Started using a pessary


Hello very helpful ladies:
I have been working with this condition for about a year and have prolapse from the bladder -3 and rectum, -2. I have ordered Christine's book and am waiting for it for arrive. I exercise about 4 times a week and it has been difficult to continue, not sure if I have been doing it all wrong. A couple days ago, I decided to get a pessary. I was on my feet cooking/cleaning all yesterday and had that "full" feeling but things were still contained in my body. I am now constipated and not sure what to do. Any advice? Thank you

Hi Eileen and welcome,
Not sure fron what you have said what exercises you are doing?
Once you get your book, you will start to learn what is really going on with your body. And, then hopefully you can wean yourself away from using the pessary.
Many of us started with that heavy bulgy feeling, but with this work, patience, and time those feelings will start to alleviate. You will learn all about whole woman posture, exercise to help strengthen the posture, and proper elimination in the bathroom. Start checking into your dietary habits to. Look into what foods are constipating for you, try to get the processed foods out of your diet and add for fresh fruits and veg.
Whole woman has been a whole new start for many of us who weren't really paying attention to our whole selves. Whole woman gives us that fresh new start.

Hi Eileen and wecome. I strongly agree with Aging Gracefully and hope that you can ditch that pessary as you get more into the WW work. It may be hard to keep a pessary in if you have a rectocele, and they have been known to make rectocele worse. If you are lucky it may mask the symptoms for awhile, but in the long run, anything that holds the vagina open is working against the principles of moving the organs forward and out of the vagina, which should be as flat and closed as possible. - Surviving

Thank you ladies for your comments. About 1.5 years ago I started weight lifting and do lots of squats and lunges and also work on the core quite a bit. I am 48 years old and was in denial when the prolapse started. I do not run but do believe that all of this exercise is what made things progress. I visited the dr on Saturday and am so glad I found this site on Friday. Just as the blogs mentioned, the dr. really pushed the surgery. I had been doing the kegels with 2 PTs for about 8 months and did get worse. I did not get any DVDs, just the book and hope it will teach me the posture everyone is talking about. I'm not a huge fan of the pessary and cannot take it out myself but it is keeping it from leaving my body. It is still there, but at least it is not out like before. I am taking this day by day and all the ladies really give me something to aspire to! Thank you!