

I’m wondering what sorts of things prolapsed women think they can’t do anymore. I can see my perspective on this has changed through the years and it would be good if we could qualify the issue a bit.

As I remember, at first I thought it was some terrible disability and spent the first two weeks in bed! I got mobile after that though, armed with more than a bit of anger and the attitude, “If it falls out, it falls out.”

At this point in time I can dance and leap and hike and run and swim and am having a hard time envisioning what I couldn’t do if I wanted. But I’m older now and perhaps wouldn’t want to do things a younger woman might (stripper dancing around poles and on top of tables comes to mind – lol)



I think that it would be very unwise for me to do full squats with free weights.
Situps seem to make things worse.
Jumping on a trampoline hurts, and I won't do it.

I guess heavy lifting in general seems to be what I'm limiting myself with the most. I used to not hesitate about helping my husband move furniture, or carry a 50 lb feed sack by myself, but nowadays it just doesn't seem worth the discomfort it will cause me afterwards.

I have been taking a break from the computer after the craziness of discovering my prolapses 9 months ago. I have to say that I am not as cautious as i was but i definitely feel limitations in what my body will allow me to do. I can't run around nonstop all day with kids. At the end of the day (8pm) I am done it. I can barely stand up. I feel like I am walking on stilts because of pain in my feet and my prolapses come down further. So I know I need rest breaks during the day.

So that is my biggest limitation...not being able to get thru a typical day shuffling kids around and grocery shopping and cooking I feel more strain on the lower half of my body. Maybe that is why I have not been brave enough to do try dancing or running. The posture has made my back stronger and hopefully i am doing the firebreathing correctly. :) I need visuals.

Good question, Christine.

It's been about a month and a half since my prolapse, and I was so scared that life was over, as I was very active. I'm feeling lots better now, and discovering that I can still do most of the things I used to enjoy. My physical therapist says that she thinks my rectocele will continue to get better, and as it does, I can increase my jumping/jarring activities, such as step aerobics, jogging, roller coasters, etc., which makes me very happy. I'm no longer scared to cough or sneeze, which is good. I still mow the lawn and take out the garbage. I'm less afraid of picking up my 35 lb. son - as long as I'm careful to breathe while lifting instead of doing the breath-holding heave it should be safe. I'm also happy to report that sex doesn't seem to be limited by it. Getting used to the posture, especially while standing. Pretty content with life right now.

However, since you asked, I will complain about the things that feel limiting to me. As was mentioned, I also miss being able to do heavy lifting whenever I wanted to. And I somewhat miss doing my abdominal crunches (okay - I don't miss doing them, but I miss the results). I'm still afraid that kickboxing is going to be out. I have found that I can no longer wear tampons - they seem to go in and catch over my cele and push it down and out - a major inconvenience about 5 days a month. The dietary focus can be hard sometimes - I know that eating healthy is best, but avoiding everything is tough. It would be nice to be able to accept a friends invitation for homemade lasagna, for example - how do I explain that I can't eat cheese because I have to avoid constipation at all costs? Not to mention that it sounds delicious. And I was never much of a drinker, but I wouldn't mind a few drinks once in a while - now I'm scared to have anything. Lastly, the posture is really hard to do in some places - mostly my car, and in some public places. My back usually hurts after attempting it for more than 15 minutes or so, so I avoid long car trips and things like movies, which is limiting because I used to enjoy these things.

Thanks for the chance to get these things off my chest. I'm so happy to hear how healthy and vital you are feeling. After all you've been through, and all you've done, you truly deserve it. I'm hoping down the line I will feel that great and be that healthy, too.


Hey, beandippy,
I was doing some careful calesthenics last night, and tried lifting my butt up slightly and doing single crunch and holding it for a very long time. I felt down below, and didn't feel anything bulging out- so it seems to be safe. I figure I can do a long stationary crunch like that without any ill effects, and maybe get back on track with the toning I was doing along with my weight loss project.

I try to have a good attitude about what I'm able to do rather than what I can't do, but I personally miss being able to go for a 10-15 mile hike in Glacier Park, teaching dance, and running. I have your video and should probably review, but have taught the exercises in your video and maybe I should work on this awhile longer. I would prefer not have surgery, but admit that I miss my activities.

Rather than long walks or hikes in the park, I walk up our ski mountain and take the lift down because the angle of walking up hill in the summer or snow shoe in the winter is less bladder pressure. Working out on the eliptical machine at my club also works for me, and I bike as often as I can, but I miss many of the activities that I loved.

Hi Annabel,

These are all activities I would expect someone with "classic" cystocele to be able to do once they've thoroughly incorporated the posture. Our member Mare is a great example...she's now running and biking marathons. My hope is that you will be able to resume the things you love in time.


Well I'm 10 1/2 months in, so in the grand scheme of things still finding out what my body can and can't do. I have a cystocele. I think the main things for me are aerobics, running and lifting. Thanks to mermaids advice I have done some swimming breaststroke, I feel temporarily bulgy afterwards but better long term.

The unpredictability of what I'm going to feel like when is difficult. I think ongoing tiredness is the worst thing for me, but in all honesty sometimes I just don't know why I have a bad day and that's annoying!

I know there are some amazing stories on this board but I am way too scared to consider another child, can't contemplate anything that could possibly make this worse. That effects my sex life coz I'm paranoid about getting pregnant.

As I say though I'm still finding out. Still don't even know whether if you run for a bus you can cause yourself permanent damage or just temporary discomfort!

So Christine I don't know whether the limitations are all in my head and if I got the posture better I could do these things, I guess fear holds me back quite alot. 10 months in I still find the whole thing kinda upsetting x

Hello ladies (and other interested parties)...I am new to the forum, but an old hand at the whole cele and prolapse issue. I had bladder repair surgery thirty years ago when I was 27 (complete with a tubal ligation so that things would not be undone, a ten-day hospital stay, going home with a catheter in place for two weeks, and an eight-week recovery, which made my then-husband furious with no sex). I wish I had seen something like this site back then! I'm sure my problems initiated with two forcep-delivery births, then was exacerbated by more than ten years of heavy lifting at retail stores my husband and I owned.

Two-and-a-half years ago, I was diagnosed with a pretty pronounced uterine prolapse, along with lichen schlerosis (which is, in itself, a pretty horrendous ailment for women). At that time, the prolapse was not creating any symptoms and I was surprised to learn of the problem. Over the past year, however, a rectocele has developed that has become increasingly irritating. I have been using the "pushing up" method to empty the bowel, but it was just instinctive on my part (I had no instruction). I also, occasionally, use a small enema bottle with plain water if things are too impacted--it's pretty painless and quick. Is this something I shouldn't be doing?

As for what I feel I can't do, I haven't really worried about anything "falling out," except with heavy lifting. I live alone (for the most part), so sometimes have had to do what had to be done. In the future, I will enlist the aid of my male friend. As for running, I've never been that active, but when I jog after my dog, I've never noticed any change in where things are inside. I try to make sure that sex is not scheduled (I'm 57, girls--at my age, especially if you're single, you often schedule sex with your fellow) unless I've emptied everything out and relaxed a bit.

I just want to say that knowing I'm not alone is a god-send. I hadn't even told my boyfriend that I have been suffering sometimes (and as you know, there can be times where there is physical suffering,what with fissures and tears and other discomfort) until a few days ago. We've discussed how strange it is that gynies want to take out a woman's uterus, but will do anything they can to save a man's testes. "You don't need these anymore...let's just take them off!" I still miss my gall bladder! They are NOT getting their hands on my uterus--I still need it. Do they not realize that the uterus is a sexual organ? As I've gotten older, orgasms have become increasingly internalized. I'm sure that they are centered more inside the vagina and uterus than they were when I was younger.

I am adamant about not having surgery (or any other medical procedure) unless the situation in life-threatening, so I am thrilled to find this site and Christine's information. We are being taught that we NEED surgery and NEED prescription or OTC drugs to survive. I find this to be a very frightening development. They are the people like Christine who are leading the fight against the wholesale medicating of the population.

Thanks for the soapbox!~~Christabeth

Hi Midwest Star, I just wanted to quickly tell you what happened to me in 1995. I am 57 now..I thought I could lift anything no matter how much it weighed. I owned a business and most of the time didn't have a choice. Well I herniated one disc and have 4 bulging disc to this day.( in my lower back).It changed my whole life. I constantly remind my 30 yr. old daughter to "quit lifting so much". I have gradually gained about 40 lbs., have a severe cyctocele and rectocele and a lot of depression. I want to exercise (at least fast walking) but between my back and the other two problems I just can't make it..I'm having surgery later this month. I had a bladder suspension and rectocele repair in 1988 and it lasted about 13 yrs.(along with a complete hysterectomy which I regret and that's a whole other story).. I don't know how old you are but please, please protect your back....sincerely, heartfelt

Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8
God Bless All Women

I have found rectocele entirely disabling. I am unable to work as I am on the toilet very frequently. I have to urge to "go" soon after I eat anything as rectum can't seem to stand "additional" food going into gut. I'm relatively thin (125 lbs and 5'6.5" tall). I'm trying to lose weight to keep any pressure off rectum.

With respect to limitations, I've found the entire rectocele thing life-altering. I've changed what I eat, when I eat. I no long enjoy walking. I can walk, but don't want to. I find it difficult to stand for any length of time, particularly on hard concrete floors found in so many stores these days. I grocery shop when there are fewer people around. I seek out only female clerks who don't put much in the grocery bags as anything over 5 lbs is too much and I can feel pelvic floor drop. I unload bags if I think they are too heavy. I find liquid weight like milk, juice cartons etc. the most undesireable to lift as they are unstable.

I put up with constant rectal pain, and it feels like it is impacted all the time. This is miserable. I try to rise above it emotionally every minute of every day, but it is difficult. Society does not give enough credence to the emotional component of prolapse.

I also must ask my husband, or others, to lift things for me that they did not have to in the past. They get annoyed. I try not to "over-ask" for assistance, but sometimes I cannot find alternate ways of moving objects, bags etc. I roll things a great deal now, or flip them instead of lifing.

I find lifting laundry out of the washing machine difficult. I lift one towel or sheet at at time. I no longer carry a basket of laundry, just do things in little bits. This is very time consuming, and is essentially like being disabled as everything takes so much time.

I often make many trips back and forth from the car to the house, carrying only one grocery bag at a time, as carrying two grocery bags is problematic.

I have problems sleeping, as rectum hurts at night and often feels full. I cannot distinguish between gas and bowel movement. I often get up to go to h ave a bowel movement and it is only gas. I send signficant time on the toilet. As a result of these nocturnal urges, I am chronically exhausted, and often take sleeping pills to just knock myself out and forget the reality of my prolapsed world.

This situation is NOT something women should have to live with. I'm going to say it like it is...this is truly miserable, life-altering, disabling thing. I cannot run, cannot swim, and exercise of any sort pops the damn thing out. I have very few, if any "good" days. I'm sure there are others like me.

Everything in life involves moving one's body or moving objects. Rectocele means all of this is altered. We move differently, we don't do things we should, we ask for assistance sometimes annoying others who do not understand. I no longer have sex as it is too painful. It is baloney to lie and say all of us can have sex with rectocele, doggie position or otherwise. It is just plain uncomfortable and I'm not going to pretend it isn't. I am unable to stand for more than a few minutes. I sit all the time.

I know others feel the way I do. Let it out! The world needs to understand, as does the medical community just how miserable this situation is.


That was very well put! I have those same limitations but had them previous to the prolapse because of other physical limitations. It is not easy to deal with. I have always been a busy person and never asked anyone to do anything for me. Now, I have learned to tell the store clerk to pack my sacks lightly. If they look at me funny, I just say I have a physical limitation and can't lift heavy things. The girls at the grocery closest to me always takes my groceries out for me! And are very sweetly willing to do so.

I now ignore looks from hubby (you know that exasperated look) when I ask him to do something. My sons and daughter-in-law are no problem - they literally jump to help me, usually without my asking. Even my 5 year old granddaughter offered to put away a bowl the other day and said "Let me help, I know it hurts for you to bend over".

Sadly, I've had to make major adjustments in my lifestyle. I'm not happy with it but I do it. There is now more of a "calmness" about me which I think is due to prayer. The rest of the healing comes from reading Christine's information, understanding what she says and employing her suggestions.

Grandma Joy

Just to say thanks for your honesty. I think there seems to be pressure from lots of people in our lives to pretend everything is OK when it isn't. Because the nature of prolapse is more personal it's harder to get support. I have to say if your husband gets annoyed with you he should sort himself out though, what a loser, he should be supporting you with all the enthusiasm he has, I assume you got the prolapse having his children?! Thinking of you x

Hello again,

I am so sorry that you are so discouraged with your rectocele and I really do understand how frustrating it is. I think this forum is a great place to vent when we are really discouraged and to cheer each other on with our small victories. My situation is a lot like yours, in that our rectocele symptoms seem very similar, but I have not had a hysterectemy (actually I am currently pregnant) and am of course terrified of how this delivery will effect my situation. I just try to thank God for the good days and ask for the patience to get through the bad ones.
Since coming upon this site and knowing that I'm not alone, I feel like I can deal with this. Miserable is a good way to describe this situation and I salute you for telling it like it is!


Thanks for the encouragement about keeping the uterus:) I am in my early thirties and am currently pregnant with my fifth. I was told after the birth of my first, that my uterus was "falling" and while pregnant with my third, that any more children may not happen and that when I was finshed having my family, I could just get it taken out! I always knew that I did not want it taken out even though all the women in my family have had hysterectemies after all their children were born. I just feel like I need to keep it. I have developed a rectocele over the last year and am so glad to have found this site. I just know there is no reason, for me at least, to have it taken out unless as you said the situation is life threatening.


I too am so sorry for all that you are going through, my heart goes out to you!

I just can't help feeling that there must be SOMETHING that can be done for you to relieve your discomfort. Has a pessery ever been suggested or would it be impossible with your symptoms? Have any of the Dr's suggested anything which might help? I find it unfathomable in this world of "partial face transplants" and the like, that there is nothing available to help you and it feels so frustrating for me!

I also get mad when I think about how generally "under the radar" all of these problems are, and how we don't even know they exist until they happen to us, Grrrrr!

Take care and please know that I am thinking about you, wish I could do more, truly!

Take care and big hugs to you!

Michelle xxxxx

There's no way in this day and age you should have to live with a quality of life that is making you feel so unhappy. I really hope you can stumble across some things, people or options that can ease this for you :0)

I have been putting off posting here because I feel that my issues are so minor in relation to others, but Katharine has inspired me to write what is in my heart with her generous honesty!

The main limitations I have are totally in my mind. I know this is probably frustrating to hear for those of you dealing with uncomfortable symptoms when mine are so mild. However, I deal with a great deal of anxiety and fear in relation to making my existing prolapse worse, and this limits me.

I vasilate between thinking "oh go for it, things may not get worse if you run 10 miles," to being too scared to even try in case it does make it worse.

I also find myself playing a lot of mind games in relation to whether to have another baby or not. One day I think I will just do it anyway and not worry, and then other days the fear of worsening my prolapse takes over, and then I get sad about it. I find myself getting cross that I can't just have another baby without worrying, and then find myself feeling guilty for that as I already have two beautiful children to be grateful for.

I am very grateful for all that I have in my life. Please everyone don't think I am feeling sorry for myself, I am not but still, prolapse is there with me and it has changed me.

I know these things are all a part of life but I really wish I had known about some of this stuff before I had children as at least I would have felt a little more prepared, and not so shocked about all that can happen.

Thanks everyone!


P.S How are you Mummy76? x

Hi Christabeth,

I just wanted to say welcome and thanks for sharing your story and feelings with us. As surgical injuries go, yours sounds relatively mild. I want to encourage you to learn the postural and breath work, as I think there's probably a good chance for stabilizing and possibly improving your symptoms.

:-) Christine

Thank you for all the hugs. I can really use them as I'm fed up with my situation. I'm angry. I could really use them. Today is a better rectocele day than yesterday when I really went on an online rant because I was so bloody uncomfortable. I hope tomorrow is better as well for both of us.

You asked about pessaries and such. I'm from Canada and seem to be having difficulties getting a pessary fitting. I went to urogyn 2 years ago who did not recommend pessary and who simply referred me to colo-rectal surgeon for my rectal problem (which likely involves some nerve damage due to deep rectal endometriosis that was excised during hysterectomy). It took me 1.5 years to see this colo-rectal surgeon, who I finally saw 2 weeks ago. He has now referred me back to the uro-gyn who referred me to him. Some joke. It is likely another one year wait to get back to the uro-gyn for pessary fitting, and perhaps referral to a clinic where they deal just with pelvic floor stuff in England. I guess colo-rectal surgeon feels no phycian in Canada can help me as my ENTIRE pelvic floor is about 3 inches lower than it should be and colo-rectal surgeon says he doesn't know what pelvic floor could be attached to to "hitch it up" so to speak.

So, the bottom line is, no pun intended, is due to extensive wait-times in Canada for non-threatening illnesses (isn't that a joke...prolapse may not be life-threatening, but it sure is life-altering) I must wait some more (its already been 2 years of this) to get back to original uro-gyn. Even if I wanted to pay for consult, in Canada, I cannot pay a doctor, we are not allowed due to national medicare laws. All our medical is public, we have little, if any private medicare.

However, on the upside, if I get truly desperate, I have a friend in the U.S. who can get me into her urogyn, as well, I have a physician in London, England who prescribes my estrogen creams that do not have glycols in them. He could also get me into the British clinic that is so famous for pelvic floor stuff. I'm waiting to see what happens. It has been quite a time with CAT scans, MRI's etc., just diagnosing my problem. The CAT scan I found out last week showed I had some cervix left after hysterectomy. I was told after hysterectomy it had all been removed. Now I guess I have to have PAP smears again. What a joke. I guess all women should figure out what has really been removed after hysterectomy. It seems we are sometimes told one thing, and other things have happened or not been removed as is my case. Even my operative report says cervix was removed, but CAT scan shows most of it is in. Strange.

Would love to keep in touch.

I totally get it when you talk about vascillating between "going for it" and living in fear of something dropping out and doing not much. I often feel my in-laws think I am a lazy person as I sit a great deal now. I'm the farthest from lazy anyone can imagine and sitting all the time does not agree with me. I'm angry.

The emotional strain of prolapse is enormous as we are never on a consistently level emotional playing field. I feel that the medical community does not truly understand what it is like emotionally to live with the "ups and downs" of prolapses and the inconsistencies they bring into our lives. Some days I'm so miserable as I'm so uncomforable and when I'm uncomfortable I can be mean. On my good days, when prolapses seem minor, I'm the nicest person on the planet. I try not to let this emotional component show but it does. I'm not perfect.

The only consolation I can offer you is that you have your baby and in a strange sense have a treasure. In my case, I have never had children due to severe endometriosis. The endometriosis and pelvic surgeries (5 of them attempting to avoid hysterectomy) likely caused prolapses...that and now early menopause and tissue thinning. I feel I don't deserve prolapses as I have nothing of worth to show for getting them, no child, no nothing, just a lifetime of endometriosis pain.

I hope you can view your prolapse in some ways as a reward for hava beautiful child. I cannot and never will be able to console myself with this notion. You have a blessing.


Dear Katharine,

Thank you for your thoughtful replies!

You are SO right, I do indeed see my beautiful children as worth anything which has happened or could happen, especially as I realise that I have rather mild prolapse compared to many. I would do it all again in a heart beat to have my children, and I am so sorry that this could not be true for you.

Please don't think I am complaining when I describe how I feel, I am not, just still struggling to come to terms with this chronic condition in my own way and time.

Please believe me when I say that my heart is totally with you through this!! :)


Your posting really touched me. Like you my prolapse is very minor. So much so, my Gyno called it "unremarkable". My friends that are nurses told me that it is a term which is used when something is so minor, that it bearly exists. Well for something that barely exists it certainly has consumed my life and thoughts.

I am so depressed, I feel like a freak! I'm also so angry!

I got diagnosed with a prolapsed bladder 3 weeks ago. Before that fateful appointment I spent several evenings a week at the gym and even have a personal trainer. I am in (or so I thought) the best shape of my life.

I just feel so betrayed by my body.

I didn't get my bladder prolapse by having kids, I have IBS and have been constipated for years. I never knew that I was damaging myself. I've tried all kinds of things and nothing seems to get it going. I just thought it was all part of coping with IBS. Today my gastro gave me a laxative. Wish he thought of that before. Maybe I wouldn't be seeking out sites like this.

Anyway, I guess I really just needed to vent and am thankful that I found this site. I really need support from people like me.

I just feel so alone and that no one understands!

I am also so afraid that I have made my condition worse since my appointment 3 weeks ago.

Hi Lilly Anne,

What can I say except that you are not alone and people do understand! This is hard stuff to deal with and I don't think anyone really gets that unless they have been there.

It is really a progression coming to terms with this. You will begin to feel better gradually in your own way and timeframe. Although I still have emotionally downish days, I truly do feel much better generally. I even dug a big hole, and planted a tree in our backyard over the weekend which I wouldn't have even dared to think about doing a few months ago.

It is a process, give yourself time and be gentle with yourself.



Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging reply. I just want to wake up and have this nightmare be over. I'm sure all the women on this site feel the same way.

This is just attacking me in a multitude of ways.

I know I should be thankful at the moment my situation is minor and I don't have any real symptoms. I really fear the symptoms - so much. Being that I have IBS I just really fear that each day, each moment that I am making my situation worse. Hopefully the medicine that my gastro gave me today will help.

Thank you again for your support and for making me feel not so along.

Hugs to you
-Lilly Anne

So... You have just found a prolapse that is 'unremarkable' Sounds like a bit of an insult really when put like that.

But there are positives :)

I had a grade 2 prolapse and I got it back to a grade 1 by the posture here - Now - I think it is less than that as it has given me no problems in a while. This means in your case - That implimenting the posture now can make your unremarkables - Even less remarkable :) Being to the point that it is gone for all intents and purposes :D

Even though at this moment you despise with a passion the fact that your body has let you down and gone and prolapsed itself - To find out now is in fact a treasure in disguise...

Had you not found out now your prolapse could have been alot worse when you eventually did find out then you would have alot more work to do to make it back to a normal body-like experience. (Yes I know that sentence sounds condescending but it is not meant like that)

As it is a very small prolapse - It hands into your palms (or nether regions) The ways to get things back where they should be. And this site will give you the tools to make things so much better and less of a worry :-)

All I can say is impliment the posture - Do a few Kegels a day (they are not amazing but they have helped me with bladder problems) Only about ten holds for 5 secs a day if that - No biggie - And in a few months from now you will wonder if you even had a prolapse to start with :-)Or were you just imagining it? lol...

I wish you the best of luck and would love for you to tell us how things progress on your road back to where you were before...

Good luck and take care...


I have what the doctors call a 'mild' cystocele. But it still causes me discomfort most days. Fortunately my GP is a woman and she said, 'we in the medical proffession call your prolapse mild but it doesn't stop the fact you feel like you're sitting on a ball!'. So it sounds like if you have no symptoms at all you're in an even better place. I know the fear of these things is a killer, but I'd second what the others have said, now you know it's there you can protect your body from what may have been an inevitably worse prolapse. I envy you having no symptoms but also understand how fears con cripple you. I am always in fear of things getting worse.

I would say for you, now you have the knowledge of what's going on in your body it's unlikely things will get worse, you have so much advice on this site and from medical professionals. Don't feel like a freak, I think this is so much more common than you think, just not talked about!

Best wishes!!


Hi Lilly Anne, I want to tell you something about constipation, which has plagued me for years! Probably why I'm here now! I have been using "Natures Secret Super Cleanse" for a few months now! I take 2 every night, ( it's not a laxative so you can use it all the time)! I've have tried so many things that everyone here suggested, but this is the only thing that keeps me going, and I've never had cramps, or diarhhea with it! It's a natural product, try it! I buy it at a health food store , or online, I think at Let me know, if you try it and it works or not. Luck to you , Nancy


What you wrote made me cry but in a good way. I am so appreciative of your support and for that matter the support of everone that has responded to what I wrote last night.

In many respects, you are right, I am lucky for finding out very early. I wouldn't say I have 0 discomfort. I just wasn't aware that what I was feeling wasn't normal. It is slight and I so want to keep it that way. Now I am not sure if I feel it or being that I have read what I may feel that I actually do.

I called my gyn today because I was so afraid that during the past 3 weeks I made it worse by straining while trying to go. (I just got a prescription yesterday being that the over the counter stuff made it worse). He assured me that I was fine.

Esther, thank you again for your support. I wish you comfort and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

-Lilly Anne


Thank you very much for responding to my post. I really appreciate your encouragement.

I have some questions being that I am a newbie. What is "the posture"? I have read that phrase on lots of posts? I am not sure what it means and what is the book that I have read about (title, author and where can I buy it)? I am an exerciser and would love to incorporate whatever this is to improve my unremarkable prolapse. I have been doing the kegel exercises for 3 weeks now. Initially, I could only do 5 fast ones. Now I can do 10 longer held ones. I hope I am doing them correctly? I think I am.

I am so happy to hear that you got your 2 prolapse back to a 1. I had asked my gyn what grade mine was and he wouldn't grade it, he doesn't believe in it. My friends that are nurses said the term unremarkable means barly there. It exists but it is very small. I did ask him if kegels could reverse it and he said no. I'd like to proove him wrong. Wouldn't it be great if next year he says to me, "now this is remarkable, all gone"!

I'll keep you posted on my progress. I hope you can get your 1 back to 0. That will be tonights wish for you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

-Lilly Anne

If I am totally honest I do not believe it will ever go away - I have had 3 kids, one forceps, tqwo of them in the just under 9lb range (and after I did no kegels or anything lol)

The posture is in teh FAQs here - there are lots of explanations there - As I am unable to open PDF files I saved it the one time i got them open lol and it is here

Basically it is resuming the natural female curve of the spine rather than attempting for it to be so straight everything is 'over the orifice' The posture helps to have internal body pressures pusing (internally) the organs forward to a more natural position then things do not 'hang out' etc

This is the site where you will find all you need to know - If you can find the FAQ page then all your questions will be answered there :-)

FAQs are here -

I hope that this helps you somewhat :-)


look for the firebreathing exercises, I think its in the faq's too
I saw significant improvement of my prolapsed bladder soon after I started doing it.

I wouldn't have got by without support from other ladies on this board so anything I can do I will! I was walking along today feeling uncomfortable, and saying to myself at least it doesn't actually hurt, some people have terrible back pain etc. I think prolapse often feels worse because of where it is, it feels icky and horrible, but I'm trying to tell myself it could be worse and TRYING to look after myself better etc and live in hope that symptoms will improve as I get more and more familiar with my body and learn to look after it best. I wish you comfort too.. what a great thing to say xx