interstitial Cystitis with prolapse


Am not sure yet if this is what I got but do have cystocele,rectocele and uterus prolapse. At times the bladder is very touchy with more frequency and some pain. Have had urine tests for infection but does not show that is occurring. On my own search I did find this IC (interstitial cystits) condition that does sound likely. Am working on food sensitivities, taking cranberry juice and keeping records of observations.
I am 70 years and have had my whole Woman material, books and DVDS for the 2 months,had a great consult with Christine and have started exercises for Elders and now starting the exercises in the hip DVD. Do enjoy them and am appreciating the way the posture work has positive effects
With having a number of lumber issues in my back ----pain is a constant so hoping to get off medication .
Is pain especially buttock,thigh and lower leg a part of prolapse?

I have not had pain from my prolapse, but from years on this forum, I know that some do. I think it is more common when the primary prolapse is the uterus. I have cystocele and rectocele which tends to keep the uterus more or less away from the opening. Does this happen in your case? Also if you have other back issues, your pain may be mostly the result of that. So just keep doing gentle posture work and getting those organs aligned. Very mindful posture walking is good for body and soul. - Surviving

I'm sorry to hear you are suffering, I was incorrectly diagnosed with IC for years, it wasn't until I started the WW program that my pain ended,
I was in agony, until to pass urine, the pain radiated down my thighs, and yes, I followed a restricted diet, eliminating all acid foods, all for nothing.
I spent hours and days in the recliner chair with ice packs and warm rice bags on my pelvic and vaginal area.

Never once in six years did I test positive for bladder infection, which I displayed all the symptoms of,
So the doctors summarized it had to be IC and I had a cystoscope, then I had bladder instills, all to no avail.
I found Whole Woman when desperately googling pelvic pain for answers.
I started the posture, I started the exercises, going easy easy slowly slowly and gentle, I figured out by myself what was wrong. I believe my bladder was in such a distorted position from doing what the doctor had suggested all those years , the IC diet , 100's of kegels, the kegels made it soooooo much worse ,, honestly ,, never do kegels.
I had been holding my tummy in all those years, shoulders back, all the wrong things for a natural body that i was just a mess.I had three babies, and a hysterectomy very young, it was after the age of 40 I started this problem, mostly after carrying an armful of fire wood, or wheel barrowing earth, heavy work. Thats what I would tell the doctor every time, its after exercise or work, heavy work that it flares.He would not listen.
I was on my own, so I helped myself. With Christine's help.
Once I managed to get my body back in proper WW posture everything fell into place. I know now I never ever had IC, it has never returned, the horrible pain, it sneaks up a little but I know that I need to do some jiggling or pelvic rocks to return my organs to proper place,
I would never dream of telling you what to do but I would whole kindheartedly suggest you give the Whole Woman posture and First Aide for prolapse a try,
take care,
my wish for you is to be pain free,
I know how devastating this can be.

I have also had the diagnosis of IC and prolapse. For months i have had this burning pain in my bladder and urgency as well as back pain and leakage. I have yet to get a clear answer from my doctors if this pain is caused from the IC or the cystocele that I have. Its very frustrating.