Situation worsening - cystocele


Greetings to all from a long lost member. Have been cruising along quite happily (wrong word) with POP - until now!
(My son, at Scout camp years ago, used to write home and say ‘Situation worsening, please send chocolate’. I feel this remedy may not prove sufficient for me.)
After a few months' inexplicable aching pain, bladder has prolapsed much further and is now preventing urination. Difficulties all day in passing water, EXCEPT after the night sleep, where for just a few minutes the following morning the bladder is higher.
Currently, that is for the past few weeks, I have had to push the very heavy cystocele higher up – and hold it there - when needing the loo. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.
Freaked out sufficiently to have cut-and-pasted ALL the WW discussions remotely connected to this, tho’ without being able to find any answers when reading through the pages.
Not sure about the implications – i.e. the long-term health implications of this inability to pass water when needed.
So, my question is: Is anyone else in the same situation & have they been able to resolve it? As I am a carer for my husband who has been damaged by the prescribing habits of our ‘healthcare’ system (yet another story), going for medical intervention, or even advice, is just plain unthinkable.
Fingers crossed that there may be solutions..............

Hi westlothian, good to hear from you even if the prolapse is not behaving. Whenever there is a bad time, and we all have them, one can only try and take a look at what might be causing it, and what might need tweaking in your WW routine. Are you truly trylng to hold the organs forward at all times? Protecting lumbar curvature when you drive, when you lift, when you go to the bathroom? Lots of firebreathing? Jiggling the organs forward? Can you empty completely when you get down on all fours? You absolutely must void completely at least some of the time. Jiggle, firebreathe, jiggle some more, get that bladder forward into the lower belly and out of the way.

I'm thinking too that your life, especially your caregiving, have interfered with self-care. It is SO important for WW posture and habits to become engrained so that they don't fall by the wayside when life throws distractions our way. Ramp up your posture mindfulness, take a long relaxing posture walk whenever you can, and really get that 'cele forward and out of the way when you pee. It can be done! Best of luck to you - Surviving