pushing prolaspe up with fingers


Do anyone gently push their bladder prolaspe back up? When I take my shower at night, I push my bladder up. Will this do any harm or good? I don't want to rip the bladder. How strong is the bladder? I'm new to this site and recently cancelled my surgery. My primary doctor strongly suggested I not have surgery. She has a prolaspe so she can relate. Thanks for answering this embarrassing question.

Hi grammy and welcome. Before I knew what was causing my bulge, I used to push it around with my fingers. You'll find that really doesn't do much good in the long run, for a cystocele or a rectocele. The organs haven't fallen down really, they have fallen BACK from the abdominal wall and need to be helped to reposition themselves in the relaxed lower belly and supported over the pubic bones. That's what the Whole Woman posture is all about. So you aren't going to hurt yourself by pushing on the bladder bulge, but it isn't really accomplishing much. Please check out the site and let us know what your questions are. - Surviving

This is the kind of question I would never ask a Doctor. I'm so glad I found this site. I just got my book yesterday and started the exercising today. I felt better after exercising but then had a BM . Now I'm sitting with my feet tucked under me trying to rest my bladder.

Hi grammyp246,
BMs can be hard on our prolapse at first, but you will find over time with this work that it won't be a problem. I came here with a severe uterine prolapse and was also very constipated most of the time. This work really helped with not only my prolapse, but really helped my bowels run more smoothly relieving that worry about feeling more bulgy after a bowel movement.

I have only had a prolapsed bladder for the past month or so and I have no idea what The Posture is - can someone please describe it for me? I really don't want surgery although I have an appointment with a gyno at the end of the month -just to see what she says and/or suggests. Thanks for any help you can offer, I am 77 and up to now have been in great health - I find all this a bit scary


Hi cathanne,
Whole woman posture is actually the posture we had as children. Over time and bad practices, we have moved away from our natural posture. Christine Kent has developed methods to get us back to that helping not only our prolapses, but also our hips.
Take a look at the tool bar above. There is tons of information on this site that explains everything you need to get started. Christine gives very good explainations of what you are going through and what you need to do to help yourself.
After that, check out the whole woman store. There you will find the books, DVDs, and online courses that will help you on your journey with whole woman.

Yes Cathanne, and here are a couple of links to things you can watch to get you started:


Aging gracefully, why, as you say, are BMs hard on prolapse, and that things are more bulgy often after a BM? I find this to be true for me, but never understood why. I don't strain at all, and my BMs are soft and happen 2-3 times daily.

Hi Cecilly,
I noticed early on that after a bowel movement, I was always more bulgey with my prolapse. I was also more constipated, so that didn't help matters. Everything was just kind of squished down there, and it didn't help that my uterus was retroverted and sitting right on my rectum.
As time went on and I practiced my posture, did my exercises and whole woman walking, and especially did the toilet sitting as Christine describes it in her book, things started to change for me. Everything started feeling lighter and not so heavy and squished down there. Whatever bowels were kinked or squished just weren't anymore, and I began having the nicest, easiest bowel movements of my entire life.
As long as I keep up with my diet and posture my bowel movements don't cause that bulgey feeling, but I have been constipated on occasion still and I notice it right away, so back to good habits again!
Having our pelvic organs and bowels pulled forward into the lower belly as much as they can be really helps with this issue.

I'm feeling discouraged about all this today. I've been dealing with this for a few years, lost count. I do not want surgery. I am still working part-time as a hairdresser, but have to push my bulge back inside many times a day. I can't empty my bladder during the hours that I work because the urethra is being strangled off from the standing. I am between a rock and a hard place because I have to work.
So I spend pretty much all my time off laying down so the bladder will start emptying properly again. I've seen a urogynocologist and a urologist in the last couple of years and all they want to do is surgery. I have worried about hurting myself with pushing the bulge back in so many times a day. I think I should have a phone counseltation with Christine. I just want it to go away. Sooo discouraged with my life right now. Did I mention that I am a young 70ish person? So in general I think I am doing well.

Hi abetterhairday,
I see you are not new to forum. I am just wondering if you ever had a chance to work on the whole woman posture? It is with this work that we can start to alleviate those bulgy symptoms.
I came here 2 years ago with a severly prolapsed uterus. And now am able to manage my prolapse symptoms quite easily, but I worked at it, doing the exercises on the dvds, jiggling and firebreathing, whole woman walking, developing good toileting practices, etc. For some of us, we have to do it all in order to start feeling a real difference, but it can happen for those of us we more severe symptoms too.
If you haven't had a chance or maybe it has been awhile, just start looking into what whole woman has to offer.

I would like to suggest that you click on your user name or "my account" link, and track your previous posts and the responses you got. A consult with Christine is not going to "make this go away". It doesn't go away, but it can be managed. You've wasted a couple of years but it is never too late to start. Get going on the Whole Woman work and then maybe a consult with Christine is in order if you have questions or issues that we can't address on this forum. All the tools you need are here, but you have to embrace the work and get off the denial train. - Surviving

Thank you for your comment. I did go back and look at "my account link", I didn't know about that. I am not expecting that a counsel appt. with Christine will make anything go away, I know that learning to manage the prolapse is what its all about. I was just expressing frustration and venting out loud. I understand that I have not been faithful to do the work thats needed to manage the prolapse. I don't think I am at all on a denial train. This was probably not a place that I should have been venting about it, which was part of what I was doing. I am not in DENIAL about what I am dealing with and what I need to do. That seemed a little harsh. But thanks for the reminder.

Thank you for you kind encouragement. I know I haven't been doing what I need to do to manage the prolapse well. But I am starting the excercises again, my own fault I know. Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.

I'm truly sorry, didn't mean to come off as harsh. You've been a member of this forum for 3 years, and you've gotten some good thoughtful responses to your postings. But there's been no sign that any of it made any difference, so I'm just hoping you won't let any more time go by before you start to address this. - Surviving