

My gynecologist recommended a pessary and it is a ring type. I have tried many different sizes and they all are very uncomfortable. I have uterine prolapse but it is mild and my sterus is retrograde. I have had 5 children so I suppose this was the source of the problem. I also have internal hemorrhoids and rectal fissure. Do you think pessaries help?

Hi and welcome, Sophia,

In general, pessaries (and sponges and tampons) work well for some percentage of women with primary cystocele - meaning the front vaginal wall is the part presenting at or near the vaginal opening. They seem to work less well for women with significant UP or rectocele. It is a matter of intra-pelvic dynamics - organs prolapsed to the back of the pelvis are more likely to push the pessary out. The pessary can also press on the bowel and cause gastric-like discomfort.

It really is your journey to see if you can find one that provides you relief or to scrap the idea entirely and rely solely on moving the organs forward with posture, movement and breath work. There are no other viable options that we know of.
