Birth control?


Hi all,
wondering if anyone has thoughts on birth control. I REALLY do not want to get pregnant again, but feel now with my myriad of prolapses that birth control options are rather limited.

I wouldn't feel safe with Natural Family Planning anymore (especially as still breastfeeding and will be for years to come...), & not a fan of hormonal methods, especially as I worry about how they could effect my body now.
I'd planned to get an IUD, but now don't think it's a good idea as I don't want to add any weight to my uterus--have had mixed thoughts on that from doctors I have asked, some saying it's fine and another saying not a great idea as I need to lessen the weight not add...
Any thoughts on that?
Any miraculous birth control inventions I might have missed that might work?


For Male birth control. I agree with you totally that all available methods are lacking- I tease that abstinence is the only way to go...but that doesn't get very good feed back.
for now we are just using the pull out method- and I guess when I do get my cycle back we will try to use NFP and pull out-

well, before this last baby we were using VCF which is a spermicide. I had a diaphragm but haven't ever used it, in fact, I found my cystocele when I went to insert it for the first time and I haven't reached for it since. I'm wondering if anyone with a prolapse has used one successfully?
I guess I could try and let you know, but the spermicide seems to work for us, though it has its downside. lack of spontenaity, a bit messy and of course not the most reliable method.
If you stumble across any miraculous inventions, please let me know!

I second alemama, and sympathize that is a difficult way to go. However, the only 100% safe way to not have a baby is to not do what makes a baby. Alemama has it right.

I had a IUD for a month and it fell out and I think it was because of my prolapses. I am in the same boat about birth control. I am still nursing my 15 month old.

Birth control is hard!

this is a difficult issue.

i have traditionally used the combined pill, but it used to give me cervical erosions.

i also have had pcos since my late teens/ early 20s. (i think prolonged dieting messed me up, but thankfully the gynae's predictions about impaired fertility were completely false!!)

i won't use mini pill or iud or merina coil due to ethical concerns regarding preventing implantaion of perfectly viable feotuses, although i now understand that this same ethical concern may well apply to the combined pill also, as it is possible to ovulate on it.

rhythm method probably wouldn't work well for us as i fell pregnant with baby #4 after ababndoning condoms on the day my period was due!

hubby doesn't want the snip as he is only 32 and read somewhere that it can increase the risk of auto immune diseases. i don't want tubes tied as i read it can trigger early menopause and wreak havoc hormonally.

any ideas???

This is a new one, a ring inserted into the vagina once a month. It has just been released onto the market in Australia. I don't know anybody who has used it, and I am not certain that it would suit women with prolapse. Their website is . You may already have it where you live. There seems to be a bit of discussion about it on Yahoo.

Nothing's perfect. It is called wanting your cake and eating it too. Life sucks sometimes.



I once read that NuvaRing isn't recommended for women with Prolapse. It also contains hormones like a birth control pill. In any event. Everone's "stuff" is different. Your gyno would be able to tell you if it is the right choice for you.

- Lilly Anne

That site asks for a password or it won't let you in :-(


Look into the eyes - They hold the key!

thanks sue, lilly anne and louise for your replies. i will look into the ring thing. i'm not overly keen on introducing hormones, but they appear to be the most reliable, least obtrusive method of dealing with this issue.

I think Lilly Anne may be right about it not being suitable. Geez I cannot even retain a tampon, let alone rely on my gini to retain a device that it supposed to be a very reliable contraceptive (Woo-hoo, the mind boggles about the risk! ;-) ), but if you want to check it out, just Google "Nuvaring" and confine it to your own country. I do not know how many countries it is registered in.

One of the good things about it is that they say it acts only in the genital area, not through the whole body, so you don't get the non-local side effects that the pill can cause, eg nausea, and maybe hormones flooding the body, where they wouldn't normally go.

It is just another option that has recently become available in Australia. I think it is important for all of us, especially those with daughters, to keep aware of options even if they are not personally relevant. There will be some women for whom it will be a godsend.




i recently read something about a natural contraceptive involving some internal device and raw honey.. meant to be very effective too.,, but that's about the only two facts that stuck in my head.. perhaps googling it would bring up some answers.. Sorry I can't be more infromative than that :)

Wouldn't it be wonderfull if it did work.. no more icky hormones messing around with our bodies and minds



i recently read something about a natural contraceptive involving some internal device and raw honey.. meant to be very effective too.,, but that's about the only two facts that stuck in my head.. perhaps googling it would bring up some answers.. Sorry I can't be more infromative than that :)

Wouldn't it be wonderfull if it did work.. no more icky hormones messing around with our bodies and minds
