what kind of chair?


I promise I won't ask too many questions. I've been struggling with this question for the past year. I work as a counselor, therefore sit on a chair most of the day listneing to folks talk. I also type at my computer all day as well. I work with students at a school. I have a ergonomic chair, not bought by me. It's comfortable but should I change chairs? Don't laugh, but i'm short. I'm 5 foot 1 inch. I sit at the edge of my chair when i'm typing to reach the floor comfortably. Should I change to a harder chair? I see the type of chair/stool Christine is sitting in on the DVD first aid for prolapse, and I wonder if I had something like that would I be able to reach the floor?lol What do you all do, women that sit for their jobs?

Here is a good thread on sitting:


Part way down, you will find Louise talking more indepth about sitting. Great stuff!

The Balans chair is a kneeling style ergonomic chair
that puts the body in a position that causes the pelvic
organs to fall naturally into position where they belong

The chair comes in a rocker style or flat
There is no back to the chair and this is great for back
muscles & perfect posture.
The Balans has been around since the 70's & was designed
in Norway
It costs $395 new. There are knock-offs as low
as perhaps $100? I got a new one (knockoff) for $40

There is truly no better chair to support & cradle
the uterus, ovaries, bladder etc.
Please check this chair out it has been my chair for

This could be a great way to sit as long as you understand prolapse and posture, and don't expect the chair to do all the work for you. I especially like Louise's comments:

Hi, I'm short too - and I think that does present problems for short people if they're not aware of WW posture and this way of viewing postural health and pelvic organ support.
One easy thing that can help is having a block or something to put under your feet, so that your feet can be flat on the floor with thighs parallel to the floor.

Also, basically your torso remains in WW posture when sitting.

you may also find some of the ww resources; book, dvd's, on line courses, ww teachers.. helpful.

good luck. wholewomanuk x

Hi Dear sleepyone,
The hips DVD features a lovely lady who does the chair exercises with Christine.
She sits with her bottom to the back of the seat of the chair and has a block under her feet, so that she is at the level 90 degree angle.
Luckily I have an Aussie colonial style chair which has a flat seat and my feet are comfortably on the floor. The back does slope, back so not perfect, however I can sit with my own strength now.
The chair I sit on to be here with you all, recently was swapped for another chair, so thankyou for the reminder - I am so much more comfortable now... I was sitting more to the edge and had my feet on their toes with the other chair.....When I had to sit for a long time like in class when I was new to WW I used an article of clothing to support my lumbar curve.

Thanks again for the reminder, to observe more...
Aussie Soul Sister