Member - Help!


HI all, not sure if this is the place to post but I've done various searches to help me and can't seem to come up with anything.

Does anyone (or even Christine….?) know if there are any active practitioners of WW in a------------right now or will be in the near future?
I see there was a woman -------------but, sadly, she is no longer taking anyone :(
Hopefully I won't need any hands on help after I get my book and DVD, but if I did, I'm wondering if there is anyone to help.

I live in Northern Ontario Canada and I know of no one , I have asked, I have found the best help right here and the books and videos that I could have ever asked for. Everyone is so supportive, the books and videos are very easy to follow, you will be fine, Christine's calm and gentle ways are so easy to follow and a pleasure , you will be fine, take care

Christine has only been growing her network for the last few years, and it will take time and hard work and a bit of luck to get a practitioner within reach of everyone. In the meantime, they can do phone and Skype consultations from anywhere, so don't be discouraged if there isn't one near you. You can still get in touch. And, there is another class going on as we speak. I don't know where they live, yet.

Most of us have figured out what we need to know from intensive study of Christine's work. As Wise Owl points out, between the book and the many dvds and all the blog articles and forum posts, you can teach yourself what you need to know. Continue to follow the forum, for current discussions and for the gold mine of past conversations. - Surviving

I wondered if anyone has found less inflammation with gluten free eating, my doctor says its just a fad and no proof, considering how very wrong he was about my rectocele and misdiagnosing me with IC when it really was a cystocle, I have little faith him, I know it sounds harsh but its the truth. Its the one thing I have never tried, I love love bread and pasta, lol, please excuse my spelling, lol, spell check does not know either of the prolapses correct spelling , I'm visually impaired and must rely on the little spell check man in the computer for help, I am pretty certain the spell check is a man, a woman would know how to correctly spell the prolapses!!

There is a lot of hype lately about gluten. I even went on that bandwagon for awhile, but have found that by eating the sprouted grain bread and/or the sourdough that I have been making myself that I don't have any issues with bread. Pasta still gets me a little constipated-I think because it is so refined. I have tried the brown rice pastas and spelt, but they just aren't as satisfying as the regular wheat pasta. I just try to limit the amount I eat of it.
Gluten sensitivities are probably at the same rates they have always been, but we tend to follow trends when we should be looking at how we specifically feel after eating certain foods.
Just my two cents.

p.s. I agree about spell check when it comes to prolapse, it always gets it wrong.

My husband went gluten-free several years ago and has never looked back. He lost weight and discovered that cravings and spikes of hunger were completely eliminated, and his digestive system runs on a very even keel. I think that many people are genuinely sensitive to gluten, and this probably has much to do with how adulterated and processed and genetically modified so many of our grains are today. It only takes a few days completely off gluten to find out if you are one of these, so I suggest that you give it a try. - Surviving

I agree, I was just curious, I gave up coffee, chocolate, and tomatoes when they miss diagnosed me with IC, now I just really have no taste for them,funny how we can lose the taste for things,fad or no fad, I will just do what feels right for me,

My daughter said the same thing, a few days will tell the tale, I think I will give it a try, I just won't be buying all the gluten free products, not for me at all, I will choose naturally gluten free foods, so many of the gluten free products are so overly processed, buying into that band wagon would be taking a step back ward in my opinion, if I want bread I will eat cornbread, I have a naturally gluten free simple recipe, rice noodles if I want noodle soup, and for a sweet instead of cookies I will have coconut cookies, I have a recipe for them, but I usually choose fruit as a sweet. I have been really interested in the effect sugar and gluten has on inflammation in our bodies, and stress too! My upcoming colonscope is stressing me, lol,

Wise owl, I agree, my husband does not buy gluten-free versions of foods that normally contain gluten. They are expensive and not always very satisfying, and often contain ingredients that aren't very healthy, to make them taste "better". They might possibly help you through a gluten-free "experiment" but they are not the makings of a healthy diet. - Surviving

I agree, all those gluten- free products are just as overly processed as their gluten counterparts. I found many tasted like cardboard.
I did notice a decrease in inflammation from cutting out the sugar and more so dairy. When I cut out the dairy all my bloating and digestive issues really decreased at a substantial rate.
Then when I ate grains and breads, I realized that they were not the culprit in my diet, dairy was.
We are all different and must each find our way in this crazy dietary world.

My husband cut out gluten first, and found enormous benefits. Months later he cut out dairy completely, and noticed even more changes for the better. It's good that he did them separately. He believes the biggest improvements came from eliminating dairy. - Surviving

I think diary for me is more troublesome than wheat I find diary constipating and I also think it makes my sinus act up more, they say its my imagination ( they being the doctor ) but I think I will continue with whats working for me now, whole grains, no diary and try try try to cut the sugar which is my main problem, I have a terrible fondness for sweet anything, gosh its a hard habit to kick! I think the sugary foods makes my bowel movements more difficult to pass with the recotocel, I just get so tired of trying to figure this all out, its very confusing sometimes. Sometimes I just wish I could be normal, but I guess this is my normal.

I agree wiseowl, about the dairy and your sinuses. It does seem to have a congestive quality to it with all the phleminess. I would think inflammation of the sinuses or allergy like affect is not all that off the mark.
And yes, that sugar is a bugger. I went quite awhile without it, and really noticed the benefits. I substituted with honey, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, coconut palm sugar, sucunant, etc. ,but nothing satisfies like plain old addictive white sugar.
I still make cookies cause my hubby loves his cookies, but not as often.
What I have been doing more lately though is just getting a nice piece of dark chocolate with a cup of tea, or I'll have a piece of fruit. That works sometimes when the cravings are at their worst.

HI, i have changed my lifestyle 3 years ago into raw vegan and that did huge impact into the condition. It doesn't heal, there is still this posture issues that you need to work on. But this diet is gluten free, sugar free, animal products free, all refined food free. Sounds restricting but believe me it's not. There is lots of recipes online. Only the change is hard. There are withdrawal symptoms, and then the search of new meals, but once you settle in that it's OK. These foods are mucus creating everywhere in the body. Tha mucus firstly gets stuck in colon, creates biofilm that is good home for all sorts of parasites and bacteria and yeast infection. Gluten is story for itself and causes thru cellular mimicry causes autoimmune illnesses. I read a book by Norman Walker about Colon health. If you have lots of this rubbish stuck in colon it starts spreading thru to surrounding organs. You can imagine where that swelling and hanging in pelvic organs comes from. And then if add that these little parasites eat all nourishing elements from your food - that means the healthy connective tissues is not being able to be created. Now it is clear how the food can create this prolaps. I have read lots on this from raw veganism, healing autism, even vaccines. and all is now connecting. Try google these it should come up, I have some materials but am not sure if I can just paste so long texts from books. Maybe admins can advise would it be smart. Or I can give some links...

I could never go raw vegan, and besides that, there are some veg that needs to be heated to get the nutritional value from them. But, all the power to Ya if that is working for you.
I have also read tons of information on gluten sensitivities, celiac's, wheat sensitivities, etc. and so on until my eyes started crossing. I always come back to the idea that we are all individual and our body chemistry, the environment, and so many other factors play into this. There is no one way for everyone. I felt the best when I cut out the meat, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and even went wheat free for awhile. I added eggs back into my diet, and noticed that by making my own sourdough that I didn't have any adverse affects from it, I also eat some whole grains.
Whole woman has taught me so much more than just about prolapse, it has taught me to really listen to my body, something I have never done before. That is what each of us must do for ourselves, because there is no better indicator.

Thanks, yes we are not the same, there is even a gene (or more) that can reveal someone's sensibility to gluten. Also, it is said that wheat is modified since older days, somewhere in 1960 and is having more glute, and that's why people before, in history didn't have this sensibility to gluten as we do now. Also, I believe this researh saying that gluten sensitivity is not always obvious, you might have heart issues or arthiritis or something else that is actually triggered by gluten and automine reaction.
It is very true what you are saying about listening to our bodies. I am now wondering myself I new some foods are bad for me, like nutela, and I was still eating. every day. and my health issues are coming worse and worse and I still didn't want to stop. I don't know what happened that I clicked in one moment, I listened a presentation about this and just started. Lost of things were resolved with this, improved immune system basically. Sadly, I am still playing with this, have pizzas occationally, I mean wheat ones, with cheese, also some beer or wine...
Also I think I have other issues, on overaeting the prolapse becomes worse, hanging more. Not sure if this is just physical thing, mechanically pressure is created towards down - or is something biochemicaly, some parasites issues. I feel better on raw but with more veggies then fruits.

Yes, I have read that about the changing and modification of modern wheat and the correlation of increased gluten sensitivity. I have also read that some small farmers are trying to get back to growing the ancient grains. But, we do adabt to a certain point also, not that we ever will completely.
I read all that scarey stuff about gluten, and believe that while it may be true to a certain point, I am not going to go without bread, that's why I make the sourdough. I don't gorge out on bread, and try to get the organic grains and flours. My hubby thrives on bread, I think he is genetically far superior in the bread department than I am!
I find more pressure right befor my period and then a great release of inflammation right upon having my period. And, it doesn't seem to, matter what I have eaten either. I think that is just part of my biology.
Raw veg is fabulous, and once I had given up sugar, I did increase my fruit intake a bit from pretty much none at all. I find it very refreshing. But there is nothing like a nice bowl of brown rice and some tender crisp veg on top for me. Too much raw makes my tummy raw too. But, that's just me.

I don't have sugar in most foods. Just some rice cream sometimes.I would feel a lot better without sugar and any dairy but it's hard.I like savoury food. I am small so I try not to eat too much as I get bloated and gassy. Also the shoes are important to me. I only wear joggers and sometimes flat shoes for awhile. I love being barefoot as it helps my prolapse. I feel too lumpy if I wear high heels. I always wondered about the shoes. I used to love heels but after my prolapse I stopped wearing them. I love walking but I have been lazy lately and I need to get down to about 50 kilos. I get a bit miserable at times as my life is different now. I don't always feel like a real woman now. It's a nuisance living with this prolapse. I feel better today as I have cut out a lot of foods. Also I do try and stay in posture but I'm not 100% if it's right. I need to watch all of First Aid for Prolapse. I have most books from here and the DVD.I had a lot of pets before and now they have gone I will make time to help myself as much as I can. I'm not perfect but I don't want an operation ever. Operations are not the best as I worry about the results.

I have to be short as I got my book and I'm itching to read. But I've had so much help so far on here I felt I needed to "pay back"....
History: zero symptoms EVER of celiac (well, that I knew): no diarrhea, no fluctuating constipation, nothing like that. I did have a rash that would occasionally pop up on my elbows near my forearms a, but it was high school and my mom chalked it up to a cleaner they used on the desks. I now know it was dermatitis hepaformalis (sp?)
Anyway, fast forward to about 10 years go. I became super super fit, lots of muscle and my body started to hate dairy. Bloated, constipated, gassy, etc. So I just tried to avoid it.
Couple years after that, had my first kid. Had a small fibroid that gave me grief during pg. after I gave birth it seemed to still bug me. Asked OB- wth? He said it can't be the fibroid, I'd say bowel. So I saw a GI Dr. After a long list of q's he said "do you havew any allergies", to which I said " well, my body hates dairy, but would you call that an allergy?" He looked up from his paper, dropped his pen and said "I bet you have celiac". I laughed. I could eat anything....except dairy.
He ordered a blood test. Positive. I said "bs...done my research, there's lots of false +ves, do it again". Again, positive (high positive), to which I said I wasn't giving up pizza, etc based on blood, so we did the scope and biopsy. I woke in recovery to a picture of what looked like a flat moon. It was my intestines. The villi were 100% flat. He figures I had celiac almost my whole life.
He explained, only about 5% of caucasian's have a dairy intolerance. The rest have something else, including celiac, where the enzymes to digest diary have been stripped away. So, he said, heal the gut and eliminate gluten and then try diary again and see what happens.
Guess who can have dairy now?? Although I don't usually have it, as I don't like how it binds me up a bit.
But anyway....just thought I would share.
I do think the "gf" bandwagon is one to some extent, however, countless people feel wonderful getting rid of or lowering their gluten levels. to really know if it helps you though, the elimination period needs to be about a month and ALL gluten needs to be eliminated. There's tonnes and tonnes of hidden sources of gluten that people aren't aware of. Easiest way to know: go whole foods and see what happens.
Good luck all! I'm off to read while the little one naps!

Sorry, that short post turned into a book :)