Yeast infection


Does any of you have the success treating yeast infection by consuming probiotic foods?
Would the same kind of drug (antibiotic) work for women w prolapse versus women w/out prolapse to treat the yeast infection?
Any other suggestions for more natural cure?

I'm not the last word on this, having had only one in my life (and that was more than enough, thank you!). it was the day before we were scheduled to fly overseas for 2 weeks, so I just used monistat3 or something like that and it went away, never to return. I would imagine the drugs work regardless of POP (you dont want antibiotics, btw, those cause yeast infections, you'd need an antifungal), but if you have time, there are definitely natural ways to treat this. do a google search or type it in the search box here, but the first things that come to my mind are probiotics (by mouth and you can also insert plain yogurt with active live cultures vaginally - raw garlic is said to be helpful too) and cutting out sugars from your diet for a while.
my dd had some chronic yeast infections along with constipation, I believe the two are closely related, so watch out for that. I also found that any vinegar would trigger a yeast infection for her, even if it was just added to the wash.
and I believe it was louise who mentioned to wear only cotton undies (or none at all) and let pubic hair grow slightly longer to help prevent the yeasties from traveling around the area.
good luck, I hope you get rid of it soon. so not fun : (

I had one ( I think, or at least the start of one!) about a week ago. I started looking through all of my "go to" items in my bathroom closet. I found an old jar of Angel Baby Bottom Balm (old meaning, from my son who is 7 now!). It has all kinds of herbals in it. I remembered it worked well for diaper rash. I put it on 3-4 times a day for about 4 days or so. And, after a shower made sure the area was really dry (hairdryer!). It went away. I don't know if it would work for a really bad one though, maybe if you get to it right away. I've heard coconut oil could work too!