New here but not new to Whole Woman


I bought the book last fall and the DVD, First Aid for Prolapse. I read endlessly so i feel well educated. I am certain surgery is a bad idea and will do all I can to stabilize my prolpase. Ok so I have a few questions. Monday I went to my yearly gyn appt. She is a rough one. I had a pap test and a my every other year HPV test(do I really need this)? That 's my first question. My cervix feels raw since the exam is this normal? I don't know what stage my prolapse is at this point, i don't really care at the moment. It was stage one last fall when it was suggested I have a hysterectomy, isn't that funny? Thank goodness I thought that idea sounded barbaric, taking out my uterus and tacking the top of my vagina to my sacrum. So I went home and started doing some research. I just happened upon this website by accident. I googled nonsurgical methods for uterine prolapse. That search took me to an article that Christine commented on, on a blog called Mamma Sweat. There were two articles actually, one was; A wee Problem with Crossfit, and the other was, Pelvic Floor Party;Kegels not invited. In the blog, the author was interviewing a biomechanist named Katy Bowan who said kegles and not a good thing to do, and worse for prolapse in the long run. I read all the coments on both of the blog interviews and that's where I discovered Christine Kent and this site. The good thing is I think things are or might be the same as last year. Like I said, I didn't ask if my prolapse was worse or the same, what's the point? The other thing is, before WW I was having so much right hip pain and that's gone now! My other questions are of digestion. I've had horrible digestion issues and my gallbladder completely failed in 2011. I had emergency surgery in Dec. 2011. I never seemed to feel much better, even after the surgery. I struggle with constipation and frequent vomiting. Finally in 2014, April I went back to see a gastroentorologist after losing 28 pounds. Turns out I have gastroparesis and migraines. The treatment for gastroparesis is small meals, low fat and low fiber. Hence the constipation at times. I find I need to have some of my meals blended in order to have some fruits and veggies in my diet that are not cooked. I eat soups. I have to be careful with beans and nuts and seeds, all the healthy Anyone here have gastroparesis as well? I look forward to some love and support on these boards. Thank you all for the work you have done. I have some anxiety from time to time but it's gotten better over that last year. My stomach and digestion issues are a bit of a nusance at times, but I try to remain hopeful that I can stabilize the gastroparesis as well. I'm a busy one as most everyone here is. I work full-time and have two wonderful sons and a sweet husband.

Hi sleepyone and welcome, I can't imagine having surgery for prolapse at all, especially for a stage 1 uterine prolapse? Wow, what would they tell me? I haven't been officially diagnosed by a doctor, but finding my cervix sticking out was kind of a no brainer. I have a profound uterine prolapse, and haven't had a Pap test since finding prolapse. But, I do remember my cervix feeling sore and having some bleeding after Pap tests. I don't have any answers about what is still necessary or not, but I have read that the chance of cervical cancer declines with age. Everyone has to make their own decisions in the end on what they feel comfortable with continuing or not, depending on their history, of course.
I had to look up gastroparesis. I don't think that has ever been discussed on the forum before. All I can say is that my heart goes out to you, and I hope you can find some relief with this condition. Sounds like a lot of research needs to go into it, if you haven't been all ready.
Just wanted to say hi, and tell you that whole woman has been the best thing I have done in my life, for my prolapse as well as my whole body!!

Hi sleepyone - I too am unfamiliar with these digestive woes, apart from what I can Google on the subject, but you seem to be dealing in a healthy way through dietary measures. So I wish you the best. I don't think you mentioned your age. I am in my 60's and I haven't had a PAP test or pelvic exam for years, nor do I go to the gyn. But I have read numerous posts on here from women who felt roughly handled during these procedures. These tests are another example of something that you must research yourself to determine if this is something that you need to do. Gyns are surgeons after all, and don't have anything good to offer prolapsed women. - Surviving

Hope it's oK to carry on right here on this post where I left off. Someone tell me, or if I need to start a new thread ok? So anyway, i'm 48. Another question from the wise women here. I am ovulating soon or very soon (I know from my past cm/ bbt training for birth control). Things feel really funky for me, in terms of my uterus, and very annoying. My uterus cervix seems to feel lower, i don't if it is, didn't check don't want to it only makes be feel a tad anxious. Had a bad "why me" days for the pat two days. How do you all distract yourselves from gettting slightly down in the dumps? Thanks anyone who may be listeneing. Happy Friday.

Happy Friday Sleepyone :-)

In a previous post I mentioned a type a breathing I do when I'm at risk for spiraling into anxiety. I taught it to my mom years ago and it helps her too, especially when monkey mind (thoughts pinging around your head) hits at night. So that's one way to deal with thinking that's bringing you to an unhelpful space because my experience is that down in the dumps is brought on by mind stuff.

And, another technique that I just started using since I learned about Christine's approach is just taking Whole Woman posture and being really mindful about how I'm feeling in it. When I take time to notice, I feel elegant and powerful and solid, ready to take on whatever comes my way. The physical benefits are just one aspect. For me, Whole Woman posture and the work is an empowered state of mind and being.

PS I'm not a checker either :-)


Hi sleepyone, the uterus is always on the move just as with our other organs. I haven't had problems during ovulation with my cervix getting lower, but I definetly do during and the end of my periods. Not fun, but after my periods, I do a good amount of jiggling and firebreathing. Have you tried this?
Great tools along with the exercises and whole woman walking.
Also you could be in the beginning of perimenopause. I know I was having some strange feelings when I was about your age.

I was starting to do CBT with a practioner for my gastroparesis but stopped after two sessions. I am so busy with work and after work with my kids. I just coulnd't make it to the sessions. I do have a dvd of breathing. i don't know. I think my gynecologist appt. this past Monday had me all in a tizzy. I don't like anyone "messing with me down there". I had so much pain after that appointment and it lasted until last night. I was actually contemplating going back to see if something was wrong infection etc. Glad I didn;t and rode it out. Perhaps the appointment monday, the fact that i'm nearing ovulation or possiby ovulating has me feling physically different didn't help my state of mind.

I'm sorry to hear about how much pain you were in after your appointment. It does sound like you have a lot going on and you're finding things just overall unsettling.

You know DVDs are great...I'm loving First Aid for Prolapse and the 1st Wheel yoga one especially right now. That said, working with your breath can be as simple as taking the time to set yourself in Whole Woman posture with your hands gently draped over your abdomen, feeling the expansion on the in-breath and the sinking on the out-breath. If I'm too anxious and my breathing is more accessible higher up in my chest I cover my heart with my hands and touch base with the breathing there before going back to my abdomen.

I don't know if you feel like you're perimenopausal, but I am definitely feeling that way and I couldn't have come across Whole Woman at a better time. There is just so much change that the concept of normal doesn't seem to apply.

A deep breath for you and me Sleepyone,