Cycling - looking for views on this


Hi all, I was wondering whether any among you cycle on a reasonably regular basis. Do you find it's OK on the prolapses?? I have recently begun cycling a little, on flat areas, maybe 4 times a week. I don't have any draggy feeling immediately afterwards but I've noticed I have a draggy feeling down there the next day. Do you think this is just coincidence, or could it be the cycling? Look forward to hearing your views.
Cheers, Wendy

I haven't had my road bike out since having baby#2 3/06. After #1 five years ago I ended up getting a "female seat" which has a hole cut out. I just couldn't get comfortable on the seat I used before having kids which was a gel seat. I hope to do some cycling this summer, hopefully there won't be a problem. Oh yeah, I just remember that after #1 I took my bike in and had it re-adjusted to accomodate how I was riding with my no longer flat stomach!

Good Luck

I recently broke my foot so the cycling has stopped for the moment but I ride my bike as fast as it will go, on a weekly basis. I have a 36 mile loop I ride and have absolutely no discomfort. This is a wonderful exercise and I would encourage anyone to try riding, especially with a woman's seat. :)
