When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
February 6, 2015 - 12:23pm
Buda, I don't have the book handy to read the context of this, but I would take it to mean, if you must do kegels, be sure and do them seated upright in a chair at 90 degrees, in excellent WW posture (not lying down and/or pulling navel to spine as many PTs suggest). I'm not sure cross-legged is the easiest way to maintain that 90-degree angle (it wouldn't be for me). But to this I would add, in your seated position, be sure the organs are pinned over the pubic bones and you are not feeling bulgy while you do this. Are you thinking you can prevent fecal incontinence with kegels? - Surviving
February 6, 2015 - 12:59pm
Well, that really depends on
Well, that really depends on the chair I suppose. But anyway, doing kegels sitting cross-legged on the floor is the last thing I'd ever feel like doing. - Surviving
February 6, 2015 - 1:17pm
I have always found this
I have always found this statement from Christine to be a bit contradictory. Why do kegels in a more prolapse-friendly way, as opposed to just not doing them? I think there will always be women who feel kegels do something to enhance their sex lives or their ability to control urine, or they just can't give them up. Maybe kegels help wake up the muscles after the trauma of birth....? I know I had some dead zones down there for awhile. Anyway, kegel with caution if you must kegel at all. - Surviving
Miss Diagnosed
February 6, 2015 - 2:16pm
Just what I wanted to ask about!
I have been wondering the exact same thing myself surviving but have been feeling too new to all this to ask for fear of sounding ignorant. I am keen to know if my lovely orgasms will be weaker in the future with no kegels (I've not done a single one in months) and can't get my head around the whole thing. Should we do right angles in moderation? Or just cut out completely if they are so potentially harmful? My perineum also feels the bulgiest at present and I'm also troubled by this worsening so now would like to know if I too would benefit from this practice in addition to posture? I understand that urinary incontinence can be helped by posture but sexual benefits? Would really like clarification.... I'm finding that walking in posture is helping me sooooo much with many symptoms (please God let this continue) to the extent I've felt normal for up to an hour or two at a time....incredible! but bulgy perineum when using the toilet has not improved at all. Yuck. Very interested for more thoughts on this....
February 6, 2015 - 5:30pm
I'm certainly no expert on
I'm certainly no expert on these matters, but I don't think the kegeling muscles have anything to do with female orgasm. I think my generation was sold a bill of goods about how strong vagina muscles will help us please our partners. I think that's pretty much baloney but who am I to say? And I also don't see how this can help incontinence, unless you are talking about a situation where you are just about to wet your pants and you are trying like hell to hold back the flood. That's not helping incontinence, not really. I personally do not do kegels. I did them faithfully for a long, long time, so I know they aren't helpful, and I believe they can aggravate the situation. Read Christine's blog articles if you haven't already. - Surviving
February 7, 2015 - 1:37am
When I sit on a chair with a
When I sit on a chair with a straight back, my rectocele always very bulgy and my vaginal opening widens in a few minutes. The best for my prolapse is when I sit in cross legged. I don't understand the reason as I know it is advicable to sit straigh up.
Surviving I don't know if doing contractions will help or not. I just would like to move my deep muscles around my vagina a bit.
February 7, 2015 - 4:32am
I don't know if you have read any of Christine's blog articles on kegels. I myself have probably posted these links a hundred times on this forum in the last few years. All of them explain that kegels pull the prolapsed organs further into the vagina, aggravating prolapse. I have nothing more to say on this thread.
Aging gracefully
February 7, 2015 - 6:52am
I remember Chrustine talking
I remember Chrustine talking about the thinning of the perineum in previous threads, I think mostly because of epesiotomies? I gave it a feel and have noticed that mine is also a lot shorter than when I was younger. I hadn't really realized that until Chrsstine was discussing it, that my perineum would thin out so much. Maybe I was afraid to think it.
But, I believe her advice was to, as with everything else prolapse related, really work on posture, getting those organs more forward and closing off the vagina and rectum into flattened tubes.
I really believe this is the course of action that is best to keep our prolapses away from the opening of the vagina.
I have also read the past discussions and different positioning to do kegels for urinary incontinence, but don't see the benefit if the kegeling is going to pull our organs further back into the vaginal space.
Not something I would want to chance, and besides that I do also remember Christine talking about those muscles being strengthened lengthwise as you pull strongly into posture. It just doesn't make sense that you can take these normally lengthwise muscles and shorten them into one concentrated place right at the vaginal opening.
Might not all make sense, but just my thoughts.
February 7, 2015 - 12:01pm
Dear Surviving, thank you for
Dear Surviving, thank you for the links, I haven't read two of them. There are an immense of infos here and I haven't been able to read all of them. You say you have talked about this issue a hundred of times but you have been here for many years and you are an expert on Christine's work but I am not. I don't understand everything so well especially because I am not familiar with anatomy related expressions not only in English but in Hungarian :) Please be patient when I would like to understand everyting and I am asking questions which are boring to you. Naturally I know (or at least I think I know) that Kegels are not good for prolapse. But here in Hungary we do not call it Kegels! We have here a doctor, very famous for her exercises for prolapse and she claims that her approach is different from the so called Kegels. But she recommends special contractions of the vagina (opening, middle, and also the top of it) in a very unique way which are not simple contractions. That is why I thougt contracting the deep perineal muscles (if it is possible) can be something that Christine refers to in her book. Sorry for the long text I just would like you to understand that I am only trying to follow Christine's advice in every way.
Aging gracefully
February 7, 2015 - 12:28pm
Thing is though that this is
Thing is though that this is not about tightening specific muscles to keep prolapses from falling out, but strengthening and lengthening our bodies into a specific form. A form that actually pulls our organs away from the vaginal outlet, actually flattening the vagina. The prolapses are not going to escape a flattened tube that is pulling forward. Just think about the difference in the dynamics of what this doctor is saying in contrast to what Christine is teaching us about actual pelvic organ support.
And, not that surviving needs anyone to defend her, she is by far not bored with repeat questions on here. I could see her getting frustrated with the kegel question though, because she has said again and again that she actually kegeled for a long time with no benefit.
It seems as though you are still searching for anything other than whole woman posture to help with your prolapse, budahazya, and you are not liking the answers we keep giving you. Why is that?
February 7, 2015 - 4:01pm
I think that I do understand the problem. You have been studying Christine's work for 2 years, but there is so much that you are missing, and as AG says, even when we give you very specific suggestions, you do not seem to follow them. It is hard for you to do this on your own. There is no WW practitioner in your part of the world, and you need that face-to-face contact, so you are going to your local practitioners who (I am sorry to say) are not giving you the right advice. You have been struggling for a long time to understand this posture, but you have the dvd, Christine explains it so well, just watch it over and over and over and it will start to make sense. Remember the other day when we were discussing ballet positions on the forum, and you didn't know what they were, and I said, don't you have the dvd? And you said yes, you had the dvd, and I said, then go watch it! See what I mean? It's not enough to have the dvd, you have to use it. - Surviving
February 8, 2015 - 1:53am
Dear Surviving, please
Dear Surviving, please remember, that I told you that yes, I had the DVD , and yes I watched it every day BUT I couldn't catch the words "third position". I start EVERY morning with the DVD, I keep the posture, and I havent't been to any doctor since starting this job. I know the doctor I mentioned from the times a had my first delivery.
However it is true that I would like to have a practitioner here. Yes, I am still having problems. Once again, I find this issue in Christine's book, why do you think I am searching something witch is different from her book and work? I just wanted to clear it.
But I hope it is not a row among us! I don't want to argue with any of you. I am so grateful to be answered any time I need it.
February 8, 2015 - 4:54am
I think it's great that you are doing the DVD every day, but I just want to direct your attention to the Dictionary of Movements. All questions regarding the moves are answered there, and you will find a great deal of information and many tools there.
And if you want to continue doing Kegels, because the Hungarian doctor says so, ignoring everything that Whole Woman has to say on the subject, that is your decision. But I think that helps explain why you are still struggling to grasp WW after all this time. You said that you had never read two of the three articles, despite countless references to them on this form by myself and others. - Surviving
February 8, 2015 - 6:47am
Dear Surviving, I don't want
Dear Surviving, I don't want to do Kegels, I just asked something from Christine's book. Now I see the answer, thank you :)
February 8, 2015 - 7:10am
I am probably the most anti
I am probably the most anti-Kegel member of this entire community (including Christine herself) and that's because of the combination of her explanations and my own personal experience. I should probably confine myself to directing newbies to her articles on the subject, and not get into continuing discussions with people who should already know what Whole Woman has to say about it.- Surviving