

I have a rectocelle and have been contemplating surgery correct it. It really bothers me to have a small golf-ball-like thing hanging at the base of the vagina. I noticed it over a month ago and was worried it might be something serious and was relieved to hear that it is common. I came across this website today and now have been rethinking my options. I have ordered the book and exercise CD. Anyone out there have improvement after reading the book and doing the exercises? How long before you see results?

welcome to the site
I first developed a cystocele and then a small rectocele. I did notice improvements after implementing the posture and some exercises as well as making some dietary changes. for me, it took a while before I saw significant change. I honestly can't say how long because looking back it seems like it happened quickly, but I remember not feeling that way at the time (6 mo?? a year??) I'm extremely grateful that I found this site before having surgery because I am virtually symptom-free save for a few days/month and my organs are all where they should be. and that is key to stabilizing any prolapse as well as preventing further prolapse.

aside from the asthetics, are you having any symptoms?

Thanks for responding. The only symptom I seem to have is that the rectocele hangs out a bit....especially when I go the bathroom. I discovered it because I had a yeast infection and while applying the ointment, I noticed this large ball like thing hanging really scared me and I went to the doctor and was told it was quite common and millions of woman have it. What other symptoms are there?

I think to some degree, the symptoms of rectocele vary from woman to woman, but the most common ones are the physical bulge, the pressure and discomfort from the bulge, constipation and some women have reported low back or pelvic discomfort/pain.

count yourself among the lucky ones....if the only symptom you have is that you can see it, you are in a good place. If you implement the posture advocated here, and take care to avoid constipation and straining on the toilet, you can most probably keep it from getting any worse.

Dear Granolamom:

Thank you. I do feel pressure and discomfort at some times, but am glad I have a chance to make it better thanks to this site.

Happy Easter.

I get that.......