like vibrant healthy women again. I am 51 years old and do anything I want now. I know when to take it easy when I get symptomatic, and I know what tools to use to help me through those bulgy days.
This is a noninvasive program and has helped so many women with varying degrees of prolapse get their confidence back. Just do some reading. We will be here for you.
June 3, 2014 - 12:46pm
Betterness, a discovery of
Betterness, a discovery of prolapse is a horrible moment that we have all been through. But rest assured, you have just joined the biggest club there is, because most of us will get it eventually. Being relatively young, you have an opportunity that was not given to those of us whose prolapse was "in the making" for years or decades but waited until later to make itself known. What would I give for an opportunity to turn back the clock and start this posture work in my 30's? Have your moment of mourning for the pre-bulge days, then dust yourself off and jump right into this amazing work. You can see the posture on Christine's YouTube channel. There are blog articles, forum posts, web pages and videos galore here. This is the internet age and we are no longer relying on doctors to tell us only what THEY want US to know. We've gotten you started, but you must do this. There is no alternative. There is no cure, surgical or otherwise, but it is all SOOO manageable and there is no excuse to mope around, which will only make you feel worse anyway. - Surviving
PS: A rectocele should not have any effect on your sex life. That's a perception that comes from you alone, and at some point you'll be able to prove this to yourself.
June 3, 2014 - 3:40pm
Hi Betterness, As Surviving says, this is a moment we have all known well. When you're in that moment, it feels like life is over as we have known it. I just wanted to add to all of the helpful support and advice that you have already received, by saying that talking to your husband about this might ease your worry. A problem shared and all that. Lanny, Christine's husband has written a short guide for husbands in this situation: https://wholewoman.com/library/content/articles/husbandsguide.pdf. You might also be able to borrow Christine's book from a library. That's what I did when I first discovered my POP, until I was in a position to buy it. Take care!
56 and falling apart
June 3, 2014 - 7:31pm
Hi Betterness, I found my sex
Hi Betterness, I found my sex life to be better after discovering I had 3 prolapses with the uterus coming down daily into my vagina. I do push that uterus back up and try to walk in whole woman posture. I tease my husband saying he better give me a realignment soon... I swear sex seems to knock things back into place and it will stay up sometimes for a couple of days afterwards.
Aussie Soul Sister
June 3, 2014 - 7:57pm
Dear Betterness,
I have had rectocele for 17yrs + and had two babies vaginally with it not being a problem.
No - rectocele does not effect sex - our men don't notice.
If there are no other medical reasons, tight clothes and pulling in the stomach, and tucking in the bottom, and the resulting stress could cause abdominal pain as the organs are all squashed. I have not noticed intestinal and sometimes anal cramping I used to get, since adopting WWPosture 2 years ago. Diet and dehydration and stress are all contributing factors, aggravated by tight clothes and conventional posture. Whole Woman Posture has far reaching benefits that I hope you will see in time. Let us know how you are going.
Best Wishes
Aussie Soul Sister
Aging gracefully
June 3, 2014 - 8:17pm
Lol, 56! I have used my
Lol, 56! I have used my husband for the same thing many times! The penis is a great tool to push that uterus right on up there where it belongs! Just had to comment!
I would like to add that now that I have been doing whole woman practices longer, I haven't been needing that as much, but still do enjoy sex with him. It is so wonderfully apparent that the longer you do whole woman the better you feel! Now a year and a half into this, I actually have more actual symptom free days. Didn't think that would really happen with a profound uterine prolapse, but it has!
Keep at it girl, and use that hubby when you need to!!
June 3, 2014 - 10:28pm
I empathize with you, Betterness.
I am 38, and your original post really speaks to me. I have not been to a doctor to have my prolapse verified, but I have no doubt that I have one. When I was in my teens, I would sporadically have pains that felt as if they originated from my pubic bone. They would grip me, and I could not take a semi-deep breath. I could not even move until the pain subsided. It was agonizing. These episodes have become less frequent as I have aged, but they do still occur occasionally. I have never had children, but I have lived my life trying to prove that I can do everything a man can do. I have horses, and I used to lift 80 pound bales of hay on a regular basis. I have done all types of core strengthening and weight lifting exercises.
My prolapse first appeared over four years ago after I had lost 90 pounds. I also hit the ground really hard when I made the choice to dismount my Thoroughbred at a belly-to-the-ground gallop; I subsequently fractured my first lumbar vertebra. I healed well and within a year and a half, I was riding again and exercising vigorously and lifting those bales of hay. The prolapse really only appeared during my period; so, I tried to ignore it. About a month ago, after lifting 100 pound bales of hay, I felt a large bulge right at the opening of my vagina. I nearly lost it. I found this site, and it was the only thing that even gave me hope. I have been doing the exercises and the posture for two or three weeks now, and I definitely see an improvement. I even experimented and did not do the exercises for four days, and I noticed the bulge felt fuller than it did when I performed the exercises.
As far as the emotional part, I have been a basket case. I have mostly been sad and angry at myself for not taking care of my body better. I think about the times my grandmother told me that one day my female organs were going to fall out because I lifted too many heavy things and did too much strenuous exercise. I laughed and told her she was crazy; who seems crazy now?
My husband has been a trooper because for several days I ended nearly every sentence with something about my prolapse. I am not scared anymore, and I am trying to cut myself some slack because I am only human. I still have the urge to insert my finger every so often, but even that is lessening. The posture has been the hardest thing for me, but even it is beginning to feel natural to me now. I slid back into a chair the other day, and I actually wanted to get up and into whole woman posture which really shocked me.
I promise you that there is hope and that this will become easier to handle. You are in a state of shock and grief now, but it will get better. You will find that you think about the prolapse less and less. Give the posture a chance and be kind to yourself.
June 3, 2014 - 11:27pm
Hi, and welcome! I was
Hi, and welcome! I was dithering idiot when I found out I might have prolapse. I haven't had a dr. tell me that I have it but I know deep down inside that something was not right. I thought my life was over. I am 53 and take care of my 13 year old grandson and at times need to help out my 91 year old mom. Im very active with gardening, hiking, camping and the like. it depressed me so much!! Coming here to this site was a God send for me. Listen to these wonderful women....they are so encouraging and just to know that you are not alone in this journey can help you. Take one day at a time.. it's only been a month for me so I'm learning but using WWP really does help....hugs to you! Take care and breath!!!
June 4, 2014 - 1:51am
Hello Betterness
I only found Christine's site in April after being told by my Gyno and Doctor I needed to have mesh surgery.I have had my prolapse for the last 2years. I avoided being interment with my husband thinking it may cause more problems. When I told him about my prolapse he was thinking the same as my self. I have the DVD's and watch them when I can. My husband watched them with me and he learnt a lot as well.You will learn an amazing amount of information from other women and how we all have a lot of the same things happening to us as well as the emotional side that comes with prolapse.With my own prolapse now I understand a lot more about it and very confident with knowing how to keep my posture in check and keep up all the exercises. As ageing gracefully and 56 say about sex I feel the same I have no problem with it at all ( and I think it does help as they said) as I think it was more a fear. I do hope you can find Christine's work and site helpful to you as it has to many of us. Take care.
June 4, 2014 - 4:28am
Welcome Fillygene
Welcome to the forum and thanks for a great encouraging post. I'm thrilled that you are having such significant improvement after only 3 weeks of this work. I am here 4 years and things are STILL getting better, so you have a lot of greatness to look forward to! The posture really will become natural in time.....I was not as diligent as I could have been during the initial months, and it may have been sometime in my second year when I realized I didn't have to constantly remind myself, my body was doing it all by itself! Please keep us informed of your progress. - Surviving
56 and falling apart
June 4, 2014 - 5:05am
Aging Gracefully, glad to
Aging Gracefully, glad to know I am not the only one out there " using" our husbands but I must say he is not complaining. Unfortunately he works second shift so I don't get to catch up with him till the weekend. Working on Christine's exercises and walking posture. Unusually most of my day is good till 3 o'clock and things move south. But their are times I make it through the whole day!
Aging gracefully
June 4, 2014 - 6:23am
Good for you 56! This really
Good for you 56! This really is a patient process that we will all be doing the rest of our lives! I really didn't expect it to be as good as it has been, but am amazed all the time. Years of self abuse and poor posture can be turned around with whole woman posture and the right tools.
June 5, 2014 - 3:01am
Thank You, Surviving
Thank you so much for the kind words, Surviving. As I have been looking through the posts on here, your words have really reassured me and given me a sense of peace. You always seem to know the right thing to say. I am excited to continue the exercises and the posture. Hopefully, I will have shout-it-from-the-rooftop results. I will be happy if the prolapse will stabilize and remain fairly asymptomatic. I will be elated if I see some regression as the months and years pass. No matter what happens, I know I have found a place where people like you will offer me a great deal of support. Thanks again.
June 5, 2014 - 4:11am
Hi Betterness
Hi Betterness
I write to introduce myself. I am 37 and have two young children. I have been doing the WW work for 6 weeks and have known I have a prolapse for 14 months. On the sex topic. The WW posture can improve it. I used to have a problem with dryness but since I relaxed my belly and started breathing as we should I have no more dryness problems. The problem resolved itself in two days. Incredible. I now love my body down there and think it has done so well despite the lack of care I gave it. I look forward to learning the body rolls Christine talks about in the sex chapter of Saving the Whole Women.
When I first found my prolapse I thought it I was going to hemorrhage and rushed to the doctor with my 3month old, toddler and husband. I scarred us all with my drama and panicking. While I was waiting I knew deep down it was a prolapse but didn't want to acknowledge it. As it was mild I could resume normal life and it stayed up mostly. I didn't do this WW work. I didn't know about it. 10 weeks ago I woke up with a rectocele that did not stay up and a cystocele. I found this site a few weeks after this and have not looked back. I have been too excited and felt to supported to grieve (much).
I know I can't turn back the clock, I know I wish I had found this site and work when it was my prolapse was very mild and I think about that often but I know that leads me nowhere and means I not being kind and loving to myself which makes my prolapse worse. Loving myself, eating well (and not too much) and doing the WW work helps me. Of course I don't always achieve this. I guess we all need to find what helps us. When I breathe into my belly and go into WW posture, I feel like I am more feminine, more me and I cannot help but love my amazing body. When I am in a negative mood I tense up and my prolapse is worse. I catch myself, breathe and return to WW posture. I guess focusing on my body and breath takes my focus off my mind and onto my prolapse work.
Of course this is so new to me but it is amazing how it is also feeling natural more and more. The first few days in WW posture were hard, I took hours to do anything but I felt hope and purposeful. The posture is almost like a form of meditation or mindfulness, it helps calm me and centre me and I see this as a positive thing.
In the tough times you are in now, if it helps there are a lot of other women in their 30's on here, looking after children. We can all draw strength from eachother.
Best of luck for this new journey and I hope the past few days have been a little lighter for you.