menopause advice


Hi all,

Not posting about the rectocele for a change! I have had pretty regular periods give or take a few days either side since I was 10 yrs old. I am now 48 years old. My last period started about 20th Dec and was normal but I haven't had one since then, not even any spotting. I haven't had any other menopause symptoms such as hot flushes etc. I only have one ovary as I had one removed 16 years ago because I had a very large fibroma - don't know if that wolud make any difference?

Any advice welcome


Hi all,

I posted this a few days ago and was hoping some of you who have been through the menopause may be able to help. Maybe no-one has come across this?

I have had pretty regular periods give or take a few days either side since I was 10 yrs old. I am now 48 years old. My last period started about 20th Dec and was normal but I haven't had one since then, not even any spotting. I haven't had any other menopause symptoms such as hot flushes etc. I only have one ovary as I had one removed 16 years ago because I had a very large fibroma - don't know if that would make any difference? My GP seemed surprised but said it could happen like this but I have never heard of anyone who had regular periods and they just stopped with no other symptoms of menopause.

I'd really welcome any advice if you have any experience relating to this.



I bet you are just a lucky duck! Wouldn't it be awesome to just stop having periods and have no other symptoms? My mother says her mother did that. My mom won't say she went crazy- but menopause for her from my side of the fence looked a heck of a lot like what some people describe here- things like foggy thinking, depression etc.
Who knows what will happen for me- I'll probably have to go into hiding to spare those around me.
Pollyanna, I bet you could play the 'glad game' right now!

I hope you are right. I was expecting a really hard time with the menopause because my mum did. I have had a few slight menopause symptoms, but nothing like some people get. It's typical of me to worry that something must be wrong rather than thinking maybe I'm just going to be lucky. I guess I've had so many health problems for the last year and a half that I was worried maybe something else was wrong. Even if it doesn't last I'm making the most of not having peropds for the moment - feels weird after all those years!

Pollyanna :)

There is a reason they say that you have reached menopause when you have been period free for 12 months. Mark the calendar and don't ditch the pads just yet.

I think the calmness that descended on me gradually was my sign that I wasn't going to menstruate again. I had some real emotional ups and downs for quite a while. I think my body was trying to ovulate, then trying to menstruate, but it finally gave up. Ah, calm.

I still go through weeks when I have minor bouts of flashes, and I am finding more and more women who are still getting them 10-20 years after menopause, or else they don't get them until well after menopause. If you have dodged them altogether, good luck to you!
BTW, since my ovaries and uterus have stopped grumbling my POPs have been better too.
