Weight loss


I have a cystocele...and it's pretty pronounced. I am also bottom heavy... (But also in the process of a diet). I've read a few older posts that state losing weight may actually aggravate the situation? Did I read that correctly? It seems that the extra weight on my lower portions would be working against me in terms of pulling things down further. Any thoughts?
Thank you!

Drastic weight loss has been discussed as possibly being difficult on prolapse, but if you lose weight more slowly and incorporate the whole woman work while you do it, you should be just fine. The result you want is to be pulling your organs into your lower belly while strengthening your body into the whole woman posture.

Thank you for the quick response! This is really good to know. :)

I too found that weight loss made things worse, sort of making the whole area feel unstable. Does that make sense? My doctor did not understand.

Being overweight does not aggravate prolapse if you are practicing good WW posture; extra weight can actually accentuate the dynamics. Losing weight too quickly can make things worse because of loss of fat pads. But a healthy and gradual weight loss should be fine. - Surviving

I am new to this and finding so much helpful stuff, but early days, since not very good hospital appt, so looking forward to improvement :)