Hi...Newbie here


Hi everyone....need some help I think. I have been lurking here for months after my diagnosis of a stage 2 cstocele before joining. I see most of you here have more severe prolapse than I do. But am wondering if you can feel a stage 2 "bulge" while just walking. Or am I just imagining feeling it because I "know" it is there? I have no urinary symptoms at all at the moment and with reading here I hope I can keep it at a stage 2. Sorry in advance if I put this in the wrong area.

Hi ScrappinChick and welcome,
If you think you are feeling something, you probably are. Regardless, the whole woman work is for all of us and the earlier you engage, the better off you are in the long run, maintaining or even reversing symptoms in many cases.
The whole woman posture does that for us, working those pelvic organs toward and even better into the lower belly.
So, keep reading, whole woman is an all over body benefit for prolapse, hips, and spine.

I have had this prolapse since June of last year and have never really "felt" anything. I did just enter menopause and am wondering if it is dryness I am feeling and not actual "bulge". I have noticed it takes a while now to get "juiced" up for sex. But have no idea if the dryness is normal when not engaging in sex. Sorry for all the TMI but don't know how else to explain which can be hard sometimes as well. I know sometimes by the end of the day some days I feel irritation and it looks all red in the vulva area with a tinge of burnt feeling. Sitting sometimes helps and sometimes aggravates.

For some of us, feeling the prolapse is a good indicator of what or what not to be doing, but not feeling it at all is very good. Yes, the vaginal dryness is common after menopause and also after having a baby, when hormonal changes are happening in the body.
Start with some raw local honey, just a dab on the finger inserted high up in the vagina. Christine has written and talked about this extensively. The honey actually feed the natural lactobacilli that live there, creating a healthier environment. We even had one of our ladies here us a bit more before sex.
I used some honey early on in finding my prolapse for some burning issues I was having, and boy did it get the juices flowing! Amazing stuff.

Would have never thought about honey....will give that a shot.

I am thinking it is more of a dryness issue that I am feeling. I believe these are two different situations that just sometimes happen at the same time. I would not think prolapse would be the cause of dryness and vice versa.

Yes, I agree, they could just be happening at the same time, but don't disregard your prolapse because you can't feel it, someday you may. That's why it is so important to start working on the whole woman posture, to keep those pelvic organs out of the vaginal space and into the lower belly.

Hi Scrappin - As a rule I don't go to doctors unless there is something really serious going on.....so I did not "discover" my prolapse until it became symptomatic. But I'm sure it was in the works for quite awhile, and a doctor might have detected something. Prolapse diagnoses are really pretty meaningless, because the organs are always moving around, and you could get different diagnoses from different doctors on different days. Or the same doctor on the same day! I wouldn't be concerned with a diagnosis. To this day I have not had one. My symptoms tell me everything I need to know, and they remind me to stay in posture and give the organs the support they need. I have cystocele and rectocele and have been managing them just fine for a number of years with WW posture and tools. Don't know where I would be if not for Christine. Posture and honey.....give this a chance, you will not be sorry. - Surviving

Yes I will definitely do the posture.....

I did just search for vaginal dryness and saw quite a few posts that confirms that these are two separate issues and that it can occur at the same time especially the aged beauties of menopause! I need a manual just for Menopause...lol!