Two great helps: A pessary and suspenders for loose pants


I have had uterine prolapse for 4 1/2 years. I thought it would be the end of the world, but I am now coping happily. My mother had uterine prolapse and I sadly ignored her warnings. (When you are 13 you don't really pay attention to what Mom is talking about.) She had passed before my prolapse emerged. My prolapse was caused by lifting heavy 5 gallon jugs of water once a month or so, for 5 years.

Three doctors said I needed a hysterectomy, but the last one suggested physical therapy, which I did. Then after about two years I got a pessary, which was the BEST thing ever. I put it in and it holds up my uterus for two weeks at a time. I take it out for 8 hours at the end of the two weeks, put it back in and forget it. No more worrying!! My husband does not mind it during intercourse (found this out by accident, and also found that my orgasms had NOT disappeared as previously experienced. HUGE blessing!) The pessary does not make uterine prolapse worse! (I was erroneously told this by the PT.) It helps the muscles by giving them a break.

I try not to life anything over 5 lbs. I avoid shoveling, raking, hoeing, vacuuming and pretty much all physical labor. My husband has picked up my slack. (I cut his hair, do his dishes, cook, and clean. . .lest you think I'm a sled, haha! I also teach 30 piano students each week.) I still do some weeding. I'm really sad that I can't do these things anymore, but keeping my uterus up where it belongs is most important.

The other thing that has helped a LOT is to wear suspenders under my shirts to hold up loose fitting pants. I NEVER wear elastic around the waist, belts, or anything restrictive. I buy my pants loose at the waist and hold them up with suspenders. The only time I feel the uterus dropping more than normal now is a couple days before my period.

Hope this helps someone!

Hi Isc444,
Have you had a chance to read around this site? Whole Woman posture lets us get back to many activities that we once couldn't do.
Have a good look around and come back here with any questions about this very important work.

I like the suspenders idea, but pessaries are a different story. They can be tricky to fit, and may give some women relief from symptoms, but over time they will worsen prolapse by holding the vagina open for other organs to prolapse into. I encourage you to watch this:

Prolapse can be managed safely and effectively, so that most any activities are possible. Ordinary lifting, gardening and housework need not be avoided. Our mission on the site is to help women with the WW work, and any new members who come here giving advice will be reminded of that. - Surviving