New member - any help much appreciated.


Hello Everyone, I've just come across Christine's work and this forum and I'm hoping that you can give me some advice to help me on my road to recovery. I've been recently diagnosed with stage 2 cystocele and rectocele, plus the start of uterine prolapse. While I realise that things could be far worse and this is not a terminal illness, and I'm trying to take comfort in that fact. I'm nonetheless extremely distressed and my emotions are all over the place, and I feel everything from disbelief to devastation, panic, fear, dread, anger, frustration, depression etc. etc. and most of all helplessness. I also feel very unattractive and like it's the beginning of the end. On the plus side, other than my prolapse issues I'm reasonably fit and healthy. I'm perimenopausal and while not overweight, I do notice than any weight I carry seems to be in the tummy area. This is obviously something that I will have to try and rectify. I have a good diet, I walk for thirty minutes five days and I swim thirty minutes once a week. I also meditate every morning and I'm not on any medication.

I was referred to a physiotherapist and from what I can gather doing Kegels, not being constipated, being careful how I lift, bend down and sit on the toilet seem to be all that's keeping me from surgery. Up until recently I had vaguely been aware of uterine prolapse, but I thought that it was rare and something that happened when you were in your sixties or seventies. I also had no idea that there were other forms of prolapse or that it could happen to someone like me in their forties.

While all this is new to me, and I appreciate that I have no medical training and that I also have a lot of research and learning to do. I just feel that those few basic steps and really when you boil it down, just do Kegels and then let's explore surgery fills me with panic, dread and fear. Maybe I'm in denial and because I have multi organ prolapse, surgery is my only realistic option. But I can't come to terms with that being my only option.

I also would like to say that I'm feeling very vulnerable and fragile right now, and I'm guessing that so are many of the women on this forum. In essence here's where I'm at. I've been told that bar Kegels, not getting constipated and being careful of how I lift and bend and sitting on the toilet correctly, there's not much hope other than surgery. I'm also been told that I'm not a candidate for a pessary due to my multi organ prolapse.

I've only just discovered Christine's work so I'm not familiar with it. But I wanted to jump right in and get some advice. While I'm extremely open to alternative ways of managing my prolapse and I want to do all in my power to help myself and stay away from surgery. I can't emphasize wanting to stay away from surgery enough. There's still a part of me that feels understandably concerned about deviating from the conventional path.

I understand that the primary purpose of this forum is education and support for women interested in and committed to the Whole Woman work and that it is not a debating society about the work itself. Plus, every question posted gets feedback from real women with busy lives who volunteer their time to write on the forum. That said, I consider my condition to be serious and life altering. Whilst I want to do everything in my power to help myself and to avoid surgery at all costs, I feel that because it states on the website - that it is not a debating society about the work itself. Then how am I able to get honest, impartial advice about this method of treatment and it's successes, limitations and risks etc.?

In my opinion, like any form of treatment it won't work for all and that's ok. But my main worry is, if there is a possibility of the Whole Women form of treatment making my condition even worse, as this is not something that I can afford to do. I also appreciate that going down the conventional path could do this too. I feel that this is a fair and legitimate question to ask and that it should not be interrupted as criticism, as it's not. But as this is such a serious situation I feel that I need to ask, has this form of treatment ever made anybody's condition worse? In fact, I feel that questioning is essential. Let's face it, if Christine herself hadn't questioned the status quo, we wouldn't even be on this forum having these very important conversations.

Also, as I'm new to all this and am feeling a bit overwhelmed to say the least, can anyone please recommend which would be the best course/book/DVD etc. to invest in? I have stage 2 cystocele and rectocele, plus the start of uterine prolapse. Also, does anyone have any suggestions regarding other things that could help too, such as vitamin supplements, acupuncture, herbs, bioidentical hormones etc.?

Thank you so much for listening to me, just to get all this all off my chest in a safe space has been been helpful. If anyone has any words of wisdom from their own experience, both good and bad then I would love you to respond to my post. I'm off to explore the website and Christine's products more. Wishing everyone a good day or night, wherever you are in the world.

Hi keephopealive and welcome. This Forum is bursting with first-hand accounts from our members, and that is what you should be reading and studying....the forum, blog, website, and items on the resources tab. Watch this video if you haven't already:

That video is what literally sold me on my first purchase 7 years ago. Everything made such perfect sense. I never would have considered asking for additional endorsements, but if that's what I felt I needed, I would have spent my time following the forum. Instead, I dug into the work. When you do, it will become self-evident that this works.

So just keep reading if you are not ready to dive in. Many many people have poured out their experiences here already. And while you're researching, check out some of Christine's articles explaining why you should not be kegeling. I did it religiously for decades and I know it doesn't work and potentially makes things worse.

Personally I would recommend the starter bundle. The store is a bit hodgepodge at the moment, so if you need help finding things, let us know. Sorry this response isn't more profound but it's the end of a very long day for me. Good luck! - Surviving

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my post Surviving60, it's much appreciated.

It's essential to understand that Whole Woman posture is not something contrived or invented. It is the natural spinal shape that we all started to develop when we first stood up as toddlers. Take a careful look at how children carry themselves. Eventually most of us are taught to suck in our guts and tuck our butts under; this is taught as "good" posture but it is where all the trouble begins. Modern systems of exercise and yoga were developed for male bodies, and in targeting the abdominal "core", greatly compromise the female pelvic organ support system. Kegels just pull the organs in the wrong direction. Pelvic PT is kegel-based and generally prescibes a "neutral" spine and pelvis.

WW posture is essential for all women to preserve the health of the hips and spine as we age. When I first started serious mindful posture walking (which is probably the best exercise you can do) I had a perception that it was making things worse. I persisted, I studied and read up and tweaked the things that needed tweaking, and now, find that there is nothing like a long, long, long walk to make my symptoms virtually disappear.

This is not a quick fix. But surgery is a disastrous path you don't even want to start down. So I hope for your sake you will give this a try. - Surviving

Many thanks for your encouraging words Surviving60, they are greatly appreciated. Believe me, surgery is the last thing that I want to do! I have no problem with the WW program not being a quick fix, the best things never are. I just find it appalling that most women who go to see their doctor, gynecologist or physiotherapist are given such misleading information. In general they seem to want to fast track you for surgery and to hell with the poor outcomes and complications. Doing kegels which I've been told to do, now seems like the completely wrong thing to do since you have explained that they in fact make things worse. I'm glad to hear that you persisted and are having such success with the WW program. My only concern is that I have stage 2 cystocele and rectocele, plus the start of uterine prolapse, and I'm not sure if anything can fix that. If you don't mind me asking, what issues do you have?

I have never had a formal diagnosis; I have no interest in hearing what a doctor has to say. As you have already figured out, this is one area where doctors are no help. I haven't assigned any "stages" to my prolapse, because these organs are always on the move (which is precisely why we can do things to affect their positions) so any diagnosis is nothing but a subjective snapshot of that moment.

I have cystocele and rectocele, which as Christine points out, is a combination which actually helps to keep the uterus from falling too far out of position. I think my cervix may be lower than it was in my younger years, all of which is completely natural in the mature vagina. I was never one to poke around, so I have nothing pre-prolapse to compare to the current state of my cervix.

I had two extremely large babies and never really questioned the changes after birth.....the bulges did go away after awhile on their own. But in subsequent years I did a great deal of kegeling, abdominal crunches, straining on the toilet, substandard diet, and had the most horrendous posture on the planet. My symptoms didn't return until after menopause and it was a rude shock at the time, but obviously, long in the making!

Posture took awhile to correct, and I recall having my most significant improvements in my second year. Seven years later, I still have epiphanies from time to time. This work has touched every area of my life. I'm healthier than if I'd never discovered prolapse at all. - Surviving

Please have hope and know that you can do so much to help yourself through this site. I have been working on posture, which is essential, and I am now more in tune to what is happening with my body as a whole. My poor posture began when I was going through puberty and got boobs. I have been slouching and holding them in since then. Now, at 38, correcting my posture is not easy. I was sore a lot in the beginning, but I can tell that the WW posture is where my body should be. I have a grade 2 rectocele and was told surgery. It will be a roller coaster, but there are a lot of women here with hopeful, healing, and kind words. I have been utterly disgusted by the medical field regarding this very important women's issue. Thank god for this website and the hope it gives.

The more I read on this forum, I understand why you have no interest in seeing a doctor. Like you, I have no interest in what they have to say or offer. Thank you for pointing out that your organs are always on the move, as I didn't know that. So as you say, a diagnosis is nothing but a subjective snapshot of that moment. Thank you also for pointing out that my cystocele and rectocele is a combination which actually helps to keep the uterus from falling too far out of position. As I'd been told that it only goes to complicate my situation further. I'd had three children and never had any issues, it's only now as I'm perimenopausal that things have changed. Also, unbeknown to me I've obviously had terrible habits of the years without realizing it. Things like pelvic floor exercises, exercises that are way too strenuous on the tummy area, poor toilet habits, a diet that could have been better and having no clue about correct posture. I'm heartened to hear that this work has touched every area of your life and that you're healthier than you've ever been. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, I feeling a little bit brighter today. Best of luck to you on your journey.

Thank you for your words of encouragement. I agree the more I read on this forum, there is tremendous support. I think you hit the nail right on the head, it's about body awareness. When I think about it, I've probably been hopelessly out of touch with mine over the years. I've got big boobs too so I understand. Correcting habits of a lifetime isn't easy and I can image that it can be sore to beginning with. I'm just so shocked and angry that so many women seem to be almost bullied into get surgery as a first option. Even in this sort time, it's been a very emotional roller coaster for me. With fear completely taking over all too often. But as you say, there are a lot of women here with hopeful, healing and kind words. Best of luck to you on your journey.

And education here .I have been using this site for 3 years now and have similar prolapse to u. I feel that Christine's work has given me my life back and makes so much sense.I must admit that I have my ups and downs,literally and emotionally and have often wished I could have a jolly good email chat with some of the wonderful women on this site. I agree with most of your sentiments above and am also shocked at the keenness of surgeons to operate and play down the risks when they already know they do not have any long term answers to Pop.I wonder if u r also in the Uk as there has been much public exposure in UK recently re mesh ops and the devestating results for many women who have Pop, which as u say is not life threatening but at the same time very frustrating and difficult for pple to understand why it is so upsetting. I also feel I brought the Pop on myself through extensive workouts,personal trainer, heavy lifting ,trampolining which I could have avoided if I had been educated about the truth for women as this site has done.I only hope our children and grandchildren will learn more and not think it will not happen to them!
I would love to find a 'Wholewoman ' fan like me who would be happy to share email addresses and if that would help u I would be pleased to chat with u in that way. It would involve u requesting my email address through Lanny, Christine's amazing O.H. Just a thought but I wish u all the luck in the world with your journey, :)

We protect our members' privacy here, and to that end, we discourage members from asking other members to agree to the sharing of their email addresses. Having said that.....I don't make the final decisions in these matters. - Surviving