Rectocele what to do?


I'm new here. I'm almost 5 months pp and I'm having some issues. I first noticed a bulge in top of posterior vaginal wall. It seemed to come a go. Not horrible, but I'm a worrier so I made an appt with my ob/gyn to check everything out.
So on Tuesday I went to Doctor and he said things looked great. My bladder slightly dropped with coughing but nothing to worry about. In fact he went as far to say I'd never have an issue with prolapse. And I should go for a run. ( I told him I was terrified of making it worse) He said muscles felt good posterior, anterior, etc. I was relieved until my symptoms got worse.
Since Wedsnedsay, I realized that bulge was my stool and I have had to push it out(splint) several times to find relief.
How could my doctor miss this? He even had my cough/bear down while feeling my posterior wall. Anyone else had this experience?
Also I've been working on my posture, but what else can I do in the meantime? This is my second son by vbac, and I'd love the option of another child in the future. Seeing as I'm only 28.

Hi youngmom and welcome. First, let's dispense with your doctor. To tell a 28-year-old that she will "never have an issue with prolapse" is ignorant and irresponsible. I won't spend any more time talking about the medical profession's handling of prolapse because it is very well summarized here in Christine's own words. If you don't read it now, please do so before you go back to see this guy (assuming you ever do):

It is actually very common for a rectocele to manifest itself several weeks post partum. You will go through some more ups and downs during the recovery period, which is a couple of years long. Learn and practice Whole Woman posture, and stay in it as much as you can, with the organs held forward in the lower belly. Protect your lumbar curvature when you bend (from the hips, not the waist), lift and carry (keep the load close to your body and you will actually be helping your prolapse with the extra weight if you are in WW posture), drive (keep something behind you, supporting your lower spine). I'd recommend Christine's book and her First Aid for Prolapse dvd for an overall understanding of true female pelvic anatomy and how to protect pelvic organ support. You can also subscribe to Destination Prolapse Free which also now includes live streaming of all her videos.

Once you incorporate this posture correction, you can expect to be fine with future pregnancies. You may have your ups and downs but everything tends to get out of the way for birth. Aim for a gentle birth, not flat on your back please!

Do some more reading on the site and if you have questions, we'll do our best to answer. - Surviving