fire breathing and rectoceles


hi everyone:

so i've been looking around the site tonight and i'm starting to read about the fire breathing work. i'm very interested in exploring this and wondering about women's repsonses to it who have rectoceles and have tried it.

i'm also curious about how slowly people start off. i see christine suggests working up to 5 to 10 minutes twice a day. maybe starting with a few breaths morning and night? i tried it before and i assume the out breath should be rather loud as one is forcefully exhaling.

any observations/thoughts/input with it would be great. i'm excited to start experimenting with this.



I've got to keep this brief - my two cents worth re: firebreathing. I started slowly and gently - making sure to get the technique right and working up to a point where the rhythm felt natural and comfortable. Even after a few months, I still only do about 2.5 - 3 minutes at a time. If I'm really exhausted, I only do 1 - 2 minutes. For me, the breath is strong, but not forced. The pace can be fairly rapid if I'm having a good day or slower when I'm feeling down. I usually feel lighter afterward - some relief from the dragging of my cystocele (I do not have rectocele as far as I can tell). It seems to help strengthen my lower back - it also energizes me when I do it during the day, but at bedtime, I find it relaxes me for sleep - a wonderful added benefit. I am careful to avoid firebreathing during menstruation. I'm optimistic about long-term benefit.
Good luck, have fun with it, and let us know how it goes for you!

I haven't been doing this for a while, as I am pg, but when I started I began with around 10 breaths. I found that the first few breaths didn't feel 'right' but by the time I got to 4 or 5 it became more rythmic and felt like I was doing it right. I got up to 2 or 3 min twice daily and noticed a marked improvement in my cystocele. didn't notice any difference in my rectocele. I only did the firebreathing for a few weeks, so I have high hopes for this technique.

let us know how it works for you

I have been doing the fire breathing for about 3 weeks- I have a rectocele. anyway- I take 3 or 4 fire breaths at a time several times a day. It feels really good to me to do them and I enjoy breathing exercises so...... here is how I do them- (and they arn't loud) I put my forarms on my knees- I know this isn't correct but it is the only way I can relax my shoulders and neck and get my belly low enough- then when I exhale I tighten the muscles around my tailbone to pull it higher while I pull my abdominals tightly toward my spine while I visualize my organs moving up. I can't say that I have seen any improvement with my rectocele but I do feel much less pressure all around after I'm done with them. I don't know if that helps at all but.....B

Did you all learn the technique from this site or from the book or video? I would like to incorporate this into my routine, but don't have the book or video yet. Thanks.

I learned it from this site. its not in the first edition of the book, don't know about the video, I haven't gotten around to getting the video

Go to search and type in fire breathing,it will take you to the post where Christine describes and tells how to do it.
It is not on the video.
Good luck,