DHEA vaginal Cream?


I completely understand that posture is everything with my prolapse. That being said, while I am "learning" to move differently, is there any logic in a vaginal cream helping? I understand that posture is the cause my case , for sure, but I am not so sure that hormonal changes didn't contribute to making me more susceptible. If that is the case, then could the vaginal cream help in some way? Does anyone have any experience or knowledge with this? I was diagnosed with Hahsimotos (thyroid condition) and estrogen dominance about a year age which put me into hypothyroidism. Diet and lifestyle change helped (removing toxins that affect/increase estrogen). Additionally, I then started taking double of my progesterone only Birth Control Pill (from .35 mg to .70mg). All of this helped along with diet and exercise and my Hashimotos and Hypothyroidism have been reversed. I can't help but think that perhaps these changes contributed or made me more susceptible. If there is ANY chance, I just wonder if the cream could help.

I'm pushing my holistic Dr. to help me with this, he doesn't really believe that I am in or approaching menopause and doesn't want to disrupt my good health too much (last year was awful) right now but has agreed to work with me on this and is trying to help me come up with a plan to assist the POP recovery if that's even a possiblititly.

He suggested that i start using the cream (10 MG DHEA) and if it goes well (meaning I don't start spiraling into heavy, long, painful periods)…then I can go back to one progesterone only pill which is the normal dose and what I've been taking since I nursed my babies 20 years ago. When I initially started taking 2 pills we knew that it was not a long term fix so i've been wanting to go back to normal dose. I'm just wondering if this is something that will help? Any experience out there? BTW I am 48 years old and don't show signs of menopause at all that I know of. The previous hormonal issues appeared to have been driven by thyroid antibodies which are now under control. Would love some Sage advise on this before I go changing things.

Hi Sierra - no personal experience in this area, but in Nora Coffey's book "The H Word" (about hysterectomy) DHEA is noted as something that has been found to help some post-hyst women to feel better. It takes some experimentation to get the right dosage. I realize you aren't post-hyst but the hormonal issues you are experiencing may create some conditions that are comparable. Sorry not to be more help. - Surviving

I had to look around on the net. Does it have estrogen in it? The sites weren't really clear on that, but on Web MD it said that it had no more affect than the placebo in some of the studies. Not sure what to think of this one, I would need more information.
As far as perimenopause goes though, I did do extensive research, and have read that you can have all the menopausal symptoms while still having your periods, and for me that was definetly the case.

S60, That was very helpful. If it helps me to remain stable while I lower my progerstone dose, then it will have done it't job.

OK, now I'm back home and I can consult the book. Nora Coffey says: "DHEA is produced by the ovaries in a very small quantity, but it's extremely important because it's a precursor to the production of androgens, such as testosterone." She then goes on to talk about why androgens are important, and says that women who have had hyst and taken DHEA report some noticeable relief from a number of their post-hyst issues. She is not talking about creams; but capsules of varying dosages, with 10 or 15mg/day being a good place to start experimenting. I don't know anything about this myself, Sierra, much less how it might relate to your particular hormonal situation; so I am certainly not advocating for its use. But when I read this book I was struck by the fact that DHEA was the only suggestion I saw for post-hyst women to try if they were really struggling. - Surviving

That's really interesting, surviving, but I wonder about women who have not had hysterectomies or still have their ovaries. I understand that Sierra's symptoms were brought on by thyroid problems, and that maybe she would need these therapies.
But I experienced very extreme hormonal shifts also, and mine were not brought on by thryroid problems. I know this, because I made them do all the tests on me, and the only thing that came up as usual was low iron. Story of my life.
I just think we all experience this differently, and not all of us would necessarily need either of these hormones.
Please don't think I am being glib or controversial, and I know you did put in the disclaimer that you didn't personally go through this.
I just want to raise the question, because I want other women reading this to know there are other options.

You are correct AG, I'm not advocating for the use of this or any other hormone.....only as possible route to weaning herself off of what she is taking now, perhaps? It sounds like her doc is trying to get her off the higher doses of the other stuff. Haven't searched to see if there are other discussions of thyroid conditions on the forum - all that is really pretty complex I imagine. - Surviving

Agree, surviving. I just didn't want other women coming on and thinking that taking any kind of hormone was their first option from reading this.
That was actually 3 years ago when I was in the height of all that really crazy hormonal shifting, and of course their first suggestion is a low dose birth control pill, probably different from what Sierra was offered, not trying to knock her choices, but I read enough about it to scare me into not going that route.
And, the progesterone cream didn't really do anything for me, so ended up on a serious diet cleanse which seemed to help a lot of issues I was having besides the hormones, that was a plus.
Thank you dear surviving for your understanding words.

Clarification…I am completely convinced that posture is the end-all for this. However, I know that my POP (while in the works for months, maybe years) occurred as a sudden pain upon doing a chest press. I FELT something shift, tear…. I know my body extremely well, so there was no doubt, even though I only felt an internal twinge and very deep odd feeling inside my pelvis, that I had injured something. The bulge between my legs came later that evening. I know that my body. (muscles/ligaments) is in a healing phase from that trauma. The 2 treatments of e-stem k,egals and prescribed 80 kegals per day for the first week left me with actual pain, spasms, contractions? AND internal bleeding. My instincts lead me to the internet and then here. I was just curious if anyone had used the DHEA temporarily as a healing agent for the trauma and/or for stabilizing hormones. The POP set off anxiety in me like I've never experienced before which I know increases my cortisol, and thus lessens my body's ability to stabilize and heal. The double dose of synthetic progesterone can't be good or helpful either. My holistic MD steered me away from the estrogen but, me pushing him for help, and him using his vast knowledge of hormones lead me to the DHEA idea (maybe just to shut me up). Honestly, though he has never steered me wrong, I just wondered if anyone has used it and had any positive/negative side-effects. If it counters my high cortisol (i.e. stress from the sudden POP) and promotes healing in my body then I would THINK it would be a good thing and would help with the anxiety of worrying about POP and lowering my progesterone. I am really scared about having my period again and not being able to keep a tampon in and/or having heavy, painful, unmanageable periods on top of the POP and new sensations, bulges, incontinence… I can't imagine having a bad period on top of all of the POP stuff.
That being said, I would rather hear from others who've tried it (DHEA .5g vaginally) though. I have an appointment with him next week so was just gathering questions until then.
Mind you that I am winging it with the 2 minutes of exercises on here and one pose. I am sitting in the southern "icey weather" waiting for my package. I have been out of work for 2 weeks now and have nothing but time on my hands to figure out how to heal and strengthen without hurting anything in the meantime. I have confidence in the posture because I'me already feeling less bulge at the end of the day just doing what little that I am. I have to go back to work at some point soon; so, I really need to heal my body in addition to the posture. While I'm getting back to my natural, healthy posture, I want to get back to my natural hormonal state. I've known all along that double dose of synthetic hormones were bad, I just needed it at the time to stabilize and function.

A few things come up when I put DHEA in the search box. Give that a try. - Surviving

S60, Thanks. I think that the search option wasn't working when I first came to this site, so I keep forgetting to try it.

It was working; it just didn't find everything, and now that Lanny fixed it, we're pretty sure that it does. - Surviving

Took me too long to get myself on here and now it is bedtime so will fill you in next go
good night