bending down one knee then the other?


I am really improving except in one area. The one thing that seems to set me back slightly but immediately is squatting to pick something up off of the floor. I'm not talking about anything heavy, a pen or piece of paper. My question is whether temporarily avoiding the squat, until I get stronger (and master the ww pose in squat) and my psoas is released more, is okay? I'm doing all 5 DVD's, 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. I feel tremendously better after each of these sessions as well as when I wake up in the morning, but feel immediately worse when I squat. I'm waiting on the hips DVD because I'm sure that the tightness there, (old hip injury) is limiting me. What I am doing when I need to reach something low is bending on one knee while keep my body upright in WW posture and then on the second knee remaining in posture, then bending into accepted WW seated position to reach low. This helps me get dishes in/out of the dishwasher, clothes in bottom drawer, etc. I still feel good, no heaviness or setbacks when doing this for brief moments. Is this okay? I hope that y'all don't mind the questions. ;-)

Personally I would not squat every time I had to reach down to the floor. That's a lot of work. Just bend from the hips, not the waist; the difference being that you keep your lumbar curvature in place as you bend. - Surviving

Folks (newbies especially), let it be known that Sierra is very very very fit. Most of us would not be able to do 6 WW workouts a day at the beginning of this work, without getting quite sore. This kind of intensity with the workouts is not what we normally advocate; we would say work on posture throughout the day, and support the work with dvd routines as much as seems reasonable and comfortable. - Surviving

Reading Sierras posts leave me a bit breathless like I just sprinted or something!

I will try all of these tips. Thanks for clarifying about the workouts, NO ONE should copy my regiment! I also appreciate the weight more in the toes comment. The "naval in" was an industry practice that did me in but I haven't mentioned the other which is weight in the heals. This gave me buns of steel… Yay…. and POP…NOT WORTH THE TRADE OFF! I am having to get my weight out of my heals and more into my toes, or at least better distributed toward my toes. So much to learn or as someone said earlier… UNLEARN! Today is going to be sunny and gorgeous outside so I will be taking a break from my DVD's, do some fire breathing, pelvic rocks and hitting the beach for some walks (active rest :-), oh and a long massage, money much better spent than on ineffective and detrimental Kegal/estem therapy. Interestingly enough, this will be the first time in many years that my upper traps, lavatory scapula, lats, serratus ant. and subscapularus will NOT need to be released. For someone with cervical spine degeneration, this is a huge feat and thanks goes to this whole woman posture. She will also be surprised that I will not be complaining about neck pain for the first time EVER. She, my massage therapist and friend, will be shocked to see the transformation in my body. She will be focusing more on my hips to assist in "undoing" the "naval in" posture.
Thank you again ladies for guiding me along this journey. Today I woke up feeling almost normal which means no heaviness, no bulge… The vitamin D today will be great. I will be brainstorming as to how I can turn this into someway to help others who are also trying to figure this out. These little tweaks and tips from all of you are the things that are helping me to get it right! I wish this were Facebook so that I could "like" each of your comments and double "like" the ones that make me smile.

Hi Sierra and others.

Sierra, your progress and mindset turn around is certainly impressive and it is very interesting to read your posts.

I do what to hear from others though if you all get such a change so quickly and find it all so easy to understand the posture and adopt it. I still struggle and I have been doing this 10 months and am not unfit but nothing like Sierra of course. I am also managing this with a new business and two small children. Just feeling frustrated and like maybe I try too hard but then I read Sierra posts and she certainly has not slowed down so I am confused. I feel like I push my tummy out too much or hips forward too much. I certainly used to have flat tight abs and very tight hips. My lumber curve gets sore too. I have not had any reversal of symptoms (but manage them better) although I know this work helps so I am still doing things wrong. Also I think my POP (all 3) is much more severe so I guess it is not helpful for me to try to have my rectocele bulge up all the time which hardly happens at all now. With cyctocele it does not seem to move much, am I right to assume this?


Oh yes and Sierra bend from the hips. It will also lengthen your hamstrings. Mine are very tight. All Mums have to bend down ALL day long so this is must for them.

Hi Activeandlapsed,
Sounds like you are having a hard time of it right now. I do truly understand where you are coming from. In my first year of doing this work and reading the forum, I was disappointed at times that some people seemed to be seeing results sooner than I was. There really are a lot of factors that play into this, including fitness, I am sure. I was never a complete slouch, but not as fit as some either.
It took me almost a year to really start feeling the benefits of my work. I have a severely prolapses uterus afterall. I could never expect that to just get better overnight.
I gained inspiration from reading of Christine journey with this and many of the other ladies with the more profound prolapses.
Yes, it will take more time for some of us, but believe me when I say that it really is possible to get some relief from your symptoms. If not all the time, some of the time, and then most of the time. That is the nature of prolapse. We do the best we can and keep working at it.
That's how it worked for me.
Wishing you the best in your journey.

And Sierra I hope you didn't mind my post as it is great having someone from the gym industry that knows so much. It got me thinking as frustration often does that I have been thinking details and yet normally I grasp a concept and the details fall into place. Well the problem this time is that I don't know all the body bits like you and Christine (despite doing well in school personal training!) and I was really good at western posture so have work to undo things.

I have been rereading Saving the Whole Women again and the sway back comment is interesting to me (in the muscle chapter near the front). I have quite a sway back and have for as long as I can remember. I thought this just meant I had a really good lumber curve when I started this work but I am keen if anyone knows the difference. Christine said to do twisting exercises for this so will do those from her DVDs more. .

I've decided not to worry about down below and checking as AG you are right it will take time for me and I have only really got the posture recently or I have gone back and forth with it and tried too hard at time which resulted in me pulling my chest forward and probably doing more damage. The bulge is actually not a biggie for me but I have had issues with sitting being uncomfortable and feeling an urge to pee when I lie down lately and that is soooo frustrating but I do feel things will improve in time. I have the foot thing going well now. Now if I could just get long flexible legs that would be good and make sitting with my legs out flat easier.

How did working with your clients go Sierra with your new WW body?

Here is a quote I found from Christine on the subject (there are others if you look).

"Before WW there has never been a distinction made between a low, sharp lumbosacral angle and the wide-radius curvature of WW posture. It is all called 'sway back'".

So concentrate on really pulling up into posture. Keep the chest strongly lifted, the chin slightly tucked, the shoulders down. I have to remind myself to keep the chest opened up as well....I found during a posture evaluation that my shoulders were still a bit rounded forward (this was me making sure I didn't pull them BACK). - Surviving

PS: Here are a couple of blog articles that mention it.

A few ppl I know who have a sway back also have a rounded upper back. Not sure if/how the two are related.

ActiveandLapsed, "AL" (your new nickname for me),
I'm frustrated with this POP thing for ALL OF US! I'm hoping that my posts will help in some way. I try to be careful about what I post because I know how confusing this can be for everyone.
I've been afraid to mention this here on the forum because I didn't want to cause any confusion for others who need different tweaks than me. I (and all of the women in my family) have what you'd call sway back which I am learning is more of a look because of my body frame and proportion and not a medical term. I'm realizing from WW that lordosis doesn't seem to occur without some other postural defect and the other defects for me were the bigger issue. I have a very small/petite torso and glutes that tend to be more developed and give me a "bubble butt" look. This exaggerates the sway back look. I've always tried to get some mass in my trunk (i.e. obliques, trans abdominals, resctus abdom., legs…) to counter that look which is not ideal for a small frame person in my industry, unless you are a freakish body builder. Remember that I am the stretch therapist/yogi/zenfitgirl who gets 80 % of my look from nutrition and natural sports and activity. Christine's comment for me to slightly tilt my tailbone up while walking to cause internal rotation and minimize the rubbing between my legs was the final tip that helped me to get it from the naval down. It was so ingrained in me (just a self-conscious thing) to minimize the bubble butt or sway back thing. After all, my butt still stuck out behind me plenty (because of my small frame AND athletic-level body fat) EVEN when I was tucking (my boyfriend calls it a melon butt). I fear that others will try to do this who don't need to AND without having the upper body (shoulders down, chest up, pulling up through the crown) mastered. I've seen clients taking weeks,months and years to get just the upper body portion, and some still just don't get it. While Christine and these ladies are genius about the internal female organs (and the function of the female body in every way), I've barely looked between my legs EVER. I still know that what they say just makes sense in ways that the doctors and fitness industry don't get. I would say to keep asking questions. I ask several a day. Even when I think that I've got it, my mind is eager to continue to improve.
I would actually put my hand on a new clients forehead and one at the base of their skull, ask them to slightly tuck their chin and then I gently lift their head (giving them some traction) with the crown of the head leading the lift. I then grab a piece of hair at the crown, lift it for them (while they move shoulder down/not back and bring chin in) to help them envision/feel the lengthening of the spine through the hair straight up to the sky. It helps them feel the posture. The problem is that when the serratus ant, lats, rhomboids, pectoral minor, levatur scapula are tight and unyielding, it's just hard for them to do it on their own. Massages and proper foam rolling can help but I hate to mention that here either for those that don't have a knowledgable neuromuscular therapist and/or mis-use the foam roller. My neuromuscular therapist was shocked to see that she needed NO release on many of those muscles yesterday, my hips needed plenty. I didn't realize how much range I'd lost in the last months (no wonder I prolapsed). She's intrigued by what I'm doing. She also works on many of my clients so we shared knowledge (we're a team with a lot of these clients) with each other of how we can help them specifically.
As for work, I've been feeling like I've needed to get out of the studio where I am for awhile. So, I will be telling my clients that in healing myself, I've learned and am learning some things that are pulling me in a slightly different direction. I will not be returning to the studio. Yesterday it occurred to me that my friend and neuromuscular mass. therapist is not happy where she is. I don't know where this journey will take me but I am making a list of people in my industry that may want someone with my experience in some form. In the meantime, I am just learning and healing. My boyfriend has been very supportive, I don't know why I thought any differently, but those dark early POP days sure are just awful.
My best advice is to keep asking questions specific to what you think that you are doing wrong. I hope that all of this helped and will be following your journey as well.

SH, I just saw your post after I answered AL. I wanted to be careful because while I know some very important information on this POP stuff, I am still in the learning and unlearning daily. I guess if you see my post to AL, foam rolling, would be a suggestion. I hate to suggest it, though, without Christine's guidance. Perhaps a neuromuscular massage and an analysis. These therapists are very intuitive and can feel where you are most tight and thus need the most release. The DVD's address unlocking all of these muscles but I find foam rolling to be light-bulb moments for people to see where their tension is. Are you sure that you have the upper body mastered. I just feel like kyphosis, even slightly is the start. If that's good then foam rolling the piriformis, glutes, hamstrings and even the quadriceps and calves before your FAFP and yoga DVD's. I would have my clients take 5 minutes to foam roll, (gently) these muscle along with the rhomboids, lats, seratus for upper body before the workout. The Foam Roller can be your personal massage therapist. NEVER ROLL BONY AREAS LIKE THE THE SPINE, the BACK BELOW THE SHOULDER BLADES, LUMBAR SPINE, BEHIND THE KNEE, ACHILLES…! ONLY foam roll "MUSCLE" and do it VERY GENTLY! I am sure that there are demos on you tube to help. This gentle (over days and weeks) massage of the fascia was very effective for my clients. I just hate suggesting anything on here because I watch my clients like a hawk for this kind of stuff. I'm very hands-on and protective of people's bodies. It can really help if you do it carefully and gradually though. It paves the way pre-workout for increased blood flow and range of motion for overactive and thus tight muscles. I can't believe that I haven't pulled mine out since this POP. (It will be a great idea for my hips right now and especially before I do my Hips DVD which will be arriving today…YAY!) It can make a huge difference. Be sure to breath out and try to relax when you find a spot that takes your breath away. It should NEVER EVER EVER be painful. I actually feel my posture change into a more relaxed, natural posture, immediately after standing up from 5 minutes of foam rolling correctly. I urge caution on this though. Be very careful and use some guidance instruction for what NOT to do. I hadn't seen foam rolling mentioned here before so I've been holding back.

Hi Sierra,
I have actually mentioned foam rolling on here before. My hubby bought one for some aches and pains he was having. We both use it to smooth out some of those tight spots. I think this as well as massage, and even chiropractic care are great therapies for the body.
I also learned in doing previous yoga to just breath into some of those harder poses gently, and that over time they become more attainable. Because I have done yoga before, I was able to do many of the stretches that Christine has in her dvds.
That's why doing this work gently and over time is so important including the posture itself. None of this should be forced, and there is nothing wrong with getting a little massage or therapy to help along the way.

SH, My best explanation, is that when those upper body muscles are all pulling your shoulders and head forward, eventually, you'd fall on your face if they keep pulling you more and more forward which they do. Your body has to adjust against gravity which usually means a bending of the knees and tucking hips to redistribute the effects of gravity. When your body adjusts, the lumbo pelvic hip complex adjusts to keep you from falling forward, there are muscles that stay active all of the time to support this unnatural posture and thus become over-active, i.e. always working and never stretching or relaxing (hamstrings are the biggest one but many others are involved). I've had clients that hadn't straightened their knees in so long that they were unable to do it on their own. That's were strengthening the opposing muscle which was also in a constant, unnatural state, helped; but, it's difficult to undo years of improper posture without knowledge/awareness AND assistance. The neuro-muscular signal is strong and constant for incorrect posture and there becomes a loss of muscle memory for what is natural and correct. These explanations don't translate in writing sometimes. Hope that helps.

SH…that's why the foam rolling, if done carefully and properly, before a workout can help. It's like the WD 40 on your joints.
It helps to relax/release the over-active muscle (agonist) so the the under-active muscle (antagonist) can get stronger. It's the agonist/antagonist muscle relationship that's like a see-saw. They both should be active and inactive when needed and appropriate back and forth with natural body movements like standing, lifting, sitting, bending... If the person on the upper portion of the see saw grabs a branch and stays up (stays active, the active muscle) then the other person (muscle) never gets to do anything and falls asleep (inactive). Eventually the rains comes and goes and the seesaw rusts and gets stuck in this position. It takes some undoing to get the seesaw (joint) moving properly and naturally again.

SH, You should know that this all came about for me when my body began falling apart at 40! There's plenty of hope for you to get it. It's like your phone wires are crossed and there's a weak signal. If you can straighten out the wires, the signal will be there as strong as ever. Muscles want to do their job and want to cooperate with the other muscles by working together, you just have to wake them up. Muscle memory is a powerful thing just like driving the same way to work everyday, you don't even have to think about it. When you get a new job, you have to forget the old route and think about the new route every morning. Eventually the new route is normal.

I just wanted to extend a very warm welcome to Sierra! I'm so sorry you have joined the ranks of prolapsed women- though you're in VERY good company ;)- but so very very happy you have found, and embraced, WWW. It's been wonderful reading your posts and like SafelyHeld, they make me smile. Given your position in your profession and your knowledge, you are so uniquely poised to truly change so many women's lives for the better- it is absolutely heartwarming. Thank you!

Active and Lapsed- I believe your experience, 10 months in with WW work, is far more typical than Sierra's. She has, it seems to me, a hyper awareness of her own body. That's a very good thing!! But most of us, even those who do have a great deal of body awareness and fitness, don't approach her baseline. I can tell you my WW posture at 10 months is definitely different than my WW posture going on my 3rd year. During the first year, at the top of my WW 'check list' was relaxing my belly and thinking about my lumbar curve. Today, my lumbar curve is way down at the bottom of that list and has been replaced with thinking about having an imaginary high ponytail being pulled up. This action obligates a slightly tucked chin and a lifting of my chest. It's virtually impossible to have that pulling up of my head (described so well by Sierra with her clients) and NOT have a lifted chest.
The other thing at the top of my check list are my feet. I make a conscious effort to get my feet pointing forward when I walk because they want to naturally turn outwards, my right foot doing so far more than my left. I'm working on bringing them both back in alignment and minimize or reduce the positional imbalance of my body.
The relaxed belly remains my final body part at the top of my 'check list'. But I also had to find that fine line between relaxing it and pushing it out. I definitely pushed it out in the beginning. I've pretty much stopped thinking entirely about my lumbar curve or attempting to actively create it/emphasize it because it does/will fall into place with the other things I'm doing. But trust me, I was nowhere near getting those tweaks down at 10 months. I know it doesn't always feel like it, but it sounds like you are doing great! 10 months - though it may not feel that way- really is still such early days. (and I can't remember if you are post partum, but if so, then it's doubly early days). Hang in there, tweak away with your'll come, and the forum is always here to help. :)- gr8fl

I'd forgotten that when I first prolapsed (early 30's rectocele after my second delivery) my urogyn told me that he *rarely* sees prolapsed women my age-unless they are extreme body builders. This same man, in the same appointment went on to share with me that his nurse had a 3rd degree cystocele (completely against hippa I might add and not his info to share). His nurse, however, was a young woman (also early 30's) who was very trim and appeared to be in great shape, but was, by no means, a body builder. Furthermore, the pelvic PT he referred me to also confided that she had a cystocele and wore a pessary when she played a rec sport. She was also in her early 30's, and again, though fit, was definitely NOT an extreme body builder. I still shake my head at the drivel that came out of his mouth- between 'women who prolapse' (in his experience) and the actual reality staring him in the face.

I suspect that our backgrounds in yoga make this easier for you and me even with all of my injuries and pain. In fact, my injuries to neck, shoulder, hip and tailbone made me very aware and knowledgable in the workings of the spine, just not "ground-breaking WW" knowledgable. Had I added WW to my resume years ago, I wouldn't have experienced POP. However, I don't think that I would have ever understood any of it without my experiences, including POP.
In my dealings with clients, it's not that easy. It's a shame that there's not a WW practitoner in every state.

I don't have nearly even close to the physio knowledge that you do, Sierra, but I have been developing more self awareness, especially after discovering prolapse. WW practitioners would be great in every state. There were times in my journey with all this that I wished I had someone to personally assess me.
But, I did have Christine's books and dvds. I watched every action and listened very carefully when doing those poses. And, I was very consistent with everything I read and saw. Having a profound uterine prolapse made me think this is my last chance at any kind of useful life. The kids were all out of the house, and my hubby and I were ready for big adventures, except my cervix was sticking out, and how could I go hiking like that? I had to overcome all this, and thanks to Christine's work, I was able to learn to not only manage my prolapse, but accept my new body, which I have to say, my hubby finds much sexier than the old one. My new attitude could have a lot to do with that too!

p.s. I also had a bad hip going into this. It would actually go out on me at least once a year and was a constant source of pain. I had regular chiropractic care for it. After adopting ww posture, I hardly even notice it anymore. Actually! The second wheel yoga poses really helped in stretching that hip also. The hips dvd was not out yet.
And, here I thought I was going to be a statistic in the broken hip club that so many women seem to end up in. I saw plenty of that in the nursing home.

Activeandlapsed and gr8fl,
You are right. I already understood many of Christine's teachings before POP. Some of them weren't working because of the mis-information that I was getting and practicing about tilting my pelvis and my lumbar curve. I was on the cusp of WW just couldn't get it all together until I got that final piece of the puzzle. I certainly don't want to discourage anyone. This has been and 8 year journey for me to attempt to live a pain-free and active life. I feel as though I have landed at the end of the rainbow with my pot of gold being WWW. Who knows what's to come, more challenges, I'm sure. If you remember my story, it started at age 40 when I couldn't hold my coffee cup or the steering wheel on my car, a very debilitated state. I was fit then too. It progressed to neck, bak, hip, knee, foot pain---you name it! My journey went from expert to expert (all cutting edge and Non-surgical with posture-based approach) as I learned the workings of my body, and corrected along the way. Now, my first day postural assessment with my clients involves me doing a George Burns, "Oh God" impersonation which includes head forward, chest slumped down, feet turned out, tailbone tucked and arms swinging behind to keep the balance, … The young ones don't know George Burns or the movie, "Oh God", but do have grandparents or know an older person who fits the bill. All ages are horrified at the thought and immediately turn their feet straight ahead, put their shoulders down, chest up and listen carefully to what I have to say. Hope that visual will stick with y'all. It's hard for most to forget :-) Again, it's been an "8" year journey for me. This is just another experience but a very important one!

Sierra, please keep up your fantastic postings! You truly are inspirational! I think we can all relate to feeling a bit discouraged when we read progress in posts that we may not be feeling ourselves. It is just the way it is and can change quickly when we find ourselves having a good day. Just part of the emotional component of Pop.
The fact that you chose to address your own pain/debilitating state by actively seeking out those who could help you truly heal as opposed to the more passive and traditional means of medication and surgery is wonderful and right up the WWW alley! One of the things that we all- especially Surviving- try to get across is the need to really rely on ourselves to do the healing work and not turn to paths/others that simply don't have the understanding to do so. I love the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow being WWW. So very true!
SafelyHeld- I'm so happy to hear that my post was encouraging to you! :) I've read so many posts from previous and current members that helped so very much along the way, it makes me happy to hear I have done the same for someone else. :) Thank you.- gr8fl

Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed and appreciated these posts ladies. That you take the time to write in such detail about your POP journeys is a gift. Even though I have been following WW for a few years now I always learn something from each of your experiences.

My path seems so similar to gr8fl's, I now longer think about my lumbar curve AT ALL. Instead I spend my time working on correcting my kyphosis. Not a fast or easy thing to fix when your body has spent 40+ years warping into this shape. It has taken a long time to relax and stretch out the shortened and tight muscles and ligaments that keep my head forward and my shoulders forward. I have been doing Bikram yoga now for a few years and I have found the heat of the room very helpful in getting these parts to loosen up. Now, when I imagine that high ponytail pulling to the ceiling (I love that imagery!) I can actually get some movement in my cervical spine. And I am finally getting some movement in my thoracic spine.

Sierra, I appreciate hearing how you work with clients to correct their kyphosis. Yesterday I used my foam roller to roll out those areas you suggested. At yoga that evening I had so much more flexibility in my upper spine - I noticed it in all the forward and backward bending. It was really noticeable! I am going to try rolling those parts out every day now.

So thanks to you all. I too am eternally grateful to have found WW and to all those who provide and staff this forum ... it has been a gift to me.

Hockeymom, Glad that you are getting some movement in your upper back, shoulders and chest. I'm also glad that you mentioned that the heat helped. Since I have degenerative discs in my cervical spine I have fought for years to get myself out of kyphosis (for me it's painful when I'm tight). I failed to mention one of the most active yet difficult to self-massage muscles which are the upper trapezius. When it's overly active it absolutely participates in keeping the shoulders up by the ears instead down away from the ears.

One thing that helps me after a workout when I'm loosened up is bending my head forward and letting the warm, massaging water spray from my shower onto the back of my neck and all along my upper traps. You can carefully do 1/2 head circles (just the forward ones) and really heat up and massage at the same time those upper traps, levator scapula even the supraspinatus. These are things that I do everyday without even thinking about it. I actually do this every time that I shower!
Also, my sister shared with me a visual that she got from a PT which was the one thing that worked for her even though I had been sharing my anecdotes with her for YEARS to no avail. The PT told her to visualize putting her shoulder blades in her back pockets (of her jeans). This visual worked for her to get her shoulders down!

BTW-PT also told her to pull her shoulders back which in my opinion is so WRONG, unless you want add severely overactive Rhomboids (and other muscles) to the mix and make your situation worse---that's just my side note, ugh!
I gently told my sister that perhaps lifting her sternum as if there were a light shining from it that you wanted to point to the sky would be better than pulling shoulders back. She said, "yes, that does the same thing". Well she's half right. It gets your chest lifted WITHOUT unnaturally engaging the rhomboids. I LOVE that Christine says over and over DO NOT pull your shoulders back and make sure that your upper back stays WIDE!!! That was one of my lightbulb moments when I knew that after a week of searching and crying over my POP, I'd finally found something(WWW) that made sense. I'm going to start trying to share my lightbulb moments with all of you piece-by-piece.

Hockeymom, I have a question about Bikram. I've done all other types of yoga including hot vinyasa but never Bikram. I see that boat is one of the main poses. I was a master at boat until my POP and then learned from WWW about the hip angles greater than 90 being a bad idea--I was very good at lots of things that were a bad idea, no wonder I have POP! How do you abstain from that pose without causing trouble in class? The Bikram near me has a reputation for NOT being very accommodating for those who can't or won't do some of the poses. Also, are there any other of the main poses that are bad for POP according to WWW? I didn't scrutinize all of them. Most looked fine but I just glanced at them on-line.

SH, you just have to play around with it and be mindful NOT to feel strain in your lower thoracic. If you keep your chin in and pony tail up with either, you should be fine. I fear that when talking to my sister on the phone, not in person, that she's throwing her shoulders back, causing the head to come forward. So don't tense up too much. A good order to think about is: chin in, (high) pony tail up, then whichever version of shoulders down helps you. Keep trying but don't feel tension. If it makes you feel any better, I have a series of reminders for bending over: 1- weight in toes 2 - keep lumbar curve 3 - straight line from crown to tailbone (yin and yang energy) 4 - bend at hips 5 - bend knees... We're all working on our stuff.

SH, I don't think that I answered your abs question. Once I get in upper body position, I find that the only way that I can get my abs to relax is to very slightly tilt my tailbone up and feel the slight internal rotation of my thighs and thus feel like a 4 legged animal pelvis. I then focus my breathing specifically to the lowest part of my belly. I'm finding my belly is expanding lower and lower the more that I practice. Perhaps others can share their methods as well.

Hi All,

I think this forum is really on a roll and it's great. I so appreciate all the messages.

Well I just got the posture yesterday and it's taken lots of tweaks and 10 months of hard work on WW but only when I was ready to understand and had done the work did it come. As in I have read things over the past 10 months and then come back to read them again a few weeks/months later and known that is what I need and am ready to know.

I can't really write the story as it a windy journey of learning but I will share that I have been trying to get the posture using my front (chest and ads) instead of my spine. That sounds crazy written down but my focus was so on those areas. I knew to stand tall and pull up and tuck my chin but I could not translate that in my body. I started relaxing my belly of course and not tucking my tail bone and then did all manner of strange things but ultimately I was either too sway back or pulling forward in my chest. I worked on the feet placement and shoulders/chest. The feet showed me I had my weight way back. My shoulders were tricky and it was not until I let it go and realised that they are naturally down and my chest was already is a bit lifted that I could get the last piece - pulling up through a high ponytail or with a bit of hair as Sierra mentioned above. Doing this naturally tucked my chin. I had read a post a while back about it and I had it on my mind but could not get it to work while I overdid lifting my chest and pushing down my shoulders (or back sometimes) and then I let that go and pulled up my crown and I knew I had found truth in my body once more. Sierra mentioned that above with memory still being there. Of course I still have to tweak things constantly and learn to do daily tasks and walk around the house when it's not just in a straight line.

Sorry if what I have said is confusing. I am not writing it for anyone to have light bulb moments but more of trying to write what has been an awakening journey for me. Sierra you mentioned your 8 year journey to feel right in your body and I too have been on one that has involved emotions, food, being my true self and POP and WW work have been big part of that, oh and I had two kids (am 2.3 years PP now - so yeah missed the two year window). In fact I can see the path to WW as I had signs of this coming and knowing I needed to do something and learn something and being called (not religious) to follow a word. Of course I would have loved to be where I am at the beginning of my POP when it was minor but I could not have got the posture and shifts I needed to make until it got more serious. I'm sure many of us feel a truth in the words on here when we read them and if we look back there will be signs that we needed to go this road. An example of mine is that before I found this site when things had recently got worse I kept having a thought that I needed to check the diagram I was given of my pelvic organs to see how they were positioned so I could imagine them being pulled into place (my diagram was wrong from my PT specialist and the birth care team!!!). The day before I found this site I was standing in front of the mirror playing around with my standing posture and walking posture. I pushed my bum out (abs tight of course) and then tucked it and saw what happened down below. I tried to walk both ways. Then I found WW.

I've got two more posts of stuff that might be helpful so will write them up if people are not sick of reading. One is on how I can now check my breath in my lower belly (the posture change enables it to be lower and I can feel that) and also some healing work I did that loosened my pelvis and release emotions that are trapped down there. The healing work is a bit out there but we can all do it. Christine mentioned doing visualisation work when she can't sleep in her book and also lying in her earth
dirt/clay garden.

My kids are sick of Pepper Pig now so I better go... they want to play follow the leader with Mum doing WW posture work and dancing (not to bouncy yet). It's funny to see what they do when it's their turn and I have been able to test my results after a few laps around the house.

Last thing - Sierra I really second the comments about how helpful you will be to this forum with all your knowledge and congrats on going where your journey is taking you away. That calling takes guts and real listening and is of course far from easy.

AL, Keep writing. I'm sure that it will help others. You are right that steps 1 (chin in) and 2 (ponytail up) got you into the posture (it does for me too) because of the work that you've done in the 10 months. You obviously had released many of those over-active muscles along the way. Try the shower massage to keep them loose as you master the posture. It's for the people who don't feel the shoulders down after chin in and pony tail to the sky that need step 3 (shoulders down). It sounds like you ARE having a lightbulb moment…awesome! I am sure that I am immersed into a new journey, mind, body and spirit, as well. I had been feeling the symptoms worsen over the last months before my POP. Now on days when I feel angry about it happening (the POP) I remind myself that if it hadn't happened suddenly, I'd have spent years trying to figure it out on my own. Thank goodness for mis-information from both PT's that I tried AND my OB/GYN, because if not for their ignorance and me having learned things outside of the medical community in the last 8 years, I would still be stuck in that vicious cycle of strengthening my glutes with weight in my heals ( a daily thing for me), doing lots of boats, hanging knee raises (to help with the so-called weak lower abs that cause POP) and many more things (especially Kegals--UGH!) that I am now learning daily were my undoing and set me on this path. Trying to stay healthy AND look the part were affecting my spirit. I had been feeling like something was wrong because I was doing everything that I knew and was feeling worse. I can honestly say that I feel set free by this because everything is feeling more natural and true to myself.

Al, I thought about this last night but turned the forum off of my computer when eyes are in the room. All of this is too much for them.
This is how it works for me:
1 - chin in
2- pony tail (a high ponytail) pulled straight up to sky
3 - if shoulders aren't down then either sternum light to the sky or shoulder blades in pockets to achieve shoulders down.
4 - slight tilt up of tailbone (like 4 legged animal)
5 - relaxing lowest of belly visualizing it falling between your legs like lopo. Doing this while belly breathing into the lowest part of belly really helps me relax from lumbar down when I feel those abs want to tighten.
This helps me to feel strong without feeling tense in WWW posture and keeps me from pushing my belly out. I really hope that others share their methods as well. We all learn differently and feel things differently.

Sierra, there is no boat pose in real Bikram yoga. The only thing that I skip in the Bikram series is the transitional straight-leg situp when coming off the floor from corpse pose to the next posture. I just roll to the side and push up. That is what they recommend people with lower back issues do - I don't really give a rat's **s what they think the reason I do it for is :-).

I just make sure that I maintain WW posture while doing the poses. I have one particularly fantastic teacher who is always reminding us NOT to tuck our tailbone. They are always telling us to lift our chest. I have done Bikram at a few different studios in various cities and I have never had any difficulties. I have never had a teacher who would "make" someone do a posture that is troublesome for them. In fact, I don't even know how they could. All the teachers I have had are very clear that your yoga practice is YOUR practice, that you should not compare yourself to others but accept the body that you have brought into the studio and work with what you have.

The one thing I have liked most about Bikram yoga is that the poses in general are very POP friendly if a person understands the WW posture principles. A long time ago I read an article by Christine about "a yoga for women" or some-such, and it really helped me to make sure I was maintaining WW posture in the poses. And other than the sit-up there is not one I have to skip.

hockeymom, Thank you for the clarification. I will look for Christine's thread. I agree about it being my own practice and at the same time I don't want to offend anyone else's practice, unless they ask for my opinion, then I tell them what I believe. I've always had to tread lightly on some yoga classes because I don't do inversions and things that are counterintuitive to my cervical spine issues. I know that I have certain weaknesses that compromise the poses. Thanks again!

Thanks for the support guys. I don't want to get too out there but then again I like that something I write might help someone. The first book I ever read as a teenager that set in on a more unconventional path in terms of medical, body stuff was Louise Hay's "you can heal your life". Love that book. Still I can't just heal my POP ligaments that way but I am sure sending them loving thoughts and kindness can't help but be good :o)

1 - I still get confused by the exact point on my head that I pull the pony tail up by.
2 - When walking I think I am still striking out a bit much or maybe going to fast (over confident) so the forces are not pushing my POP into place as per the breathing cycle in chapter two of Christine's book when she has the foot muscle and breathing arrow diagram. Things are certainly better than they were a few days ago tho.
3 - Sitting on the floor, do you imagine your tailbone a little pushed out/up? I was pulling forward when I was sitting with my legs crossed, straight (still hard) and on my knees prior to recently as was always trying to think forward for everything. I notice in the videos they look a bit more straight in the spine than me but it's still an adjustment not to force the lumbar curve when sitting down and worry if I am right back on my sit bones. I thought imaging the tail bone lifted when sitting would help. This also applied to how far back I sit on my feet in the pelvic rocks as I still have not got these but feel like they are an exercise I will love.

SH - thanks for the feet comments about feet turned out. My heels were not quite straight. It's interesting how the little change rotated my knee and made it easier to get my weight positioned right and for it to feel more natural. It also allowed my toes to spread out more without any effort from me. Triangle foot..

Will try the shower massage and read the link about imaging the belly down between the legs you mention Sierra. I am pretty happy with the belly thing now.

When this was posted originally there were photos along with it. I don't believe they are available anymore but her discussion of modifications to poses is still there.

1-Wish I could be there to pick up that perfect piece of hair for you. I say a high ponytail to help you get closer. Almost 30 years ago I took a ballet 101, (I had no ballet experience before or after that) class in college which was taught by a world renowned teacher who walked around and picked up everyones hair from the crown to show them how the energy should feel when the spine is extended and strong posture exhibited. I never forgot it how it felt.
2 - I walked too long today and feel that the first part of my walk was better. Perhaps you could shorten your walks and go for quality over quantity and build up to a longer walk?
3 - I do all 4 steps in seated as I do in standing which works for me:
a - chin in
b - pony tail (from crown) straight up
c - shoulders down without creating tension
d - slightly tilt tailbone up. This helps you get onto your SITS bones. You may have to pull your cheeks out one at a time like you do in yoga. This helps me get that lumbar curve. I am very sway back looking because of my proportions and don't look as flat backed as some of the pics but that's my proportion of torso thickness (not much) and glute posterior thickness (more than my torso. We can all look different in the same proper position. There are so many body types out there. With my new WW posture I feel like I look like I have a corncob up my butt!! Yet no one has noticed or said a word. This has shocked me that no one even notices. I feel like it's a very drastic change and look, but apparently not.
e - I feel the internal rotation of the thighs slightly when the tailbone goes up as well.
All of this feels tight in my hips which is why I do the DVD's everyday and am waiting on the hips DVD. The DVD's definitely reinforce these habits over and over which I know is necessary to undo old habits and fix my posture. Shower and epsom salt bath at night help too. I also put ionized magnesium behind my knees at night (was already doing this for my thyroid condition) to relax muscles during muscle recovery, aftetll, this is WORK for the muscles.
4- Safely Held re-posted the "Lopo" thread today where Louise describes the belly between the legs, I think.

Very clear thanks Sierra. I've been studying Christine's head in the ballet pictures in the book too.

I have a bottom too so it's no problem to pull the cheeks out a bit. No one has noticed my posture either, aside from my husband who doesn't say, but I have not worn any fitting tops yet but will do soon. All the effort to have no belly and tuck my butt and no one notices! I used to hide my bottom and wanted to be tiny (I'm 165cm, 5.6" and between 58 - 62 kg working on the lower) and got strong muscles so not lean but not overweight. I store the weight in my bottom and thighs. I don't mind my butt so much now as know even slim my butt will be out and not tucked. Being skinny is not important now and it's taken WW to get there - the WW look is so much nicer than a totally flat tummy and face that looks like it working hard to get flat abs. I used to read women saying that on here but it's taken time for me to genuinely feel like this.

AL, It's taken time for me to accept the non-flat abs and the bubble butt. My boyfriend just saw me naked tonight and asked what's up with the extra arch in my back. I told him that it's the new me. We'll see if he gets used to it. More importably, it's the real me and if he doesn't like it, it's his loss. It's such a different look from the ripped and and glutes of steal. I had warned him about 2 weeks ago that I would be fine but that this injury will cause me to look more feminine, "dancer" look. He's figuring out what that means. I am ready to walk away if it is an issue with him. It's been hard enough on me to accept that if he can't accept it, I'm sure that there's someone who will and I know that is true. I feel much more genuine as well.
Namaste :-)

You are a new WOMEN Sierra. I remember your first post. WW really is a blossoming of womenhood for many of us aye. I thought when you first posted wow I am really different from you and I don't think that anymore. Onwards with our journey's.

I did a short barefoot walk in WW posture and was working on my feet. It does feel like I am a bit pigeon toed like you mentioned in the sand walking with your clients.

Got the head thing now with a bit of mirror work and hair pulling.

I have to laugh at myself walking around my suburb in bare feet. I intend to one day run a marathon in bare feet. Ised to run, then didn't after 20 years old as it was not good for my hips and I was told some people are runners and some are not depending on how you are born - all crap - it's all about posture!!

Sorry everyone for the long posts but this is big time for me finally having the puzzle pieces fall into place with my posture after 10 solid months of working on this - I'm a slow learner I know but a determined one!

I will be a New Zealand practitioner one day (hopefully living in Wanaka as is so beautiful). It will be a while away for me as I will wait until my kids are older.

Sierra do you feel your abs are stronger now than before? Certainly a 180 degree shift in thinking about ab strength aye.

I think that we are even more alike than you thought! When I was 20, oh so long ago, my patella (knee caps) were off track and causing pain in my meniscus and back. I was told by the best orthopedist in our very medical town, that with me being a girl with my Q-angle and valgus of the knees that I wasn't meant to run. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Honey, girls just weren't made to run, you just weren't built for it". He told me to wrap both knees and walk as much as i wanted. It wasn't until 20 years later after seeing many female athletes do many sports that I decided to strengthen my hips, correct my valgus (knock-knees) and run. I got stronger but was still feeling unsure about running. Then I saw a CHi-Running workshop flyer at my gym. It said, "learn to run naturally, the way that your body was meant to, without pain" I signed up immediately and learned the pulling up through the ponytail, stretching the hips properly, mid-sole strike, shoulders down, forward lean with a straight line from crown to ear to shoulder extended back foot, relax upper body with tall spine, etc. All WW friendly postures BUT...
The problem is that it was developed by a MAN. He studied animals as part of his journey but had us lying on our back and pulling that naval in…ugh! He got so much of it right and then ruined it with the naval in thing! I did run for a good while but eventually the naval in thing, I believe, began to take away my lumbar curve.
As for my abs feeling stronger, probably yes because they move when I move…a good thing aye? My spinal support system is substantially better. My ability to sit and stand upright in a proud comfortable posture feels EXCELLENT! Only a few days before my POP incident, my upper traps and neck were burning and hurting and I wasn't able to stand upright or keep my shoulders down or my chin in. I was worried for a few days that I was going to have to go to a spine doctor which I had been avoiding. My neck pain is totally gone since www, NONE AT ALL! I can barely remember how bad it was unless I think about it. I am so grateful for that. Now I know that I don't have to live with increasing and debilitating neck pain for the rest of my life. What a wonderful side-effect of the posture!
One of my clients just returned from visiting her son for a month in Australia and New Zealand. She has some beautiful pics on FB. I ran into her today and she, being very intuitive, wants to have lunch and tell me about her trip and hear what's going on with me. She said that she can tell that something is up! She was in a terrible accident 11 years ago and really messed herself up from head-to-toe, and started training with me over a year ago after a divorce and rehab… boy, we all have our stories, don't we?
I will be doing something with this one day. I'm still trying to be patient and just let things fall into place. Tonight I am thinking about my allergies more than my POP, now that's a switch. I thought I'd never have moments where I didn't think about the POP. Those first days sure are scary when everywhere that you turn you get bad information, but you can't stop thinking about how different your life suddenly became. I like to find people smarter than me! Cheers to WWW!

…oh and we proceeded to have great sex in several positions that were all comfortable. I didn't even think about the POP. I am so much more comfortable (and flexible Haha) in my own body. Yes, I'm a new woman. Actually, I'm the same me just better. I came onto this forum angry at the incompetence of people in the medical community that were trying to help me but were making it worse and I knew it; I just didn't know where to turn. I rarely get angry, but when I do, it's a platform for action. I'm like the gentle mom, until you mess with my kids, then I'll take you down. I always tell my children that if anyone EVER tries to hurt them, I'll take them down. It makes my kids laugh because I'm all of 5'6 and small-framed, but they also know that I mean it! I'm a fighter when I need to be but mostly a lover.