Whole Woman Firebreathing works! so does the Posture.


I got Christine's book, and immediately began to use the "Posture"--it has been about three weeks and hard at first, and soreness in sides and back, but now do it automatically most of the time. But the firebreathing exercise has helped me so much! When I feel I have done too much, and begin to bulge (I have stage 4 cystocele) it immediately reduces the problem. I have now reduced the bulge most of the day to about 1/2 what it was. Told my GP about the exercises and the book--he is the one who wanted me to have surgery. He was very impressed--I did the firebreathing in his office to show him, and he wants the information to tell other women who are not interested in surgery.

I also am careful to suggested posture for bowel movements--it also helps and have added tons of fiber to my diet.

I have decided to not use estrogen cream as suggested by my GP too.

So hang in there and don't give up. I still have a hard time doing the other exercises in the book--I think I will have to get the video.

Judy M

good news Judy!!!!

how do you do it?