Help ??


Hello everyone..

I just found this website a couple days ago. I am 17 years old trying to cope with my prolapse ( cervical prolapse ) and it's kind of hard. Does anyone know a way that might help pull my cervix closer to where it's suppose to be?

Hi 17, can you tell us a little more about your situation and what your symptoms are?

when I was young I got surgery on my bladder because of some complications and I guess over time my cervix dropped. Before I went to see the doctor about it I did research, and diagnosed myself and told my doctor. She confirmed my issues and sent me to get several ultrasounds to see if everything was in the correct place. All my ultrasound come back the same. It was just my cervix. So my doctor discussed some options like physical therapy, surgery, and a pessary. I've never had any symptoms other than the fact that I can see my cervix if I look through a mirror. It that bad?

Hi 17,
It sounds like you have had a uterine prolapse, because of the bladder surgery you had. That is exactly what happened to Christine. She is the one who created whole woman posture for pelvic organ prolapse. What has happened to you is that your uterus had fallen back from your lower belly into your vagina, that is why you are seeing your cervix.
I also have profound uterine prolapse, but mine was brought on more slowly over many years of bad posture and heavy lifting.
The best thing for you to do now is start reading everything you can on this site to get a better understanding of what prolapse is and how whole woman posture can help you. It takes time and work to accomplish this, but you are so young, so you really have a good chance of seeing some relief from your symptoms.
If you are having trouble understanding what you are reading, please come back and ask us.

Hi 17 – I just wanted to add my best wishes for you to find some help here. Prolapse is not very common in a girl your age unless she has had some kind of surgery (do you know what kind of bladder surgery you had, and why?), or has a history of extreme and chronic constipation with constant hard straining, or has been doing seriously heavy lifting and/or abdominal core strengthening to the extreme. I assume you have not had any babies or you would have mentioned this. What kind of posture do you have? Do you pull your belly in tight? Most of us were taught to do this, but actually this is one of the main root causes of prolapse because over time the loss of lower lumbar curvature pushes the organs into vagina. They were meant to be supported in the lower belly. Do some more reading around the forum and site. I’m sure some other questions will come to mind. - Surviving